Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1153: So not lasting?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"what happened?"

"Master Kazil seems to be moving slowly!"

"He was just his right arm, how did he become his left arm this time!"

Just after this constant bombardment and continuous reorganization lasted about three minutes, the onlookers thought that this repetitive action would continue for a long time, and suddenly found that Lord Gazier had abandoned the right hand bombardment and changed to the left hand?


what happened?

Is he tired?

Change hands?

Change your arms?

Isn't this too durable?

Just act like this, switch to them, and persist for half an hour without any problems!

Even the two escorts beside Gazier looked at him strangely. What happened, the killing was accompanied by a change of action?


It was only the suffering in Gazier's heart that only he knew.

What's so tired, you'll be tired! I can persist for a hundred years!


It's numb, do you understand?

Poisoned hemp!

But such things, of course, he would not say, because he is the eighth-largest master of the Galaxy, how could he be poisoned against an unknown junior?

Poisoned is the Tao.

That is shameful!

But his heart has become a little irritable. In this way, I am afraid that he will really die. The other party ’s Tamar was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. The other party was not killed by Hao. He had to consume it first!



And just two minutes later, his left arm could not move, and this time it was already the legs that killed Ning Tianlin.

Right leg!

"No more?"

"Can't stand it?"

"Is your left arm tired?"

Many onlookers froze, what happened, and changed their behavior?

"Tired, you're paralyzed, tired!"

"Is Lord Kazil tired?"

"He must be afraid that we are boring to see it, and I will show it to you."

"You fool!"

A big man on the side said sarcastically.

He is a supporter of Kazil's appraisal. He will never allow others to insult Kazir, or even make jokes with him.

It was just less than a minute this time that he was dumbfounded, because Gazier's right leg has been replaced with a left leg, even at his semi-suspended level, he also found that Gizil's leg speed changed A lot slower.

Is it true that Lord Gazier is afraid that they cannot see clearly and wants to give them a detailed performance?

This is too dedicated.

Lord Kazil is a good adult, always thinking about them.

However, the two escorts next to Kazil were a little embarrassed. This time the adult's performance was strange.

Not lasting?

However, he did not dare to ask any questions, because they all knew what Master Gazier was like, and he would never allow others to intervene in his own affairs or even question.

This is a habit that has been established for thousands of years, and has already penetrated the bone marrow.

Who dares to give advice to him?


"It's almost done with toxic effects."

In the air, Ning Tianlin is still that Ning Tianlin. After hundreds of times, nearly a thousand bombardments, he has completely mastered how to recover quickly, and even after the opponent has just broken his body, he can completely recover.

However, he still kept a part of his broken body to paralyze the other side.

Only he knows here why Gazier keeps changing postures because his body is numb!

Exactly, it's all necrotic!

Irreversible Necrosis!

Unless something can be found that can counteract the toxicity of Millipede.

But how is this possible!

If there is restraint, Gazil will not be what it is now.

Although Ning Tianlin does not know to what extent the toxicity of Manchurian catfish is overwhelming, it was able to swallow even the first poison of the galaxy last time, and the toxicity was definitely more severe than that.

Today is the best proof!

This is also his biggest killer today!


Millipede toxin!

At the beginning, Ning Tianlin sent the toxin into the other's body by slap. Although Gazil has combat equipment, the toxicity of Manzulu is immersed in silently.

The first three hits were also unavoidable three times. In the opponent's light enemy, he had arranged the final result.


"All recovered!"


"He's become unharmed again!"

And soon, when Kazil's arms and thighs, and even 80% of his body were paralyzed, he couldn't move. Ning Tianlin finally turned into an entire body, suspended in the void.

With one stroke, he held Fang Tianhua's halberd in his hand again.


"You won't die!"

At this time, Bai Qi behind him, but completely relaxed in his heart, this Ning Tianlin really has mysterious means, if it really is so easy to die, it is not him Ning Tianlin.

I just didn't expect that I was standing in front of myself unharmed at this moment.

He even wondered what was wrong with Qizier, it must be what Ning Tianlin used to make the other party look like that!

"Now, it's me!"

Ning Tianlin was suspended in the air, sneering in his heart, he knew that the time to decide the victory and defeat finally came.

He kept on living, consuming a lot of energy, and finally ushered in the final moment.


The halberd light shone, and severely chopped off at Gazir's head.

"Open your dog's eyes and see, this time Lord Kazil will give you a show again! No arms, no legs, this guy will be smashed!"

Gazir's staunch supporters snorted and shouted at the people around him.


Can Lord Kazil be tired?

He must be changing ways to make you gain insights!

Maybe this time Master Gazier's tongue can be licked to death!

"Perform yourself!"

Cazir has a crying heart. At this time, he still has a heart to perform a fart! He is about to die!

Even just now, he was already asking for help from his two companions around him.

What scared him was that he couldn't open his mouth to speak at all, and the huge toxicity made him unable to open his mouth and his tongue. Even the eyeballs could not move at all for the first thirty seconds.

I ca n’t wink in a blink!

He wanted to ask for help, there was no way he could ask for help!

Originally, it was possible to ask for help through the intelligent information device, because it was sent by the nerves, but the intelligent information device implanted in the body was also corroded by toxins at the beginning.

It just won't work!

In other words, the helper is right in front of him and he doesn't need it at all.

But he also knew in his heart that the two helpers next to him were not the opponent of this young man. From the beginning, he felt that the opponent's combat effectiveness was around four million.

Coupled with this mysterious and poisonous, the two of them came to be dead.


And just as countless people opened their eyes wide and watched Lord Gazier want to change his posture, Ning Tianlin waved the halberd out, unexpectedly, and severely chopped on Gizier's neck.


Blood splattered, and more than half of Gazir's head fell off his body.

But did not fall.

He was still hanging on the neck.

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