Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1200: In this case, you listen!

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Ning Tianlin shook his head, "At least not now."

If the other party is really Qin Shihuang, everything is fine. But if it weren't, it would be a bit abrupt to speak of Lord Yan Luo. At least until now, he didn't know who it was.

However, when he said this refusal, he was also cautious and kept staring at the Lord of the Galaxy. Although you can't see the other person's face, you can feel the mental fluctuations in the other person.

After all, the other party is a big man.

Lord of the Galaxy!

Than the master of a country, the master of a ball, the master of a county, and even the master of a house do not know how many levels exist.

Over the years, it is estimated that no one dared to refuse his orders.

Will you hit yourself if you are hit by yourself?

Just a moment later, what made him feel relieved was that the other party nodded and said "OK", but did not force him.

This alone makes him more sure that the other person is really a terrestrial!

Don't the fellows embarrass the fellows?

"Well, I have so many questions." The Lord of the Galaxy waved his hand and sat upright. "If you have any questions now, you can also ask me."

For so many years, Ning Tianlin was the first Earth person he met, and he was an ordinary person. He would definitely arrange the other person's arrangement properly and make him worry-free. Not to mention a fellow with such a high combat effectiveness.

In his heart, there is actually another sentence, not my race, his heart must be different!

Facing others, he believed farther away from his own tribe.

"it is good!"

Ning Tianlin was a little excited. The Lord of the Galaxy meant not to be frank.

"Can you show us what you really are?"

Ning Tianlin thought about it and made a request directly. Even Bai Qi on the edge was shocked, waiting to answer.

Compared to asking questions, this requirement is the most straightforward. In his hand, there is a portrait of Qin Shihuang, which Lord Yan Luo gave him.


As we all know, the Lord of the Galaxy shook his head and refused directly. No reason was given, but the attitude was clearly resolute.


Ning Tianlin did not continue to force, the more demanding this kind of character, the more often the result is the opposite. Bai Qi from the side was also a disappointment.

"Sir, are you from Earth?"

Ning Tianlin asked.


The Lord of the Galaxy nodded. No denial.

"Get out of the earth more than two thousand years ago?"

Ning Tianlin was shocked and began to reason.


The Lord of the Galaxy nodded again.

"From Qin Dynasty?"

Ning Tianlin opened his eyes wide, and Bai Qi was short of breath.


The Lord of the Galaxy considered it and nodded.

To be precise, he did come from the Qin Dynasty, because at that time the Qin Dynasty was on the verge of rupture, and the Han Dynasty had not yet been established.

"You are Qin Shihuang!"

Ning Tianlin spoke directly, revealing the identity of the other party. Even Bai Qi on the edge stood up and stared at the face of the Lord of the Galaxy.

"Emperor Qin Shihuang?"

The Lord of the Galaxy froze. He thought that the other party had already guessed his identity, but he never expected that the other party would get such an answer.

Emperor Qin Shihuang?

However, if you think about it, your fame on the earth is still worse than that of this ancient generation.


Then he shook his head and denied the way. suffer


Ning Tianlin shook. "What, no!"

He never thought that would be the result.

It's not!

More than 90% probability, it is not!

Who will he be?

He never thought that the Lord of the Galaxy would lie to him. With this matter, there is no need at all. Moreover, as the other party, this is not the case.


"You are not Lord Shi Huang!"

At this time, the white eyes on the side were already red, more like the edge of out of control, "Who are you?"

"You are not the first emperor, who else!"

He was hopeful, but it wasn't!

It ’s been more than two thousand years, and I have waited for more than two thousand years. Is this the result?


"Has Qin Shihuang got out of the earth?"

"Isn't he dead?"

However, the Lord of the Galaxy did not immediately answer, but asked.

He came out of the earth with Fan Qiyu, what about Qin Shihuang?

When he rebelled that year, Qin Shihuang had collapsed. Otherwise, he would not have the courage to rebel! The eternal emperor who can unify the six nations and the heroes is not a joke.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

"You must be a famous figure in the Qin Dynasty, I definitely know!"

Bai Qi did not answer, but continued to question.

In his current mind, he just wanted to know who this person was!

Isn't adult Qin Shihuang teasing him?


"He was not dead."

Ning Tianlin was not so crazy, it was not, he was just a little disappointed, without too much shock. After all, he and Qin Shihuang did not know each other, and they didn't have much to do.

He was just curious and wanted to meet the eternal emperor.

"not dead."

The Lord of the Galaxy nodded, and then set his eyes on Bai Qi's body. "Also, you can play from the Hui Wen era to the present, and your master Qin Shihuang should be able to."

"Also, Xu Fu makes alchemy for him. He can live long."

The Lord of the Galaxy guessed.


"who are you?"

Seeing that the other party said his identity, even Xu Fu said it. Bai Qi wanted to know who he was!

The other person absolutely knows himself.


"Still don't say it well."

The Lord of the Galaxy smiled, "I'm afraid I will tell you, you will come up and kill me."

His true identity can be said to be the founder of the destruction of the Great Qin Dynasty. With Bai Qi in front of him, he can be regarded as an endless enemy. If you say it, this is nothing, I'm afraid it will run away.

It's just that the words just now are more of a joke.

After all, more than two thousand years have passed, and the hatred of this dead country can be ignored. Moreover, after seeing the vastness of the earth, what is the value of a country?

There are only ten, one hundred countries, all on one planet.

Even a planet may have thousands, tens of thousands of countries.

And in a county in the galaxy, there are countless planets! Countless countries!

"kill you?"

Some out-of-control Bai Qi didn't think much, but Ning Tianlin was surprised. Isn't you the enemy of Qin Shihuang, or is he an enemy of Bai Qi?


Bai Qi in the madness only uttered a word.

He is really on the verge of running away.

No one knows what kind of despair and pain is the disappointment after more than 2,000 years of waiting.


Why not!

"That being the case, then you listen well."

The Lord of the Galaxy smiled, ready to say his name.

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