Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1130: Squirming body

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

He was confident that under his sleeve, all this poisonous gas would be absorbed and then vanished.

The robe on him is not simple. It is not only combat equipment, it can increase combat effectiveness, but also has a strong anti-drug effect. After all, he deals with toxins every night and night, and the requirements for this equipment are still very strict.

There are many small holes attached to the top of the equipment, which will be rapidly diluted by the medicine inside.

He is confident that none of the toxins appearing in Miyayama-gun today is beyond his control! This beast is even more important!

Moreover, if this is not the case of the Miyayama Shiori, he is too lazy to do this sleeve-sleeving action to stop the poisonous gas! Because his body has already accumulated countless toxins, the rush of poisonous gas will not cause him any harm at all!



It was only very soon that his look changed greatly, because immediately after the poison gas had come into contact with his combat equipment, it began to corrode rapidly, and the medicine contained in it did not have any easing effect on the poison gas at all!

He watched as the equipment that accompanied him for many years had vanished.


Even after a while, he snorted softly, and after seeing that the equipment was corroded, his confident body began to scream through the corrosive sounds, and at the same time brought severe pain to his body.

But he held back and did not scream.



It was just a big hole in his arm, and the flesh was corroded. When he was about to see the bones, he was full of blue muscles. He saw the position of his abdomen, a snake-like creature rose up and ran about.

After a few walks, his body, which had turned black, slowly eased over and turned into his original appearance.

Subsequently, the snake-shaped creature returned to the original path and disappeared inside his body.


After all was over, the poisonous Xiaoxiao breathed a long breath, feeling that all over his body was soaked, and just now, he felt a long-lost death breath!

And it was almost because of poisoning!

Had it not been for the creature in his abdomen, he would most likely be just a corpse now!

"What a terrible beast!"

Could not help but look at Ning Tianlin, thinking of the fierce beast submerged in his body, with a hint of shock in the eyes of Du Lingxiao! This is completely the second poisonous thing I have ever seen!

He didn't even know the toxicity of this fierce beast, if he could compare it with that of his own body.

But deep down, he didn't want the other party to win!

Because then, I am afraid he will really have nothing.


Not only the Miyayama Shijo around the poisonous phoenix, but also Dongsha Shen, who is behind Ning Tianlin, were shocked to watch all this. Although it was only a moment, they knew what happened!

This poisonous howl, a poisonous attack on the poisoned house owner who was attacked by the poison, was injured by the poisonous gas! He was even forced into a trick!

What creature was that fierce beast just now?


"Are you Ning Tianlin?"

To this point, the poisonous howl and Miyayama-gun were a little scared. Because this person in front of him, but has killed the county-like existence! And being able to keep that poison is obviously very proficient in the use of poison.

All his arrogant poisonous howls are arrogant, and I am afraid it will not have much effect on this young man.

Could not help, Du Lingxiao thought about it, and asked Ning Tianlin. He didn't even notice that the owner of Miyayama Jun on the side stood unconsciously to his right.

The two had a distance of more than fifty centimeters, but now they have reached about two meters.

Obviously, he did not want to go to this muddy water!

The other party came to the drug dealer. It had nothing to do with him, he was just a guest.

If the other party is a soft persimmon, of course he will cut into the knife with Du Lingxiao. In particular, if it was Ning Tianlin, that was even the killer of the county!

"What do you say?"

Ning Tianlin did not affirm or deny, but used questions, but in the ears of these two people, it was already the default. If not, how could it be that response when I heard the name of a irrelevant Ning Tianlin.

Just shake your head.

However, the image of Ning Tianlin is even more mysterious in their hearts, because no matter how they observe, they have not found any changes in Ning Tianlin's body.

In the past, if others disguised themselves, if they took care, especially after knowing the other person's original appearance, they could find some clues.

But now, they are really found nothing!

I didn't notice the details that changed my appearance at all!

"Did they guess wrong?"

"Or rather, what came out of the video that day was his Ning Tianlin's change of appearance. Is it the most real now?"

They can only fill their minds with this question. But where do they know that in this world, there is really a kind of ability that can change a lot, and it is impossible to detect it!

That's the power of Wanzuo to devour the soul!

With more souls, he can transform into any kind of creature.

"Whether you are or not, I hope this will stop here." Du Lingxiao took a deep breath, "You killed my children and grandchildren, and almost destroyed my door. I can not blame the past. You just need to leave . "

"If not!"

The poisonous howl did not say the final ruthless words, he did not want to kill the net. The creatures hidden in the body are too difficult to control. The last time I excited, I don't know how many years ago.

But the sequelae, but until now can keep him up at night.

"What if not?"

Ning Tianlin is a bit funny, and he still talks hard at this time. Is he another master who doesn't see the coffin and doesn't cry? In his heart, both of them were already dead, and they would kill that!

Cut off the grass and eradicate the roots forever!

"Are you the poisoner?"

However, before waiting for the other party to answer, Ning Tianlin wanted to determine the identity of the other party before he started. Finally standing here, it should be a BOSS level character.

"Master, he is!"

At this time, Dongsha Shen rushed forward.

This man is his own greatest enemy, how could he not remember. Although the other party probably does not know who this little person is, or even he has resentment against him, he may not know.


Ning Tianlin nodded, and turned to the Miyayama-gun chief on the side and asked, "What about you?"

"who are you?"

Ning Tianlin despised this person, and apparently did not have the courage to cope with his opponent. He just stood with the poisoned house owner, and now he is two or three meters away!

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