Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1165: Take the sin?

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"Go out?"

Suluman stunned, aren't they now avoiding the Colosseum?

Even she estimates that not only the people in the Colosseum, but also the masters of the Temple Star, are looking for them!

The master of the eighth galaxy is so dead, there must be a saying.

The outside world today is definitely looking for their traces. Now going out, shouldn't these people easily find out?

But as a teacher, she dare not violate. And the master is not afraid, what else is she worried about.

"Good master."

Suluoman nodded quickly, and at the same time activated the space ring with blood and packed everything in. He quickly followed Ning Tianlin's figure and flew out.

"I'll go as well."

Bai Qi looked around and flew up with him.

When it is not confirmed whether the Lord of the Galaxy is Lord Shihuang, he will follow Ning Tianlin.

However, this follow made him again shocked with Ning Tianlin's pride.


What heritage have you inherited on earth!

How dare you be so proud!

It turned out that after the three of them came out, Ning Tianlin did nothing, just buy and buy!

Crazy shopping!

Almost all the contents of the entire shopping mall in the temple star.

He even paid for some things on the auction market and the black market!

He didn't know what Ning Tianlin wanted to buy these things, but what he saw was that he spent a lot of silver coins for real money!

Hundreds of trillions!

He was really completely shocked. He Ning Tianlin, what resources did he get on earth, and he would have so much money! Far beyond his imagination! And looking at Ning Tianlin's eyes did not blink, it was clear that there was still a lot of money on his body.

He doesn't think this is what Ning Tianlin has earned in these years, even if he can't grab so much!

The only possibility is that when we are on earth, we have everything!

Su Luoman on the side was also refreshed by his own master of shopping. In this world, there are so many people who buy things, they do n’t see them, they are all packed away, and they do n’t even bargain.

How honourable this master is!

No wonder billions of galactic coins are free!

Compared with the trillions spent, it's really only a small amount.

Just to be on the safe side, Ning Tianlin swallowed an elixir for both of them, and changed their shape in a short time. Therefore, in the face of the current stars of the Temple, no one found them.

But the Lace Report of the Temple Star also reported this crazy shopping. But it was soon covered by all kinds of explosive things.


Thirteen days later.

The figures of the three Ning Tianlin appeared above a mansion with a very large area.

For the star of the temple of earth and gold, the owner is extremely rich and powerful no matter where he goes. Especially in the center of the gate, a black plaque was hanging on the clothes.

It is printed with two golden characters, "Hao Fu".

And more than 2,000 years ago, the gates of each family did not indicate their residences in the form of plaques. After the Lord of the Galaxy came, they had plaques in the style of the gates of his mansion and spread rapidly.

"For almost three years, I finally came home."

When Ning Tianlin was bombarded that year, he already knew the identity of those who killed others at that time, what was Haofu Lanshu, and what Hao Sangong was. I just didn't expect that it would be three years later to face them again.


It was just that Ning Tianlin had not yet started, and dozens of figures flew out of the courtyard below.

The head is an old man.

He was wearing a green dress and a tall green hat. Obviously, he didn't know the dress. It was green to the tail in Ning Tianlin's eyes. In the words of the earth, this dress is to be laughed alive.

There are dozens of people around him, young and old, especially what made Ning Tianlin squint. He saw "San Hao San" and "Uncle Blue" here!

However, the two men did not stand with solemn expressions, but were tied by their hands, kneeling in the air, pressed by these people alive.

Zheng Cheng bowed his head in horror, afraid to speak, and even dared not look at him.


Ning Tianlin sneered in his heart and instantly understood what was going on.

Take the sin?

Only Bai Qi and Su Luoman on the side, looked at these people in wonder. Do not know why Ning Tianlin brought them here. They even restored the appearance of the three of them.

"Master Ning."

"You are finally here."

The old man who spoke first was the old man in green clothes, looking respectful, and even speaking with some sincerity, "The old man is Hao Guangming, the owner of the Hao family."

"Are you waiting for me?" Ning Tianlin sneered, as if he did not see the uncle Lan and Hao Sangong who were bound, but stared directly into the eyes of the old man in green clothing, staring at him, he dare not look directly.

"of course."

"The old man and everyone in the Hao family are waiting for Master Ning to come."

Hao Guangming quickly bowed again.

How can he not hear the irony in Ning Tianlin's mouth, but there is no way, the situation is better than people, he forbears!

The opponent can kill even the eighth best player in the galaxy, not to mention his character ranked in thirteen! Although only five places were separated, the difference in combat effectiveness was quite different.

If the other party initiates a come, they will definitely destroy their entire Haofu house!

And he was right and did not lie. He is really waiting for Ning Tianlin's arrival these days.

When he saw the video of Ning Tianlin in the Colosseum that day, he knew that the day would come. After no one gets stronger, he will not avenge his enemies!

In these three years, he didn't care, but just sent someone to search for the whereabouts of Ning Tianlin. But he never expected that Ning Tianlin would return in such a way, and it was very disturbing.


Ning Tianlin sneered again, "What are you waiting for me to do, hand up my head and let me chop it?"

Ning Tianlin always has his own code of conduct, and is unmoved at all.

"Master laughed."

Hao Guangming smiled awkwardly, and then solemnly said, "We are here to make amends."

"That day, the dog didn't know that the sky was thick, and it annoyed Mr. Ning, it was their fault. In the past three years, I have let him out at home for a long time, waiting for the adult to come and apologize to you.

"Now that the adults have arrived, I will bind them up and obey the orders of the adults!"

"Adults want to kill and shave, and listen to respect!"

After that, I looked at "Uncle Lan" and "Hao Sangong" coldly.

"My lord's life!"

"My lord's life!"

As soon as Hao Guangming finished speaking, Hao Sangong and Uncle Lan quickly scratched their heads, except that only Hao Sangong made a sound, but Uncle Lan had not spoken, and he was very strong.

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