Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1105: Seniors from the earth

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Undead Wizard!"

Ning Tianlin stunned, undead?

Skeleton Sea?

Isn't this the saying in the civilizations of the earth, outside of China?

But now, those civilizations have all been destroyed in the last catastrophe. Today, only Chinese civilization remains on the entire planet.

But Ning Tianlin also knows that those alien civilizations are from ancient times. Other planet people stayed on the earth, and even the little Japanese were descendants of the alien race.

Not a purebred earth civilization.

To keep the earth's civilization pure, only the ancient Chinese are left. Now, time has taken a turn, and it is back to the beginning again.

But among those civilizations, Ning Tianlin has heard the saying of the undead wizard, the sea of ​​skulls, and sometimes even in the game of foreign civilizations.

Now I can't think of it even in such a distant place.

It should be those ancient masters who invaded the earth at that time, and accidentally left here.



"A practice method for manipulating skeletons."

Old age seems to have opened the box, or he was not worried that Ning Tianlin would pass everything here, so he said a lot, "Humans, animals, all kinds of beings, as long as they have bones, can be manipulated."

"In their eyes, flesh and blood is not the essence, but the bones that support them!"

"Bone is the treasure that really contains great power!"

After more than two thousand years of practice, undead witchcraft has penetrated into the bone marrow, and he has also become like and misappropriated from the original last resort and rejection, or in other words, he does not allow those in front of him to look down on his profession!

Although he is no longer human, others are not allowed to look down on him!

In particular, his original identity is still the head of a family, and there are countless people admiring it!

"So, this man is alive!"

"Although in such a way that people are not ghosts or ghosts, he still lives!"

"While alive, revenge!"

"Go back to everything he was!"

The old man's voice was hoarse, but he was endlessly domineering and ruthless. Ning Tianlin knew that this was his unwillingness and he wanted to regain everything that belonged to him. But he knew it was too difficult.

In the heyday of that year, you were given a second by the other party.

Now it ’s just a different practice method, not to mention whether the combat effectiveness can be compared with the original, but what if it can be compared? The other party did not do their best at that time, and more than two thousand years have passed. Do you know how far the other party has grown?

When you were less than one hundred years old, you could be killed. For more than two thousand years, maybe the other person's saliva could drown you.

But he did not speak, because if he really said that, it would ruin his hope. I personally ruined a person's hope, I really do not know what terrible things he would do.


"Do you think he is impossible?"

It's just that the more he pinned his hope, the more he wanted to hear a positive answer. No one had spoken to him for more than two thousand years. Now he has said so clearly, but the person he has told has nothing to do.

This is simply the biggest contempt for him.

Could not help but staring at Ning Tianlin, his body entangled with death, as if on the edge of an explosion. But without waiting for Ning Tianlin to speak, the other side shook his body again. It was more like a cat catching a mouse, but he hadn't played it yet, so he didn't rush to eat it.

He said, "Okay, the story is over."

"How's it going?"

Staring at Ning Tianlin's eyes seemed to smile.


The story is quite exciting. At the very least, let me be a person who does not know much about the history of the galaxy and knows some secrets of the galaxy. But are you really too boring, tell me what are you doing?

What does it have to do with me?

What he is most concerned about now is why once the other party came up, he determined that he was a human being. Is it from the undead secret? The original owner of this undead mystery has also invaded the earth?

"Ha ha."

The old man laughed, but he laughed, fighting some horrors, "You are a smart person, and you should also guess, the hero I am talking about here is myself."

The old man was not vague, and his identity was clearly indicated.


Ning Tianlin nodded. If he couldn't guess again, he could really hit a piece of tofu and die.

"Then who am I?" The old man asked.

"The last Lord of the Galaxy!" Ning Tianlin said.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"





The old man laughed wildly. The laughter was sharp and hoarse and extremely harsh. At the end, he suddenly stopped and said to Ning Tianlin fiercely, "You are not too brave!"

"But you know why I haven't killed you yet!"

"Say that to you!"

The old man's tone was extremely cold, as if Ning Tianlin would be killed at any time.

Ning Tianlin didn't speak, but just shook his head. Until now he really didn't understand why the other party said this to himself. Judging from the other people's killing countless souls, he was by no means a softhearted person.

With so many people, does he have to say that every time?

It was just the other person's next words that made him jump straight up. "Because the person who defeated me was just like you, with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin! Pure earth people!"



And still Chinese!

Ning Tianlin was a little dazed, but never thought of this possibility! He's full of calculations now, and it's been more than five years since he left Earth, during which time he's seen all sorts of aliens.

There are those with green skin, those with red skin, those with two horns on their heads, those with barbs all over their bodies, and even those with black eyes and black hair, but none of them are similar to his appearance.

The most similar ones are black eyes and yellow skin, but the eyes are asymmetric, instead of growing on the bridge of the nose and twice, but without the bridge of the nose at all.

Therefore, the same kind of person is the only one like him!

But the aliens are not so strange, after all, there are thousands of planets and billions of races! As long as they are human, no one cares! It's not strange to see it already.

And with so many races, who can remember where you came from?

But now, the old man in front of him broke his identity, and was so sure, it is clear that the other person's looks are very similar to himself! He even told him personally that the other party is from the earth!

"In this case, it should not be difficult for the old man to reveal his identity as a human."

Ning Tianlin is really amazed now, who is this predecessor who came here more than two thousand years ago! Before the age of one hundred, he defeated the Lord of the Galaxy!

If the other person also came out of the earth, who would he be?

More than 2,000 years ago, what era was the ancient Chinese on Earth?

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