Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1188: Meet the Huai Fairy again

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"Thank you."

Ning Tianlin smiled.

This way of opening made him ring back when he was in Huaxia that many great sports days and talented athletes from all over the world gathered together, held the national flag in the sports hall and walked again.

Show your face and make a cut.

The situation in front of him is not much different from that at the time.

It is just that the scale and the application of science and technology are far from being comparable to the earth.

This Nanzhanfu owner is right. He Ning Tianlin doesn't like others to watch him like a monkey. It is good to hide here.

"Master Ning is polite."

The master of Nanzhan House waved his hand. Now that the other party's status does not know how much higher than him, he will not hesitate to get bigger.

"The materials in this VIP room are explored through spirits!"

Ning Tianlin wanted to know who the VIP booths were, but to his surprise, his consciousness was blocked. After a chuckle, I think this should be the case.

After all, those who can sit in the VIP room are all identified people, and what they care about most is their own privacy.

at the same time.

About thirty meters away from Ning Tianlin's private room, a few pairs of eyes are staring sharply, especially a pair of dark green eyes, showing strong killing and hate.

He sat in the first place with three guards behind him.

When Ning Tianlin just entered the field, he noticed.

Not others, but the owner of Tangling House, one of the four houses!

On that day Ning Tianlin, but slaughtered one of his masters, Miyayama Prefecture! He even hit his mansion! Killed all the guards in his house! If he hadn't been there that day, he might have been killed!

Even Ning Tianlin was able to come to this temple star, and also took the teleportation array in his house! Even now, he doesn't know how Ning Tianlin activated it!

"I have no injustice with you, but I'm so ruthless!"

The owner of Tangling House didn't know where to offend this Ning Tianlin, was it because the owner of Miyayama Prefecture moved him?

how can that be?

Non-pro-non-problems, how can the implication be so big!

He is just a boss.

And still no boss to help.

"Although you are not your opponent now, it will be your death when you contact the Lord of the Galaxy!"

The Tangling House owner learned of Ning Tianlin immediately after learning about the massacre in the government, and wanted revenge! Want to kill Ning Tianlin! He didn't think how terrible Ning Tianlin was.

Is he the owner of his house not his opponent?

At Nanzhan Mansion that day, a slave of the Hao family could break his body!

It just shocked him that when Ning Tianlin showed up again, it was when the Qiqier, who ranked eighth in the galaxy, killed in the Colosseum!

how can that be?

How did Ning Tianlin become so powerful.

Ka Qier, they are between Bo Zhong, not even his opponent!

Especially when Ning Tianlin defeated No. 5 Hoth, he gave up his plan to avenge himself. I thought it was not revenge, but death!

He is not his opponent at all!

If you want revenge, there is only one possibility. Contact the Lord of the Galaxy and ask him to shoot!

And the Lord of the Galaxy is not the current fellow of Ning Tianlin, not the one in his current position, but the last Lord of the Galaxy! He has been secretly funding his recovery and growth.

It is also that he suppresses the death of the former Lord of the Galaxy, waits for its recovery, and then fights back!

He has always been loyal to the previous Lord of the Galaxy, not this one!

Just where did he know that Ning Tianlin's hatred for him originated from the previous Lord of the Galaxy! Starting from other provinces has the meaning of helping fellow villagers solve their troubles.

In Ning Tianlin's mind, the Lord of the Galaxy is the apprentice to be taken care of by Qin Shihuang and King Yan Luo.

"Wait for a chance and get you out!"

"Master, please!"

The host of the Tangling House showed hatred until Ning Tianlin's body, after entering the room, he was still staring at the private room for a long time.


at the same time.

There was a crackling sound from below.

I saw a rush of material like fireworks, which quickly lifted off into the air, exuding beautiful brilliance, changing various patterns, sometimes beautiful and elegant, sometimes lightning and thunder, sometimes winds and waves, sometimes flowers bloom.

And every time there is a change, a different song sounds, accompanied by left and right.

"so beautiful."

Su Luoman on the side, staring at the sky, could not help saying a word.

She is from a run-down family, far from the central temple star of the galaxy, and now she is a bit crazy to see the achievements of the highest technology in the galaxy bloom.

Even Ning Tianlin and Bai Qi on the side were staring intently, unwilling to move their eyes away.

In fact, they are both ordinary people. As far as the understanding of the Milky Way is concerned, it is not as good as the number of Su Luomando on the side, and even worse. Especially from the beginning, I haven't seen many good things these years.

In the face of such technological blooms, there is a fabulous feeling.

"Compared to this, the earth's fireworks are exactly one heaven and one underground."

Now that Ning Tianlin is here, she is completely relaxed and enjoys the most beautiful scenery.

It won't be long, the beauty fades, and the endless killing will come.

After this visual feast lasted for nearly half an hour, an ethereal song sounded, and a tall figure, dressed in a festive costume, appeared in the center of the square. Countless lights gathered, making this figure suddenly become the focus of the audience.


"This person?"

Ning Tianlin froze.

Although the figure of the man was slightly blurred by the lights, he still felt that he had seen it somewhere.

"Huai Xianzi!"

"It's Huai Fairy!"

The side apprentice Su Luoman already screamed, and when he changed his indifference, his expression became extremely excited.

"is her!"

Ning Tianlin remembered for a moment who this woman was.

The galaxy star that met in Nanzhan House that day.

It was precisely because she and her competed for the D-class spacecraft that they provoked another female star with a flamboyant attitude and angered the Hao family. As a result, they were crushed by a palm in the Nanzhan House that day and had to pinch. Smash random teleport runaways.

This incident also made me stay in the skeleton sea for almost three years.

I didn't expect to meet her now in this place.

"Huai Fairy, I love you!"

"Huai Fairy, I love you!"

Numerous sounds sounded from below, shaking through the sky.

This scene reminds Ning Tianlin of the scene of participating in a star concert on Earth. Although the scene is not so powerful, there is no difference in essence. It is all fans cheering for the star.

The Huai fairy on the stage, with a shallow smile, was not frightened.

The dress made her look extremely noble.

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