Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1020: Video hero

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

However, if Menger looked at this scene, she sighed in her heart, thinking that when she first came, others would not be birds at all, and no one would make way for herself. I was forced to squeeze in myself. More eyes and scolding.

With the other party actively giving way, the two are completely different.

"That's the difference in strength."

Seeing this, if Menger is more determined that he must work hard to improve his combat effectiveness in the future, maybe in this life, he will not reach the state of Brother Ning, but as long as he does not lose heart, it is enough.


When the two Ning Tianlin flew out of the opening, and there was a silent crowd, someone was breathing heavily and breathing in the air with a big mouth. Although it was only ten seconds, they were suppressed.

This is exactly the coercion of the strong!

The coercion of killing God!

Yes, kill God!

Because they don't know if Ning Tianlin will violently kill all those who affect the sight! Although it was in college, no one dared to think about whether it would have this result.

. . . . . .


"How about a treat?"

"A table at Fuchun Tower?"

North area of ​​college.

Just where Ruo Menger left, a few young men with short hair surrounded the big man who had just taken the jade bracelet from Ruo Menger, with a smirk on his face, "Green Devil Gold!"

"This thing is rare!"

"I guess, I can sell at least 50,000 Galaxy coins!"

"Dafa, you're rich!"

The crowd laughed, and their hearts were even more jealous. If they had just changed to them, maybe the bracelet would be on them now, and there would be no major incident.

"go with!"

"go with!"

"go with!"

Dafa waved his hand. "How expensive is Fuchun Building, how can I ask for it."

Dafa is the kind of geese who pluck hairs. Others want to get some cheap from him. It is just a dream. Not to mention the Fuchun Tower, which is the kebab on the side of the road, he would not invite it!

Although a very bad thing happened in Fuchun Tower a few days ago, Ning Tianlin caused a lot of trouble, and even several defenders were slaughtered. It seems that the sky is falling. But today, its doors are still open.

After all, the foundation is not down, and the chef is okay, so it is still open. There are fewer people eating these days, but there are just fewer.



"Bai picked up such a big bargain that he didn't even ask for a meal, what a friend."

A man on the side said ironically. Although it is a joke, but I really do not know how to ridicule each other.

The big man swaggered and didn't speak, he was just a puppet, what happened? What he snatched was also his skill, and you can grab it if you have the skill. Moreover, it was said that he was in need of a sweat on his body.

It's the benefit of being alone.

"That big hair, please don't ask for dinner. Take out the green devil gold and let us poke around. Head office with long eyes? I have never seen it before."

At this time, another person proposed, "This requires you to refuse again. You are really not a friend."


"Take it out and let us have a long look!"

Several people started to coax again.

"it is good!"

"I can still satisfy you with this request."

Dafa grinned and nodded in agreement. Now this bracelet made of green magic gold is already his. If anyone dares to take it under his eyelids, he will be the enemy of him!

By that time, endlessly!

Moreover, although his combat effectiveness is not very high, there is no problem in dealing with these people.


Reaching out, if a pair of turquoise bracelets appeared on his palm just now, and if you look closely, you will find that there is a touch of rare gold in the turquoise.

"I can't see it!"

"If anyone dares to move, don't blame me for turning my face!"

Han said coldly.

He knows what these friends are all about. It's not enough, but bad things, he decided to make you scold!


"It's beautiful."

"Dafa, I dare say, as long as you put this bracelet in front of a woman and say you want to send her, there must be a female self-recommended pillow to go to bed with you!"

One laughed slyly.

"It's better to be the woman just now."

"Take it from her and tell her that as long as the bed is warmed up to one hundred and eighty times, this jade bracelet will be returned to her!"

"I see, her figure and face are pretty good, great!"

It was another person who said obscenity.

"go with!"

Dafa waved his hand directly and glanced at the young man working at the desk. When he saw that he didn't notice it, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Few words later, the woman is embarrassed. Fancy, talk nonsense, wait for the embarrassing boss to tear your mouth! "

He made a big hair, but he knew what happened before and after. He was just the embarrassed puppies. It was just a show they played. The money and other things were not at the heart, but if you dare to rob a woman with each other , He didn't know how to die!

This is a veritable name!

Although the embarrassing boss is not as effective as him, and is the most wasteful spiritual practice, who will make a good boss. The core students in the college rank first, and they are also the first masters among the students and middle school students!

Annoyed him, Chen Mi might help!


Just after he said this, the jade bracelet on his palm automatically left the body and flew into the air. When he just wanted to hold it with his hands closed, the jade bracelet had already landed in Ning Tianlin in the suspended air. On hand.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin shook his palm into a claw, and a great suction force wrapped the jade bracelet firmly.

"is it this one?"

Ning Tianlin turned around and gave the jade bracelet to Ruo Menger on the side, asking softly.



Ruomeng nodded straight, like a chicken pecking rice. She did not expect that it would be so easy to return to the original owner. But I also know that the follow-up troubles are probably piled on Brother Ning.


"who are you!"


"Dare to take my jade bracelet!"

Furious, almost furious!

I did not expect that the jade bracelet that was still in my hand was now in the hands of others!

A glance at the two men in the air and saw Ruo Menger knew that this was the helper whom the other party had asked for. At the same time, my heart was angry. If it wasn't for the other party to take his bracelet while he wasn't paying attention, how could it be so easy to take things from him.


"Kill him!"

"Dare to dig out your teeth!"

People around shouted.

It was only when they bullied them and saw the appearance of a man suspended in the air, and then thought that the male protagonists of the popular videos in the college now have soft legs and pale faces!

Ning Tianlin!

Turns out to be Ning Tianlin!

How come this deity!

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