Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1120: Dig a pit for me to jump

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Looking at the discussions one by one, Uncle Lan's eyes were straight.

Is it really that you guessed wrong, this earth is not a mysterious star, but a barbaric star that has not been thoroughly cultured? If not, how do you just leave a message?

One thousand points of combat power, two thousand points of combat power, hundreds of points of combat power, and some even said that he only had some combat power.

If this is a big star! Powerful planet, pets should have tens of thousands of fighting power!

"Lan oblation, this is 5,327 articles selected from more than 180,000 messages. I think this can be used as proof that the earth is just a planet that has just been civilized and has not even been civilized!"

The man in black explained, "I think this Ning Tianlin, Ning family, maybe someone who has inherited somewhere and suddenly rises!"

"According to these comments, Ning Tianlin's rise is less than a decade away!"

ten years!

Uncle Lan's eyes have been soaked, because this is an explanation, and if that is the case, how powerful this tradition is, which can make a person's combat power increase so much in ten years!

Can kill a county owner in ten years!

This makes it possible for an uncivilized earth person to have it. What if he gets it? This kind of thing can exert more power in his hands. Maybe he has the legacy, breaks through the current bottleneck, one step closer, and even the existence of the Lord of the Galaxy is possible.


Thinking of this, he couldn't swallow a spit.

But he was a suspicious person, and it was just a possibility. Suddenly, a thought rose in his mind, and he asked the man in black next to him, "You said, is it possible that this is The smoke bombs that the Ning family deliberately released? "

"It's just to expose our own position, to attract us to attack the earth, and then they are on the earth to fight against the Jedi?"

Thinking of this possibility, Uncle Lan was shocked!

Not bad!

Very likely!

This kind of thing is just a sentence for a large family. This cuttlefish star is likely to be a smoke bomb released by them. These remarks made the earth so vulnerable, I'm afraid that it is to let yourself relax your vigilance and attract yourself to the past.

At that time, if they really attacked the past, it would be completely captured by the crickets. The dead ca n’t die anymore! I'm afraid I can't even find a corpse for them!

"No way?"

"This earthling, this Ning family is so vicious?"

The man in black was shocked when he heard it, but he always felt that it would not be so shameful. Isn't this blue worship too much?

"What do you know!"

"On conspiracy, you aren't even good enough to raise shoes for others!"

"It's me. You don't have to do it yourself. There are a hundred ways to make you don't know how you died!"

Lan Fengshen saw his speculation questioned and sneered, "Do you know why they are attracting us to go to the earth?"

"That's because these three years, we haven't given them a chance!"

"We have been staying in the center of the galaxy and never went out!"

"You know, dare to do it in the center of the galaxy, but it's death! The group of people in the temple, and the owner of the galaxy, are not vegetarian! The Ning family owner came here, it is estimated that they are lying down!

Uncle Lan said, "So they have no chance, they have to create an opportunity. They waited for three years and couldn't wait, they made an opportunity for us to discover, and then showed weakness, waiting for us to come to the door!"

The more Uncle Lan explained, the more he felt that his mind was really genius. It was just that he was almost on the road.


"The blue offering is really amazing!"

Hearing this kind of explanation, the man in black nodded his head, yes, this kind of thing is really possible, especially when I heard that the blue worship on the same day made the other person scum.

How could the other party not report such a vengeance!

Maybe it really creates such an opportunity and seduces them!

"The blue offering, what shall we do?"

The man in black asked.

"Then you can detect all the information about this earth? Like its history, background, civilization, etc.?"

"Online news only?"

Uncle Lan didn't answer immediately, but thought about it and asked.


"Online news only."

The man in black shook his head. "They have just entered the Galaxy network and have not uploaded any background, history, etc. about the Earth. We can only monitor the messages on its network."

This is where people in black feel a little disappointed.

The time is too short to detect the slightest amount of information about the earth. Only Internet users say what they know.

"It seems that what I guess is probably true."

Hearing the answer from the man in black, Uncle Lan was even more sure of his own guess. This was the strategy of the Ning family of the earth. He dug a pit to make himself jump. Fortunately, he recognized it.

After thinking about it, thinking for a moment, and commanding, "First, continue to monitor the Earth's network dynamics all the time. If there is any latest useful information on it, you must report to me as soon as possible."

"Yes!" The man in black nodded and stooped.

"Second, I will sue the homeowner and ask him to send some dead men. Be sure to rush to the location of the earth you have explored in the first time to explore the reality of the earth."

"If I guess wrong, order these dead men and destroy the earth!"

In either case, his uncle Lan will send people to take a look at the earth. After all, what I see with my own eyes is the most real. If his guess is not accurate, this earth is not a plan, but it is true, then he will not send it!

Find Ning Tianlin and Ning's family and rob him of his shocking inheritance!

"Third, stick to the Galaxy Center. If there is no specific news, members of the Haojia family must stay in the Galaxy Center and cannot go out! Especially Hao Sangongzi!"

"If I had expected it well, I'm afraid there are many people outside the Galaxy Center now, who want to take his life!"

Uncle Lan affirmed his guess.

"Fourth, look for Ning Tianlin! We must pay attention to the recent movement of the Galaxy Center and Nanzhan House! He is a genius, and he will definitely participate in this galactic genius martial arts tournament!"

"This is a moment in the world!"

"He certainly won't give up!"

"Yes!" The man in black nodded, which is what he was about to do recently. The Galactic Genius Martial Arts Tournament is about to start. This is a great age for the galaxy. The self-proclaimed genius will definitely not miss it!

This Ning Tianlin must have appeared!

"If there is news from Ning Tianlin, report it as soon as possible!"

Uncle Lan emphasized again. Maybe from this Ning Tianlin, you can understand all the reality and reality of the earth!

"Yes!" The man in black nodded.

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