Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1139: Temple star i am here

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Temple star.

An extremely large planet.

I don't know how many years ago, the big combatants merged countless planets together through the sky to form this huge planet. The corners that are easily visible in a single place are as large as the earth.

If we look at the volume and area, we need more than 30 million earths to be able to compare with this temple star.

Flowers, mountains, rivers, oceans, land, sky, creatures, all the species that can be seen on other planets of life, this planet has, but other planets do not, can be seen on this planet.

Nothing else, just because this temple star is the center of this galaxy!

The center of politics, economy, culture, cuisine and more!

The sacred place that countless people aspire to, the paradise that countless people dream of. They all think that when they get there, they will have endless money and endless blessings, just like the beautiful emperor that year was the holy place that countless people on the earth longed for.

And the status of the temple star in the galaxy's heart is more heaven and earth than the US emperor came back that year.

Because the purpose of the temple star is to let all the stars in the galaxy serve it! It is even more rude to say that it is to wipe out the wealth of the entire galaxy and prosper itself!

No matter how good it is, the temple star must be good!

Anyone who can live here is a resident here. Generally, people who go out are superiors, seniors!

The most obvious difference is the temple star, never a slave!

The galaxy, the strong is the most respected, more appropriately, it is no different from the slave society and the power society, the strength is the highest! Dissatisfied kill! At all times, countless creatures on countless planets are struggling to get rid of slavery.

Because at some point you may become the slave of a strong man and be hunted by him! By that time, being a cow or a horse is a matter of life or death, and you really can't help it.

The temple star does not have this trouble.

Because the Milky Way has laws, anyone who dares to hunt down the temple stars as slaves, kill!诛 Nine!

This alone makes countless people enthusiastic about the identity of the temple star. On the black market outside, a temple star account alone sold at a peak price of 10-20 million galaxy coins!


Right now.

Temple star.

Northwest corner.

A rather luxurious palace, in a side hall, suddenly let out light, such as the sun breaking through the clouds, but not dazzling.


"what happened?"

"How come the teleportation array is on?"

Outside of the side hall, there are four or five guards, all of whom are from Donglingfu. They are stationed here all year round to take care of the teleportation team for the host of Donglingfu to prevent others from being destroyed. Moreover, all of them have good fighting strength. Although they are less than the strength of a county leader, they are almost the same.

But at this moment, all of you look at me, and I look at you, with incredible colors in your eyes.

What happened?

How good is the teleportation array?

Tangling Lord can now star in the temple, who activated the teleportation array?

Isn't it just him who can activate the teleportation array!

I have never seen him go back these days!

"The houseowner went back a few days ago?"

The four looked at each other. A guard who had been playing a few days ago and had been delayed for several hours asked in confusion.


"I've been here all the time and never saw the owner go back."

One person shook his head and said with a very certainty. Since the last time the governor came, he has been holding his post here and never closed his eyes. If the governor returns, he cannot fail to know.

"Did the spaceship ever go back?"

One thought. He just felt that it was impossible for him to say what he said. The governor was stupid. There was no direct teleportation array, but a spaceship. Besides, will the spaceship come to Tanglin Province in the next few months?

When the governor last appeared, it was two weeks ago.

"You are stupid!"

The three people around him whispered directly to him. But after that, they all turned their heads and stared at the flashing teleportation array without blinking. I really don't know, who can appear at this time?

Is it rumored that this teleportation team can only use the activation of the house owner is wrong?

The only thing the three can suspect now is this.


Only soon, the light faded, and a young man with dark hair, dark eyes, and a straight body emerged from the teleportation array. Looking around, then slowly, came towards the four guards in front.

"See Lord!"

Watching the young man with an upright waist approaching himself, the four hesitated for a moment, all of them worshiping the young people uniformly. Although they don't know this person, since they came out of the teleportation circle, there must be something.

Maybe it's a relative of the owner.

How could they have imagined that today's Tangling Mansion has been completely destroyed. It was just that when Ning Tianlin did it, he blocked all the information and could not pass on anything.

Even if there are occasional alive fish, they are all slaves, how can I contact the masters of Tangling House.


The only answer to them was the head-on killing move. The four unexpectedly suffocating sighs had smashed their skulls before they even reacted at all.

He even swallowed his body, and swallowed it all.

"This is the Temple Star?"

"The center of the galaxy?"

There are young people who can come out besides Ning Tianlin. What excites him is that as soon as he mobilizes his mind, he feels that the surrounding aura is full of ridiculousness, which can be said to be the most powerful place he has ever seen.

If the aura of the earth is a drop of water, this is the ocean!

Put it here for someone who has no foundation in combat power, that is, he will not be allowed to practice, and the aura that is in his body every night will increase his combat power by a few points every day!

Here, certainly no one is sick!

Taking a deep breath, I felt a thick body unblocked!

"It is indeed the place where the Lord of the Galaxy is staying. It is so outside, but to what extent the richness of his house will be reached."

If Ning Tianlin does not improve his combat effectiveness through his energy points, he will certainly stop here by various efforts and means. It can be said that practicing for one year here can resist the last ten years!

Even a century!

"Someday, I will make the Earth into such a planet."

Ning Tianlin thought of the earth, the hometown he will never forget. The depletion of Reiki on today's earth is also a major reason that the Chinese people's combat effectiveness cannot be increased rapidly.

The next time he returns, he will definitely change this situation.

Even if it costs a lot!

Even if it is no better than the temple star of today, it will be similar to him.




Instead of flying up, he stepped out of the huge palace step by step, and killed some people who were in the way, already standing at the gate of the mansion.

Ning Tianlin chuckled as he watched the flow of people across the sky.

Temple star.

The center of the galaxy.

I'm coming!

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