Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1202: Have friends come from afar

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"It turned out that way ..."

"A small Xu Fu changed everything."

After nearly ten minutes, Xiang Yu also understood the cause and effect.

It turns out that all of this is due to this uncle's credit!

Without him, it would be impossible for these people to perish the Qin Dynasty!

At that time, if the 800,000 troops in Daqin were dispatched, they would destroy several of them.


"All these are the strategies of Xu Fu."

Ning Tianlin nodded.

Originally, he did not have much hatred for Xu Fu. This was a conspiracy, a plot to perish a dynasty, and had nothing to do with him. After all, all dynasties are constantly changing.

But you Xu Fu, the mistake is hiding in Xiaori! Become the patron saint and ancestor there!

For more than two thousand years, it has been constantly harassing the motherland, and even in recent times, it has also hit Huaxia hard.

For one reason only, he would not forgive Xu Fu, let alone let it go!

Therefore, when killing this puppet that day, he showed no mercy.

"What about Qin Shihuang?"

"How do you know he's alive?"

Speaking of the past, Xiang Yu seemed to have opened the conversation box. For more than two thousand years, he had rarely told anyone sincerely about his wife, and never talked to anyone about Earth.

He has nostalgia for his past.

I miss the earth, but also Chu, and some people and things at that time.

"We've been to his emperor's tomb, and his body is not there." Ning Tianlin said, "And a friend of mine told me that he might have entered the universe."

He didn't say who the friend was, but Xiang Yu guessed it, the one who shot and killed the former Lord of the Galaxy.

This hidden feeling can only be known by the true strong.

"So, do you consider me Qin Shihuang?"

"The last time you went to my mansion, did you go to him?"

Xiang Yu is not himself. As soon as he thought about it, he figured out the key.


Ning Tianlin nodded. At this time, he also noticed Bai Qi on the side, and gradually eased down, not as excited and angry as before.

"Can you tell us what the earth looks like today?"

"Which dynasty have you arrived now?

Xiang Yu continued to ask.

Although he has grown up to be the lord of the galaxy in these years, he has not disturbed the earth or sent anyone there.

Especially now that he has grown to the point where he has mastered the laws of space and wants to return to Earth, it is much easier, but he has never done so.

Maybe it is more timid to be close to hometown, or maybe I don't want to return to the sad place of the year.

There were too many things and people there, he didn't want to remember.

Eight thousand Xichu men died under his rigid self-use.

"it is good."

Ning Tianlin nodded, organized the language, and began to explain what happened after the Qin Dynasty, from Liu Bang to the Han Dynasty, and now to China, talk slowly.

Even the centuries of shame of the last century have been spoken out.

It has passed and there is nothing to say.


"Dignified Chinese, how can a group of barbarians and foreigners bully here!"

Xiang Yu seems to have forgotten that he is the lord of the galaxy, but a member of the Huaxia people. When he heard that the gate of the country was broken by foreigners and all foreigners prostituted, he yelled.

I can't wait to lose my sword now and slaughter everyone.

Huaxia is not only the root of Ning Tianlin.

It is also the root of his Xiang Yu!

He did not miss it, but wanted to leave that sad place all the time.

This departure is more than two thousand years.

"These foreign nations are gone now."

"It's all extinct."

At this time, Ning Tianlin also said that these foreign nations were destroyed by the black dragon from outer space in the past few years, and slaughtered cleanly, and even he said his role in it.

It is not meritorious deeds, but willing to share this secret with others.

One stop that year, he let Bai Qi take a shot and organized Xu Fu to kill the black dragon.

If not, Xiaori is still Xiaori and still under Xu Fu's rule.

"well done!"

"That's it!"

Xiang Yu patted his thigh and really regarded himself as an ordinary Chinese citizen. "If you change to me, you will kill this Xu Fu yourself, making him not so."

Knowing that Xu Fu caused such great trauma to Huaxia, he Xiang Yu really wanted to peel his skin, eat his flesh, and drink his blood.

"Ha ha."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

At this moment, he no longer regards Xiang Yu in front of him as the lord of the galaxy, but regards him as almost as angry as himself.

Those who bully me on Huaxia will kill them if they have the power!

At the same time, he estimated that the purpose of his current visit has become more than half.

He Xiang Yu, the Lord of the Galaxy, is also delighted with the earth.

"it is good!"


"Now the earth is all my Huaxia family!"


The end result is Xiang Yu laughing, because at this time, the earth is already Huaxia, it is their pure Huaxia family! Within the eyes, is the land of my tribe!

"You did a blessing."


"Drink a drink!"

Xiang Yu laughed and said with a wave, a glass of wine floated in front of Ning Tianlin's eyes and let him enjoy. Then he took a closer look at Bai and gave him a glass of wine.

The hatred of two thousand years should be resolved.

And over the years, he has long ceased to have resentment against people on earth, not even Liu Bang.

Yes, it's just self-blame and remorse for eight thousand Western Chu soldiers!

Those people were buried in Wujiang along with themselves that day.

This is also the most fundamental reason for his reluctance to return to the earth.

Touching scenes.

The pain and gloom, he really didn't want to look back.

"it is good."

Ning Tianlin took it and drank it.

Bai Qi from the side thought for a while, and sighed in his heart, not even his mother-in-law, reached out to take it, and drank it.

Yeah, some resentment should fade away over time. Moreover, he has reported true hatred!

Without him Xiang Yu, there will be others.

"it is good!"

Xiang Yu saw Bai Qi drank the wine, and laughed, and got a good word.

"Have friends come from afar!"

"In the Milky Way, my Huaxia people are always friends!

In recent years, he has rarely been so happy.

He himself is a hearty person who likes to make friends, and now he is really happy to see Earth people and his fellow people.

Later, Bai Qi also joined the chat team and began to talk about some things.

Even Ning Tianlin didn't know much about the hidden things about the Qin Dynasty.

In the end, Xiang Yu himself said some of his experiences in the galaxy.

"That big brother, the historical records are wrong. You didn't confess to Wujiang?"

Xu was too chatty, and Ning Tianlin even asked this question.

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