Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1177: what? He will also participate in the battle for genius!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"After two planets, the battle for genius?"

When Ning Tianlin heard this, he glanced up at his eyes, revealing his thoughts.

Now it seems that the Lord of the Galaxy really has something to do, or something is at a critical juncture, and he can't meet them.

Two weeks?

It might work.

From the memory of Hao Guangming, the three sons of Hao and Uncle Lan will reach the earth as soon as three months.

If the Lord of the Galaxy really promised them to break up the space and carry out a large-scale space transmission, it would not be impossible for them to delay for two weeks.

The main thing is that this is really no way out.

The Lord of the Galaxy is his last hope.

Although he has the highest combat effectiveness now, he can fight against the super powerful with 8 million combat effectiveness, but his final combat effectiveness is actually only 7.6 million, and the physical combat effectiveness is even less than 6 million.

The premise of breaking the space is that the physical combat power reaches 10 million!

It is extremely difficult for him to increase the body to 10 million in a short time!

For three months, he never slept, shopping at the Temple Star, and he was too late. Moreover, he could have more than 200 billion points of energy some days ago, but he almost wiped out the temple star.

Although it is not complete, it is almost the same.

The rest are small malls and the like, more wasteful time.

He Ning Tianlin must be prepared for both.

The first is shopping sprees to maximize combat effectiveness, but the probability is less than five percent! He would not attach the safety of the earth to such a low probability.

On the other hand, the Lord of the Galaxy!

He is also the only one who can do this!

it is good!

Two weeks!

He is still waiting!

And this response from Howth made Bai Qi even more shocked.


Really Lord Shi Huang!

It turned out that Ning Tianlin said that the probability is 50%. Now it seems that it should be 90%!

It can even reach 99%!

The meaning of the Lord of the Galaxy is obviously to know yourself, and this possibility, who else can there be except Master Shihuang! How else would you say that?


"Thank you, Lord Howth."

Ning Tianlin couldn't help it. He arched his hands at Hoss. Now that's all it can be. He glanced at him white, and they said goodbye.

Just when Ning Tianlin was about to leave, Howth thought about it, "I don't know if Brother Ning has time. For the first time, I want to host a banquet."

After talking, I looked at Ning Tianlin with some hope.

It's not that he is boastful, it's not that he's flattery, but that he can be a man!

Obviously, this Ning Tianlin will be a galaxy upstart!

And it is the kind of nearly invincible galactic upstart!

One move can defeat the fifth-ranked self, what about the fourth? And third? Second?

They must be their opponents?

It is estimated that only the Lord of the Galaxy has this strength!

Even he doubted whether this boy could defeat the Lord of the Galaxy.

However, it seems that this son has a bad relationship with the Lord of the Galaxy. If they are really fellow villagers, the two are likely to be friends, not enemies.

At that time, this Ning Tianlinhe may become the second leader of the Galaxy!

Under one person, over ten thousand people!

The main thing that made him feel most horrible was that Ning Tianlin was young. Data two years ago showed that he was only 24 years old!

In other words, he is only 26 years old now!

And at the age of twenty-six, he can defeat someone like him. What kind of genius is it?

When he was 26 years old, he had just entered the martial arts. Not to mention six million or seven million, that is one million, or even half a million points of combat power!

Look at people!

Definitely a galaxy upstart!

He has a good relationship with each other now. What's wrong?

However, to his disappointment, Ning Tianlin shook his head. He still has work to do, he must carry out a crazy shopping sweep, and strive to gather more energy in the shortest time.

At that time, if the Lord of the Galaxy does not help, then he is also welcome!

Forcibly swallowed this temple star!

Violent snatch!

Loot all the resources on the temple star!

Not buying, but plundering!

Because as far as he knows, compared with the resources in the hands of those big families, all the things in the mall are even worse, even worse!

At that time, he forcibly looted!

Rob the resources in the hands of these big families!

Most of the resources in the galaxy are estimated to be in this temple star!

The Lord of the Galaxy is to stop him and he will do it!

He has an immortal body. He has broken up countless times, and he has gathered countless times! Every time he gathers, he can plunder some families with gaps!

However, this is the way to go.

He didn't want to have such a big conflict with his fellow fellow.

Fighting resources, you can leave here and plunder.

Compared with the real universe, the resources of the galaxy are still in the sky and underground, which are not comparable.


"That being the case, brothers Ning must come to my house to do it in the future."

"My home is easy to find."

Seeing Ning Tianlin's refusal, Hoth sighed, but his face continued to smile. Maybe, the other party is really busy.

Moreover, he was so polite that the other party would not be angry with him.

"I also wish the Lord to become famous in the battle of genius and achieve great results!"

Howth then added, congratulations.


Ning Tianlin nodded.

I didn't care about the other party saying that they would participate in the competition. At their level, they would know more or less what others don't. What's more, after two weeks, I will also play as a player, and everyone will know.

There is nothing to say.

After taking a look at Bai Qi, who wanted to stay here, he left.

The apprentice Sulumanli kept up.

Although she was extremely shocked that her master was also a contestant, she would not ask much about it. The master should let her know, and she will surely let her know.

Bai Qi glanced at Hoss and Ning Tianlin, and flew up to chase.

He really sits with you and wants to sit with Howth, and ask him about the Lord of the Galaxy from his mouth. He really wants to go through some details to see if he can be more sure that this Lord of the Galaxy is his original emperor. .

But Ning Tianlin was gone, and it was boring to stay here.

With a sigh in his heart, he leaped away from here.

With the departure of the three people, the entire Internet public opinion has exploded.

Especially the last sentence of Howth.

"Battle of Genius?"

"Oh my God!"

"This Ning Tianlin will also participate in the battle for genius!"

Countless people were shocked by the news.

The battle of galactic geniuses is a big event, even the entire galaxy, and the event of the temple star, how could they not know.

That is the place where countless geniuses gather and fight!

This is the place to select the true genius for the galaxy!

But now, this Ning Tianlin also has to participate in the battle of genius!

Oh my God!

He is eligible for the battle of genius, does this not mean that he is less than a hundred years old?

One hundred years old, can you defeat the fifth-ranked Lord Howth?

Who can be his opponent!

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