Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1124: Natural poison

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"Sent some."

The two heard Ning Tianlin asking such questions and thought for a while. Dongsha Shen replied, "However, the combat effectiveness was not good, and no one went in. They both went out to investigate and went back. There is no explanation yet. "


Ning Tianlin frowned. "Where's the Miyayama Shijo?"

"Has he been here in person?"

This is what Ning Tianlin wants to know most, after all, it is about his guessing accuracy.


The two became silent, facing Ning Tianlin with a little embarrassment, "This ... we don't know ... after all, we have no access to the level of Miyayama Shijo."

"He hasn't come, we really don't know ..."

Dong Sha Shen said as he stared at Ning Tianlin's face, for fear that the other party would kill and kill someone because of his dissatisfaction with his truth. Although he was very eager to give a yes or no answer, he did not dare to lie.

The consequences are probably more serious than this.

"So too."

Ning Tianlin nodded slightly, and that kind of existence was paramount to the two of them. How did he know what he did. This also means that the Miyayama Shijo has never appeared in public.

After talking, Dong Sha Shen saw that Ning Tianlin just frowned slightly, and was not angry. After thinking about it, he gathered up his courage and said his judgment to Ning Tianlin. "But if I want to judge The Miyayama-gun's attitude towards this matter was negative and he wanted to suppress it and conceal it. He seemed unwilling to let more people know about the death penalty. "

"Oh?" Ning Tianlin frowned, watching Dongsha sink, "Continue."

"Because there are no reports of death forbidden areas on the entire Miyayama-gun network today, there are, and they will soon be deleted. It will not be possible to spread in Dongdongling, or even the Milky Way."

"It is perfectly safe to say that it is not people outside Miyayama-gun or people who are a little further away from the death penalty area. The people of Miyayama-gun are not necessarily clear that there is such a place here."

"If I hadn't lived around here all year round, I might not have known."

Seeing that Ning Tianlin not only was not angry, but let himself continue, Dongsha Shen quickly said his judgment.

"You mean, you can't detect anything about the death penalty on the Internet?"

Ning Tianlin's eyes have already glowed brightly. If this is the case, such a big thing must be that someone has been pressed down and uploading is prohibited. Otherwise, such a thing would never happen!

And who can do all this, except who has been the owner of Miyayama-gun, this is his territory after all!


"It's impossible to detect at all."

Dongsha Shen nodded quickly, at the same time afraid that Ning Tianlin didn't believe it. He added, "If you don't believe it, adults can search online. No news can be found."

This kind of thing, but can't really deceive people.

"I know."

Ning Tianlin nodded, and did not search the Internet. This kind of thing was originally done by the combat system to help him. Now the other party does n’t know how to do it, only the basic functions, and the humanized and intelligent ones are not there. .

But after hearing this, he also had a judgment in his mind, not to mention the owner of Tangling Mansion, as for the owner of Miyayama Prefecture, there was definitely a problem! He is either controlled by the original Lord of the Galaxy, or is loyal to the other Lord!

The Lord of the Galaxy is to slowly develop in his territory!

He is the helper behind the scenes!


Seeing that Ning Tianlin no longer said anything, both of them took a long breath in their hearts. This imperfect answer finally passed.

"What happened to those people just now?"

"Why hunt you?"

And soon, a few people talked for a while again, and some were enthusiastic. Ning Tianlin asked what had just happened. He is not afraid of revenge, at least he should know who he killed.

"They are the children of the drug dealers in Miyayama-gun." Dong Shashen replied, "The one you killed was a pro-biography child of this drug dealer. The most genius! "

Dong Sha Shen stated the identity of the other party, and also showed the identity of the youngest generation of genius of the drug family, because this matter, it is impossible to be good. The family of this poison family will avenge this poison Mamba.

The image just now must have been transmitted back.


Ning Tianlin repeated it and didn't care.

"The poisoner is also a rather scary family in Miyayama-gun, even in Tanglin."

"The high fighting power of the homeowners is one thing. The most important thing is that their entire family is unparalleled in the world. They can always poison you without knowing it and hit their way."

Dong Sha Shen explained, "Moreover, they are extremely poisonous, they are dead on the spot, their combat effectiveness has decreased, their speed has slowed down, their strength has disappeared, and so on."

"People in their family are typically weak to strong, because if you are poisoned, the fighting power may not be able to show at all!"

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin nodded, yes, poison this kind of thing, if used well, it can really be unexpected, and win by weakness.

For example, in Nanzhan Mansion that day, if the body of Wan Zuyu was highly toxic, and the super-competitive opponent was paralyzed instantly, the space ring he now has is not his.

Even in the past, because of the toxicity of Wanzuan, he beheaded a master who was about 20% higher than his combat power!

"They're amazing. Your lord will see them next time, so be careful."

I don't know if I really care about Ning Tianlin's safety or if I have another idea, Dongsha Shen reminded Ning Tianlin.

"I know."

Ning Tianlin nodded, but at the same time, he just saw that the other person had a small abacus, and they were not so good in relationship. Do they need to remind themselves to be careful.

Born to kill!

They want to let themselves go and fight against the poisoner!

Because they themselves are the enemies of this poisoner! They thought they couldn't help the poisoner and wanted to do it themselves.

However, this kind of thought will not be broken, because this is indeed what he has to do. Because he thought of Wanzuo, an important ability of Wanzuo is to devour enough poison and evolve his own toxicity!

I didn't know it was okay. Now that I know that the poisoner's house has a lot of poison, how can he let it go.

"I hope they have very good things at home."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

Because Wanzuo is a natural poison, no matter how powerful the poison is, it will only be a means for him to become stronger in the body, without any harm to it.

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