Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1049: Another kneeling man!

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Dead Peak Pirates are dead!

Has her revenge been wiped out?

If Menger stared at Ning Tianlin, she was shocked, but slowly, tears swirled in her eyes, just crying, she didn't know if she was crying for revenge, or Ning Tianlin was so revengeful to himself.

Why did he do this?

Self-confessing, she regarded Ning Tianlin as an unknown hero, thinking that Ning Tianlin was dedicated to her to find the enemies of the pirates in the desert, and he has been doing things for you silently.

He wouldn't tell himself if he wasn't leaving now.

He was actually behind. . . . . . I did so much for myself.

Just for specific reasons, of course Ning Tianlin would not say, he could see at a glance if Menger was thinking, then let this beautiful misunderstanding continue for so long.

If you see you next time, you will never forget.

. . . . . .

The second day.

A figure appeared outside the valley where Ning Tianlin was located. He was about 1.90 meters tall and very strong, but he was walking around, hesitating, wandering, thinking whether to enter the valley. .

In the end, he gritted his teeth fiercely, his face was dark, and he shouted toward the direction of the valley. "Kien meets Master Ning, and they have something to discuss!"

The sound billowed, shaking the whole valley.

But after about ten seconds, there was no response, as if Ning Tianlin inside did not hear it.

"Kien meets Master Ning and talks about something!"

Then, after gritting his teeth, the man yelled again, not to mention the valley, that many people around were attracted.

"Who is this person?"

"Surely looking for Master Ning?"

"Why haven't I seen it before? Not a great student?"

There was no sound of Ning Tianlin letting him enter the valley, but outside the valley, the voice of students' discussions rang. All the people who pointed to this keen were thinking that this person could find a demon head like Ning Tianlin. What's the matter

Moreover, looking at the face, this Kean is not like a celebrity, otherwise it would have been recognized by them.

"Kien meets Master Ning and talks about something!"

After several tens of seconds, Ning Tianlin didn't hear the voice that he agreed to enter the valley. Kien seemed a little guilty and nervous. Wouldn't Ning Tianlin see him?

But he gave up his life this time. If he couldn't see anyone, wouldn't all his plans be ruined!

Moreover, I heard that the ten people selected by Ning Tianlin are about to leave. I don't know when they will return. If they miss this opportunity, they will not know how many years they will have to wait.

"Kien meets Master Ning and talks about something!"

The young man looked at the valley and yelled again, even more anxious to fly down now and head to the valley to find Ning Tianlin. But he was afraid to do so. Because he was not clear about Ning Tianlin's nature.

What if he irritates the other person and kills him?

Then he's dead for nothing!

The only plan, I am afraid, will be put to waste!

Only after a long time, no response came from the valley.

"This Ning Tianlin, isn't it?"

"Aren't you in the valley?"

Many onlookers began to guess. What awesomeness has been called so many times. If it is, there should be at least an echo.

"Do you think Lord Ning is you?"

"Who is calling out when you roar outside?"

"If he is so easy to see, is he still Master Ning?"

"What kind of scallion is this Kane? How easy is it for Master Ning to see? The first of the core students! The teacher in the college may have to make an appointment to see him, so he shouted a few words outside. , Master Ning will see him? What the hell! "

Some students sarcastically watched Chinn's figure.

Master Ning has to wait for the characters. Whatever you say you can see, you can see it, just like the highest governor of your planet. You roar outside and say that you can meet if there is something to discuss.


He shouted Chin five or six times in a row, and suddenly made a "bang", kneeling heavily on the ground, and then slammed nine consecutive noises, then shouted, "Kiin meets Master Ning, something to discuss!"

Unlike others, he knew that Ning Tianlin was in this valley! Because he saw the other person fly in, and he hasn't been out since then, he must still be in the valley!

He must be disdainful of himself!

Unknown to himself, he definitely treats himself like a bug, and doesn't take himself seriously!

Thinking of this, his heart is bleeding! I feel it is a shame and shame! What kind of thing is he Ning Tianlin!

But now, he must bear it. As long as this Ning Tianlin meets himself and do it according to his own plan, he will certainly make this Ning Tianlin better than death, and he will be paid back hundreds of times. !!




He shouted, and he began to nod heavily.

Because this made him sound what happened a few days ago, Zhu Linxin, the owner of the Zhulin Palace, did not know how to offend Ning Tianlin at the time, and finally hoeed outside the valley and was forgiven by the other party.

Since you can be forgiven for kneeling and hatred, not to mention that you just want this Ning Tianlin to see you.

Thinking of this, he had motivation in the hoe.

"Brother Ning, what's going on with this guy?"

"do you know him?"

In the valley.

Ning Tianlin sits in the air, quietly studying the way of formation, he certainly heard all the sounds outside, but although it is not a critical period at this moment, Ning Tianlin does not want to waste for an unrelated person time.

Meet yourself?

Have something to discuss?

What can I discuss with him? It must be that the other party wants to ask himself to do something.

He wouldn't care about such a person.

If you come here casually and yell at the door, I'll ask you something, let's discuss it, then his valley house hasn't all become a vegetable market.

Therefore, when this man shouted a second sound, he had already abandoned the noise, leaving only his mind turning.

However, when Ruomeng stood in front of himself and asked himself, he stopped the check of the formation.

"do not know."

Ning Tianlin shook her head with a smile. He wouldn't have much temper with this woman.

"Then he has something to do with you?"

"I see him kneeling outside for three hours."

If Menger was kind, she could not bear seeing the other person scratching her head for three hours. And although she has never been alive, she feels that there is something very important about the other party's insistence on seeing Brother Ning.

Maybe it's about Brother Ning.

In order not to delay Brother Ning's affairs, she thought about it and persuaded, "Brother Ning, you still see him, I think, he must have a very important thing to find you, maybe it is about your next trip to South The game of Zhanfu. "

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