Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1151: Quiet numbness

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"not dead?"

"This person is not dead!"

Countless people were stunned. They all looked at the violent Ning Tianlin, not dead!

He didn't die!

You tama is gone without even dying!

This unscientific!

What do you think if you are headless?

It was Gazier, and the two accompanying him were all wide-eyed and staring at Ning Tianlin, who was flying over, how could he not die!


Breathing could not help but be a little quick, because this is the only sight they have ever seen in their lives, a person's head is gone and he is not dead!

If you are not human, other creatures may have this function, but you are obviously a human, a human being! Nothing can survive!


Suddenly, they all thought of a possibility, because according to legend, the combat effectiveness has grown to a limit, and people will live with the universe forever, even if the entire body is broken, he is still alive!

Some cosmic powerhouses will not die because of body fragmentation.

Is this the young man in front of me?

Did he just pretend to be with him?

Are you kidding me?

"No, no!"

A few people shook their heads violently. How could such a thing happen to them? It is the cosmic strong! Crushing them is like killing an ant and blowing your breath!

How could such a character appear in a small galaxy?

Besides, how can such a person make fun of a character like himself?

"will not!"

"This young man is by no means such a character."

Giving up guessing in his heart, Gazier once again set his sights on the young man who flew by. No matter what, you will never die again, and the fighting power is there, and he is not his opponent at all.

It's all useless!

However, at this moment, he has determined that Ning Tianlin is likely to come from a galaxy that he does not know at all, from an absolute family. Otherwise, there would be no such incredible method.

"It really didn't die!"

Bai Qiyi looked at all this, although he didn't know why, but he knew he was right.

Without a few brushes, he would rather take over this job than Ning Tianlin.


At this moment, Ning Tianlin's figure had reached him again. He cut off the celestial halberd in his hand and turned it into a halberd, covering the entire body of Kazil.

"You won't die this way, so let me see. Without arms, how can you get a weapon!"

Gazil, who thought he would end the fight early, drank.

If you want to fight, then I will fight. You cannot fight!

I'd like to see, your body is all broken, can you still live!


His body flickered, and she easily avoided Ning Tianlin's attack again. She stretched her right claw forward, and stroked directly on Ning Tianlin's right arm holding Fang Tianhua's halberd. Blood splattered, and she saw Ning Tianlin's arm. , All at once.

The Fang Tianhua halberd held also fell from the air.


But even so, Ning Tianlin, who had no head, no stomach, and no right arm, still waved his left arm and punched Gazir's abdomen.

In the eyes of everyone, this fist is weak.

As if the last struggle.


Blood splattered, and Kazil slammed hard, chopping Ning Tianlin's left arm directly!



It ’s all like that, you still punch!

And this kind of punch, although it has no effect, but he can't avoid it, because if he wants to cut off the opponent's arm, he must bear it! Although it didn't hurt, it hurt his dignity.


And Ning Tianlin was not thrown away, and shocked and surprised countless people. He even continued to shake his right leg and came toward Gazier's belly.

Gazier did not hide, because this move is so weak.

But his eyes were scarlet!

Kill red!

You're damn, not crazy!

There is a ball for kicking me at this time!


Extremely crisp, he also removed Ning Tianlin's right leg with his claws.

Even before Ning Tianlin continued to move, he started again, ready to cut his left leg! Because he saw that the young man seemed to show signs of raising his left leg.


It was just when he was about to start that he suddenly changed his face, because when he was about to lift his breath, he was suddenly numb. Although it disappeared in an instant, the feeling was not wrong. .

In particular, the combat effectiveness has reached his level, and his control of the body has far exceeded other people.


After chopping off Ning Tianlin's left leg, she threw it out vigorously, and then she didn't see whether Ning Tianlin was alive or not, and quickly looked at herself.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

Because I don't know when, his legs, abdomen, and shoulders are already dark. Although it doesn't affect every move, this feeling is not good!

Poisoned because of myself!

After many battles, he just made a judgment on his body in an instant!

Quickly checked, and what made him cold was that the dark areas of the legs, abdomen, and shoulders had no consciousness, especially this kind of consciousness, or paralysis without consciousness!

It's just like being numb just now!

Both are somewhat out of control.

"how come?"

"How could I be poisoned?"

What scared him a bit was how could he be poisoned?

Although his body has not reached the point where all poisons are invaded, for the galaxy, there is not much toxin in the entire galaxy that can affect his body.

Especially under his perception, this feeling of paralysis is still expanding.

In just tens of seconds, part of his toes were unaware!

"He did it!"

He slammed his eyes away, leaving only Ning Tianlin's stubble on his waist, because he thought that it was his shoulders, abdomen, and legs that had been touched by the other side.

The origin of these paralysis is where they have been touched!


Without hesitation, he took out a bottle of elixir directly from the space ring, twisted his mouth, poured out one directly, and filled it into his mouth. Because he saw the already broken body, and even moved again!

Only the waist, but Tamar flew over to himself!

Are you going to hit my face with him!

But at this time, his Qizier had lost his mind to read the joke, and a horror of fear rose up in his heart. Who is this young man?

What is he doing!

How could he be poisoned by him!

If the entire body is poisoned, is he still not his opponent?

Fortunately, the elixir in his hand, but the owner gave it to himself, it can be said that the entire galaxy is extremely rare antidote. I didn't think I would use it at all, so I just took it out now.


The heart was fierce, and he directly waved his claws, tearing the lingering body of Ning Tianlin who flew again.

Only this time, he felt numb all over his feet.

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