Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1118: Report to adults, found the trace of the earth!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"On me?"

Ning Rong froze for a while, but there was something unknown, but when I saw a pattern of a flying eagle implanted on the back of the hand, it kept lighting up, and the whole person was in a violent spirit for a while, thinking of something instantly.


Message from Kadar of Cuttlefish!

The pattern on this arm was handed to the other party when they left the earth, saying that once the signal of the earth is connected, they will pass this to send information to themselves!

"Did it?"

Instantly, Ning Rong thought of a possibility, all faintly excited.

Is the network connected?


"The signal tower is on!"

at the same time.

Earth's Cuttlefish technical staff responsible for joining the Milky Way network, looking at the signal tower in front of them, is constantly flashing red light, and they know that it has succeeded! The Archon has returned to Cuttlefish and activated the signal!

As soon as he presses the button below his hand, the earth network will start and quickly join the galaxy network! At that time, you can freely browse any network information in the galaxy!


"It's released!"

"We are getting developed!"

The people around the signal tower were all shouting in excitement. Although they were all slaves, when the signal tower was built, Lord Ning, one of the earth ’s overlords, could say, as long as this can be successful, it will be rewarded They each have 10,000 galaxies!

Ten thousand galaxy coins!

This is also a huge asset in Cuttle Star!

That is, they may not be able to make money after working for 10,000 years!


Here it is!


It's just that he has a flexible mind, has walked out of the door and ran towards the location of Ning Rong. At this time, it is a fool to go up to appreciate it! But they knew that Lord Ning Rong also valued this very much.

At this time, whoever can report this good news first will definitely be rewarded!

And soon, Hua Lao, Deputy League Leader of the League of Legends Shi Xiaojun, and many high-level people who have been yearning for the Milky Way, got the news at the first time, all rushing towards Ning Rong's location!

This is a big deal!

A landmark event!

From today on, they will not be blind people in the galaxy, but enthusiasts who can obtain all kinds of information and knowledge through the Internet. Although they have not been able to get out of the earth, they can already start to look at the outside world!

Know what kind of existence the outside world is!

Just like when the earth had a network, it will represent the rapid development of the times!


And when Ning Rong hung up with Kadar, and looked at the people who were full of people around, he couldn't help but grin, you came too fast, it's less than three minutes, the call hasn't finished .

However, he can also feel the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts, and said, "It's set, at 12 o'clock in three days, the network permissions will be opened globally. We earth people can officially start browsing the Galaxy network!"

"Become an official Internet user of the Milky Way!"


Everyone cheers!

Glad and excited, from now on, the development speed of the earth will have a qualitative increase.

"Also, on behalf of the Invincible Group, I set up a private bank to open the exchange of Galaxy and Earthcoins."

"The conversion ratio is temporarily set to one to one!"

Ning Rong considered the next way.


And with Ning Rong's words falling, the people around them boiled again, because they all saw it, knowing that this is Ning Rong's welfare for the people of the earth. Otherwise, why should he open this exchange business, all the Galaxy coins? Can be in your hands.

In the Milky Way, what use is Huaxia Coin?

Who acknowledges your legitimacy?

Galaxy is the only one!

But now, the entire planet controls the Galaxy, and he owns only Ning's family!

"As for whether you want to adjust in the future, plan again."

"The first exchange is willing to redeem, and the unwilling is not reluctant."

Ning Rong said.


Everyone glanced at each other and nodded.

After all, although they have not yet entered the Galaxy Network, they must be similar to the Earth Network. Apart from all kinds of news, they are still a consumption hole with various places for consumption.

At this time, Galaxy coins will be used.

Without Galaxy Coins, many things would not be possible.

"Then 100 billion Galaxy coins will be opened first!"

"Each person can exchange up to 1,000 galaxies!"

"Hands are fast, hands are slow!"

In the end, Ning Rong added a condition. He did this to seek benefits for the people of the earth, not for the wealthy. Each person has a maximum of one thousand galactic coins. Coins.

Without restrictions, the Galaxy coins that his son gave him are definitely not enough for these people to exchange!

Although he can also lower the exchange rate a little, one hundred yuan is exchanged for one galactic coin, and presumably there are too many people to exchange it. But thinking about Kadar's suggestion, he gave up.

Because his son once told Kadar, this way of exchange is his idea!

Because he didn't know how big his son Ning Tianlin's ambition was, because this conversion ratio was just an expedient measure. When he Ning Tianlin became the lord of the galaxy, even higher, he would Will be strong to let the Galaxy coins in the Galaxy Center, and Earth Huaxia coins open exchange!

At that time, one Huaxia coin can be exchanged for one hundred Galaxy coins, one thousand Galaxy coins, or even more!

At that time, whoever holds Huaxia coins in his hands will be a super rich! Although the Ning family seems to have lost a lot now, by then, I am afraid that it will make a lot of money!

All of this, as long as he reaches Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness, there will be no problem at all!

at the same time.

Unlike the madness of the earth.

Milky Way Center.

A large courtyard.

Qionglou Yuyu, with its peaks and peaks, is like a palace in the sky, with all kinds of exotic flowers and herbs in the courtyard, and the fragrance strikes anyone. Anyone who comes here will be shocked by the luxury and beauty.

Moreover, in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy, you can occupy such a large house, no need to guess, the owner of this house has great strength and power.

The owner of this yard was not someone else. It was in Nanzhan Mansion that day that he almost killed Ning Tianlin's Hao family.

The owner of the Hao family, as well as thirty-two families, live here.

"Sir, there is something!"

"Found Earth Trail!"

A house suspended in the air.

The closed door was quickly opened, and a big man in black rushed in. When he spoke, his eyes were full of excitement.

Three years.

After almost three years, I finally found this trace of the earth!



The old man sitting in the room opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes exuding a dazzling light.

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