Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1172: Defeat the enemy!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Hoth, who has never seen a dragon before!"

In the high ranking of combat effectiveness, a few people are more mysterious. They have never exposed their figures. They only heard their names but did not see them. This is one of them. I didn't expect to see it here.

It turned out to be the big guard guarding the main house of the galaxy!

"I'm Horse."

What Ning Tianlin didn't think of was that Howth had said his own name, and it was an answer to Ning Tianlin's question.

"Ning Tianlin, do you know the sin?"

And did not immediately start, but asked Ning Tianlin.

Before them, everything is empty.

Only combat effectiveness is eternal.

The young man was able to kill Ka Qier, who ranked eighth, which meant that his combat effectiveness was also the top ten master, and he said so much when he started. According to online news these days, this person has replaced Ka Qier and became the eighth-ranked master!

"I'm guilty." Ning Tianlin nodded his head seriously, "But I only wanted to see the Lord of the Galaxy, when punishment or punishment will be given, I will never say anything!"

His goal now is to see the Lord of the Galaxy.

At that time, the other party is likely to punish themselves, but it is impossible to kill themselves.

Anyway, he is still his fellow.

This sentiment should be given by the other party.

"Just convict."

"But adults are not what you want to see."

Howth shook his head and explained at the same time, "If anyone comes here and says that he wants to see the Lord of the Galaxy, we will let it go. Isn't this mess in this world?"

"So you will be punished if you convict!"

With that said, Hoss stunned, and an extremely powerful breath erupted instantly, covering Ning Tianlin. Even with the still calm void, there was a grin.

"Ning Tianlin, dare to fight me!"

The sound is like a bell, ringing all over the world!

But only he knew that he had itchy hands. For many years, he hadn't touched people!

Especially the top ten players in combat effectiveness, he has not played for a long time!

"What dare you!"

Ning Tianlin really wants to curse your sister!

After talking for a long time, I have to do it!

The body rushed up, a height above Hoth's face, and answered loudly.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"


The laughter was so loud that it was estimated that the entire Galaxy Mansion could be heard, "Then fight!"

"Victory over me, I'll tell you, can I see an adult!"

After speaking, he held a fist larger than the washbasin and blasted towards Ning Tianlin.

No combat weapons were used.

He wanted to try Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness first.

He had watched the video of the day and knew that the eighth-ranked Gazier was on the other side's path. The young man's fighting power was not necessarily higher than the other side!

No combat equipment is enough!

It was just that he couldn't believe his eyes, and the other side just greeted him with one fist.

Gotta have a hard time with him!

"court death!"

Howth snorted in the heart, but this was completely out of sight!

When he was in the eighth place with Qi Qier, even the combat weapon was used.

Moreover, with the video of the day as a reference, he will not have any physical contact with the other party. The radon on the outside of his fist can instantly kill this Ning Tianlin!


The instant contact between the two was an explosive roar.

In the middle of the two, a mushroom cloud rises, and a huge energy flows, like smoke and fog, more like a mushroom cloud.

"How ...... how ... maybe!"

It was just after the collision that the clouds of smoke were cleared, and everyone was unbelievably open eyes, because in their eyes, Horth, the fifth in the galaxy's combat power, was invincible, and his body was suddenly repulsed, and thousands of people were shaken alive. Meter!


After standing firmly, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of control.


It's exactly the same color as his skin.

Even with his two arms, all of them were broken at the same time, and gray blood continued to flow down the roots.

Howth's complexion was full of terror and incredible disbelief.

"How can it be......"

"How could that be."

"How can I fail?"

"And defeated so easily?"

Howth only felt that his whole body was about to crack. He had no internal organs and was a stone man, but he had blood and felt pain. At this moment, he only felt that he was about to die.

The whole body is about to crack.

He could even feel that the other party had withdrawn some of his strength at the last minute. Otherwise, he might not only break his arm but the whole body at this moment.

Could not help but kneel down.

Because this position is the most comfortable, it will support his body so as not to fall down!

"how come?"

"How can he be more effective than me?"

There are tens of thousands of grass and mud horses running through Howth's heart. This Ning Tianlin's fighting power could not even beat the eighth-ranked Qizier. The last thing was the poison.

But now it is clear that he is not the opponent of the opponent at all!

Although he did not use combat weapons, he did not use them! This has an impact on the situation, but it is not yet a decisive influence.

"Did Ning Tianlin retain his strength that day?"

Hawse, who was in pain, knew that he had lost, because the shaking body showed that he had no power to fight again.

This makes him really can't believe the truth in front of him.

He didn't expect this to happen at first.

In his imagination, he would easily defeat the other party and make the other party suffer enough, but now, he is easily defeated by the other party!

There was only one possibility, and that was that the other party retained its strength in the battle with Gazil at the time!

Otherwise, it cannot be so!

Hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of combat power have been added these days? joke! This is simply impossible!

No one can have such a great improvement in less than ten days in such a short time!

"It seems that the war of the day was too simple for me."

Howth was a little discouraged. He just felt that his eyes were blind. How could he have that kind of judgment from the video, and why didn't he find the point!

Everything is late now!

He lost!

Defeated completely!

In the eyes of others, he just broke his two arms, but he knew that he was shaking all over and could not use it again. Otherwise, his body would collapse!


"What's happening here......"

Bai Qi looked at it for a moment, and some couldn't believe his eyes.

Is Ning Tianlin so powerful?


The fifth master of the galaxy!

It was just a move that was blown off and interrupted the arm! Don't dare to come forward now!

Is this really his Ning Tianlin?

How so powerful!

Could this cricket have been hiding himself?

He is so shameless!

Hidden so much!

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