Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1128: Go Lord of the Galaxy

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It was also when Ning Tianlin bombarded all the people who appeared, the elite in the poisonous house gradually came out. They hide in poisonous weeds all year round or soak in corroded river water.

All is poisonous!

They are the middle force to guard the poison house.

However, those who were just killed by Ning Tianlin can only be regarded as slaves.

Even different from these slaves, these elite shots, and did not shout and shout to kill, everything is going on silently, even with the poisonous gas of the sky, Ning Tianlin was also wrapped silently.

"Master, poison!"

"Be careful!"

The two of Dongsha Shen, who were behind Ning Tianlin, were shocked and even held their breath, but they also knew that it wouldn't be long before these poisonous mists approached their bodies and penetrated their pores In the skin.

These poisonous mists cannot be escaped!

Unless you don't stay here!


Just after their words were finished, they saw Ning Tianlin with a big mouth in front of him. Suction came and sucked the poisonous mist all around him into his body.

Also let the elite guards in front, widened their eyes wide in shock, staring at Ning Tianlin inconceivably.

How. . . . . . how come!

Even eat the poisonous mist!

Even they are immersed in poisonous bodies all year round and dare not do so.

You know, if you inhale the body, you have to enter the internal organs! Although their internal organs also have some resistance, they are not too powerful. The reason they can adapt to the poisonous fog is just the defense of the body surface.

. . . . . .


At this moment, two middle-aged people, one left and one right, were surprised to see this scene in the central room of the poison house. They thought that this poisonous mist might not be able to help the young man, but how Unexpectedly, he would swallow all the poisonous mist into his body in this way!

When they broke the door in Ning Tianlin, they noticed the young man. Even the old man on the right has recognized who this Ning Tianlin is!

"Poison brother, it seems this young man is not simple. He has a hand."

The middle-aged man sitting on the left, dressed in a Chinese suit and a tall green hat, although sitting on a chair, raised his hand and had a great majesty.

At this moment, quite surprised at the elderly road on the right.

"Ha ha."

"Sculpture of worms. Don't bother."

Although the old man known as the "drug brother" was quite surprised, he was surprised that the other party had inhaled all the poisonous mist into his belly, but he did not praise him or even despise him.

A kid who doesn't know the height of the earth.

Really think they are so good at poisoning?

This poisonous mist is just an appetizer!

"Come, sir, let's keep playing chess."

"This thing passed down by the Lord of the Galaxy is really not easy. It is easy to get started and difficult to master."

The old man on the right faces the middle-aged humane on the left.

I saw a plate of black and white round **** in the middle of their table, black and black and white and white. The two pawns at their hands also contained such disc pieces. If Ning Tianlin's mind swept over here, they would find that these black and white things are exactly the go of the earth!

"Don't you go and see?"

"I don't think this young man is simple."

The middle-aged man picked up black chess with his right hand and did not rush down, but faced the old man on his right.

"No need to."

The old man waved his hand, didn't care, and said to himself, "Master, don't you believe me?"

"This is just a young man who doesn't know the height of the sky."

"It won't be long before he knows how high the sky is and how thick the ground is!"

He is the owner of a poison house, and he still knows a little about his ability to be trusted. This young man is just like dancing, just hopping around a few times. The slap of the past is also a matter of dying immediately.


"So too."

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded.

That's right, this is the home of drug dealers after all.

Moreover, the entire drug dealer is destroyed. As long as there is an old man nearby, it is only a matter of time to re-establish the rise.

He didn't even ask the young man why he came here, and he didn't need to care about the things in the other's family.

"However, do you really think this Go is profound?"

The middle-aged man chuckled at the old man. "If I say, it's just a tool for recreation and entertainment, and it doesn't have much effect. If his Lord of the Galaxy likes this, who knows what **** is Go!"

In his manners, he has no respect for the Lord of the Galaxy.

"Ha ha."

The old man smiled. "Adult is right."

He seemed to know that the middle-aged man was dissatisfied with the Lord of the Galaxy in front of him, or that the other person often looked at him in front of him, so when he heard this disrespect, he was not shocked, but echoed,

"I want to say that this is the game of Go. In our minds, isn't it good to play this? If it weren't for his Lord of the Galaxy, how could this thing be passed down to our Miyayama-gun."

"It's just that people are big, let's just follow suit."

The identity of the old man is the owner of a poisoned house, and his combat effectiveness has reached one million. In front of this middle-aged man, he still has some flattering meaning, and he is even called an adult. Because the identity of the other party is very large, it is Miyayama, the landlord of Miyayama Prefecture!

"Ha ha."

"Yeah, people are big."

Miyayama smiled, but this smile contained a layer of meaning that was not felt at all. His heart was defamated with a voice that only he could hear.

"When the grown-up really rises, he will become a mystery of the undead, and his Lord of the Galaxy will be a fart!"

"It's not going to be grown up by that time!"

"Sir, one day, it's time to retake the lordship of the galaxy!"

Miyayama was convinced that this day would come.

"It's just, why can't you reach an adult recently?"

"My lord hasn't given me orders for days."

It was just that Miyayama was surprised that the adult in his heart had not given him an order for a long time, and he could not be contacted, which had never happened before!

Since the other party found himself more than 2,000 years ago, he has never been this way since he surrendered!

As long as he is willing, he can always contact adults!

But these days, they have lost contact!

However, he did not set out to find it, maybe it was just the retreat of an adult, and some secret technique had reached an important point and could not get away. After all, in this galaxy, who else would be the opponent of the adults except the lord of the galaxy?

There is absolutely no problem with the safety of adults.

"Okay, don't talk."

"Let's play chess."

"Since the Lord of the Galaxy likes it, we still have to do it like this. Otherwise, I will be called to report. Maybe my county's position will change."

The owner of Miyayama-gun smiled and started playing chess with the old man.

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