Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1170: Ning Tianlin, you are so brave!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

It was only very quickly that this method was overturned by him, because this method was useless at all.

Gokume-gun is too far away from the earth.

The earth is just a remote planet in the southernmost part of Jiumu County, and you can't find it on today's maps. When he came, he rushed from the earth to Jiumu County, but it took five years.

Going back now is as fast as two or three years.

There is simply no time.

Moreover, he thought that he was still a temple star. The teleportation lines leading from here to other prefectures are in the hands of the temple. It is difficult to activate the teleportation array without the warrant of the Lord of the Galaxy, or the Lord of the House.

Others can use force, but in the face of the Lord of the Galaxy, he is now passing, it is estimated that he is only being killed.

"If not, you can only use random teleport."

Ning Tianlin thought of this possibility.

Because this method is most likely to rush back to Earth in a short time.

But the difficulty was only known to him.

In the first place, this random teleporter consumes a lot of energy points, one hundred thousand energy points. Although it is not much to him today, it is difficult. If you really want to use this method, The consumed teleporter will be an astronomical number!

Because you don't even know where to be random.

The Milky Way is too big.

Millions of light years are dozens of times larger than those detected by earth scientists.

No one knows where to teleport in such a large map! Maybe thousands of random teleporters will only make him circle around the temple star!

"Unfortunately, it was not positioned on the earth."

Ning Tianlin sighed.

At that time, he did n’t have the capital, and he did n’t have enough energy points to locate on the earth. If he had this location, he could use the precise positioning teleporter!

One hundred million essence points, he spends it now!

Unfortunately, the requirement for this precise positioning of the transmission symbol is to first determine the position for transmission. The determined position must be the place you have been before, or your friend will help you position it.

But now, this opportunity is gone.

"Transfer array!"

"If it's okay this time, you must build a teleportation array on Earth in the future!"

Ning Tianlin now has almost all the materials he has collected. If he returns to the earth, he will set up a teleportation array as soon as possible, and the location is Jiumu County!

There is a place where he controls.

Or if possible, locate the temple star in the center of the galaxy!

That way, the Earth people will go straight to the Galaxy Center and see the most comprehensive Galaxy in the future!

"But all this is after going through this crisis ..."

Ning Tianlin's mind turned sharply, thinking of all possible ways to return to the earth.

Which one came to mind quickly, but was quickly overthrown by him.

And Bai Qi and Su Luoman on the side, did not speak at this moment, especially Su Luoman dare not pant, because she knows that her master at this moment is absolutely in a critical period.

I disturbed his thinking, I am afraid the consequences will be serious.

Even Bai Qi frowned, thinking about how to rush back.

The earth is not only the hometown of Ning Tianlin, but also his hometown.


"There is still one!"

"Another possibility!"

After about three minutes, Wanzui on the edge had quietly swallowed up all the corpses, and once again entered Ning Tianlin's body, Ning Tianlin suddenly opened his eyes.

Because he thought of a sentence in "Basics of Fighting Power" I saw a few days ago!

Those with more than 10 million physical combat power can use a large combat power, consume a lot of spirit, smash the void, and carry out space transmission within a short range!

The higher the combat effectiveness, the longer the teleportation distance!

"Millions of combat!"

"Those with more than 10 million physical combat capabilities are estimated to have only one galaxy!"

"The Lord of the Galaxy!"

At this point, Ning Tianlin's eyes are already bright, maybe he can go back to earth through him!

This is the only possibility he can think of today.

Blasting the void, teleportation, the Lord of the Galaxy today is very likely to do it!


At this point, without any hesitation, he flew up and flew towards the most central position of the center of the galaxy.

Because he knew what was there.

Lord of the Galaxy!

Not far away is the temple that rules the entire planet!

He is going to find the Lord of the Galaxy!

Going right now!

Don't want to delay for a moment.


Su Luoman saw Ning Tianlin leave, shouted, and chased up without thinking.

Bai Qi froze at first, but only hesitated for a moment, and flew to chase. Because he guessed, Ning Tianlin probably thought of a way to return to the earth in a short time.

He also wanted to see what it was like.

At least, he couldn't think of it.

The more they fly, the more shocked they are, because this direction seems to be the location of the Temple Star Temple. The edge there is the location of the Lord of the Galaxy.

Su Luoman was shocked and the master turned out to be so bold, not afraid to find the Colosseum in revenge!

Bai Qi, who has sobered up from his doubts, understands faintly, his eyes are even more exciting!

Lord of the Galaxy!

Ning Tianlin must be the Lord of the Galaxy!

In this case, maybe only he can do it!

What he was most excited about was that Ning Tianlin had told him last time that the Lord of the Galaxy is most likely the Emperor of the Emperor!

50% probability!

Maybe in the next moment, he will see Master Shihuang!

For more than two thousand years, how can he not be excited!


"Dare to break into the house of the Lord of the Galaxy, and don't want to live!"

The figure of Ning Tianlin was stopped shortly.

I saw five or six guards wearing black clothes and full of energy, stopped Ning Tianlin, but before he got close, he screamed and stopped Ning Tianlin from advancing.

But when he saw Ning Tianlin's features clearly, he was startled, "Ning Tianlin!"

He recognized that this man was the other day, in the Colosseum, killed Ning Tianlin, Gaqier, the eighth best player in the galaxy!

Although in the video released to the public, the appearance of the other party is blurred and mosaic, but it is not difficult for a character of his level to ask for it. He really wanted to know what Ning Tianlin looked like!

Even Ning Tianlin's appearance spread long ago in the elite level.

"Ning Tianlin, how brave you are, you dare to break into the house of the Lord of the Galaxy!"

Although the leader is afraid of fighting with Ning Tianlin, he is not afraid!

Because he can guard here, he is also a very high combatant, and behind him, there are a large number of masters in the main residence of the Galaxy, even two of the top ten!

As long as he delays for a while, everyone inside can rush out!

And there is also the Lord of the Galaxy!

He did not believe that Ning Tianlin would be the opponent of the Lord of the Galaxy!

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