Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1149: Crazy fight

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


The tremendous force made Ning Tianlin feel his head buzzing and banging, as if split by a thunder, as if it was about to explode, and it was painful to crack.



"Is this the difference between combat effectiveness?"

Ning Tianlin's heart trembled and his body was in pain, but not only was he not discouraged in his eyes, but he was exuding a crazy bloodthirsty light and a strong sense of warfare, and even the corner of his mouth showed a wry smile.

This time, he made the right bet!

The other party did not give themselves seconds!

What does this mean? Although the opponent is powerful, he has no ability to kill himself in one hit!

As long as he can't die, he can't help himself!

Even now, he does not necessarily need to exchange tens of billions of points of energy!

"Actually ... it was blocked!"

The two middle-aged people around the old man are also the high-level of the Colosseum. Looking at Ning Tianlin half-knelt on the ground, although he was shaking, it obviously meant that he was not dead. Can't help but be stunned.

how can that be?

How could a young man block it!

You know, just now it has more than 4 million combat capabilities!

There are even 4.7 million!

If you change them, you may not be able to stop them!

But was blocked by this young man who suddenly appeared!

"not dead......"

"This man is not dead."

In the same way, everyone watching outside the cage was unbelievable.

Although they do not know who Ning Tianlin is and how much combat power they have, they do know who this old man is, Kakir!

Colosseum's second-biggest master!

The entire galaxy, ranked eighth super master!

I don't know the specific combat effectiveness, but it definitely exceeds five million!

Who is this young man who has blocked his attack twice in a row!

Switching to them, it is estimated that there is no residue left.

"Well worth it!"

"Value for this time!"

"I saw such a big show."

Too many people's eyes are full of excitement. For many years, I have not seen such a good show, especially the top ten masters of the Galaxy, almost never shot in person. Because no one dares to prey in front of them!

At this moment, I can see it here with my own eyes, and benefit greatly!

Benefit a lot!

"You better tell your family right now, otherwise, no one will collect your body."

Seeing Ning Tianlin catch up with this attack, although Cachiel was also very surprised, it was even more determined that he asked Ning Tianlin's intentions. His eyes narrowed and he didn't do it again.

It was just that Ning Tianlin's lungs were shaking and his head was still buzzing, and he ignored him at all.

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I just used 90% of my strength just now."

"A further 10%, you will definitely die!"

Gazil continued, "You still say it now, so I can inform them and let them collect your body."

After that, he quietly looked at Ning Tianlin who was half-knelt on the ground.


"Ha ha."

At this time, Ning Tianlin finally reacted, adjusted his body, opened his mouth, smiled, and the blood in his mouth went straight down the corner of his mouth. But he didn't care, but laughed louder and louder, and finally became more and more crazy.


"This young man is crazy!"

"You can still laugh at this time!"

And when people around Ning Tianlin laughed wildly, they all looked at Ning Tianlin like a madman, only to think he was crazy. At this time, you should hurry to find your family, or find a way to escape .

Still laughing!


And after more than thirty seconds, Ning Tianlin's crazy laugh stopped, because at this time, he had decided to do something crazy! He has to fight with this person with his current fighting power!

Instead of exchanging combat power, he will use his physical strength to fight a weak victory over a strong opponent!

Although it would be difficult, he decided to give it a try!


"You are so sure, can you kill me?"

After the laughter stopped, Ning Tianlin slowly stood up from the ground, becoming half-kneeed and straightening her waist. If others suffer such a serious injury, all the internal organs and internal organs have been displaced, and it may take a lot of time to adjust and maintain.

But here at Ning Tianlin, it was only a matter of seconds.

In his physical body, the blood of the zombie Bowen has long been arrogant!

Even if the body is broken, it can consume some energy for reorganization!

"Then if I said, I'm going to kill you this time, wouldn't you believe it?

Ning Tianlin stared directly at the other person's eyes, making judgments in her heart. The other party just said that it had used 90% of its combat power, and it was possible for it to exert its full combat power.

Fighting formation.

Eye of Medusa.

It hasn't been offered yet!

These two can reduce the opponent's combat effectiveness by 15%, which is 15%, that is, the opponent uses his full strength, and his combat effectiveness will be 0.5% less than the previous hit!

Without this 50%, he will certainly feel better, and his chances of winning will be even greater!

"kill me?"

The old man, Qizier, was already mad, and the young man in front of him was too presumptuous. I have given you two chances, which you do not cherish! Originally, I was still thinking about whether an adult in your family could come and take you away. It would be fine to apologize and apologize.

I didn't expect you to be so arrogant now that you want to kill me!

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"I'll see how you kill me!"

He is the eighth-ranked Galactic Supermaster. He doesn't believe that he will suffer in the hands of a young man who has never even heard of his name!

The other party really doesn't know the sky is thick!


At this time, Ning Tianlin moved, and her body shot violently, turning into a streamer that blasted towards the opponent's body. Fang Tianhua's halberd in his hand was flying, severely chopped down towards the head of Gazier.


"court death!"

Gazier saw this only with a sigh of hum, because all the other party's whereabouts were fast, but in his eyes, there was nothing he could do.

Glancing at Ning Tianlin, he was ready to bombard!

This time, let you know how dead words are written!


But it was only this glance, he saw the image of a hydra snake, a mysterious ripple, appearing in his body without knowing it, letting his blood flow slow down Half a minute.

But it's only halfway.

He didn't care too much.

But he didn't realize that a silent formation was also taking shape around him, and once again stiffened his blood flow rate, mentality, strength, and so on.

Taken together, his total combat effectiveness has dropped by 15%!


But that's it. This claw caught Ning Tianlin's abdomen and penetrated directly.

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