Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1205: Worship three brothers

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"It really is!"

Xiang Yu looked at Ning Tianlin's white elixir in his hands, and for a while, it was really ethereal.

How can Ning Tianlin get such a thing.

You know, he just heard about it, never seen it, but the entire galaxy didn't.

First came out of "Space Mystery", and now they are ethereal, each of them is a treasure of great value, even more things he can't get, this Ning Tianlin, but it is completely like a fool.

What kind of situation did he have? It looks like a baby, much more than his own.

Even Bai Qi on the side was speechless. It was considered to have once again seen Ning Tianlin's great powers. It seems that in this world, there is nothing he does not have.

"it is good!"

Xiang Yu nodded, "This thing, if there are three, I guess it's OK!"

He has a physical combat power of more than 10 million and can break open space for transmission, but a physical combat power of more than 10 million is the minimum requirement.

The minimum requirement of every thing is the minimum, there will be many unpredictable adverse consequences. Even physical grandchildren will reach their limits.

Moreover, with his ability, if he wanted to return to the earth, it was estimated that it would take three times, and the distance of one transmission was still relatively short, and he could not come directly.


Ning Tianlin smiled and showed his right hand again. Two ethereals appeared again, and even said, "There will be more."

He didn't say anything like how much or how much. He knew the reason for his wealth. Although Xiang Yu was a fellow, he was the first time to meet, and he was not too familiar.

Seeing fellow villagers, there are tears in their eyes, but when they come to meet fellow villagers, there are some swords behind them.

Some people and things will take a long time to understand.

"it is good."

"In this case, this earth, I'll go back with you."

Xiang Yu hesitated, but after thinking about it, he finally made a decision.

The earth is its own hometown and its roots. In any case, dare not face the death of the eight thousand tiger tiger soldiers of that year, how to face the elder Jiang Dong without face, but the earth itself will return.

There is his own home and his birthplace.

No one loves home when you are out.

Moreover, I really have to go back this time, otherwise, as Ning Tianlin said, if I don't go back, I'm afraid there will be no chance.

Once the earth was gone, it was impossible to go back.

"it is good!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Ning Tianlin was happy, and at the same time relieved in his heart. He promised that his heart, which had been raised for a while, could be regarded as falling.

"Master, brother Ning is really out of sight. If you don't mind, from now on, we will be called brothers and call me Brother Xiang."

Xiang Yu waved his hands, depending on how Ning Tianlin was called. At the same time, he said to the side of Bai Qi, "General Bai, how about it? From then on, Xiang Yu also called you Big Brother Bai?"

Xiang Yu was born at the end of the Qin Dynasty, but Bai Qi had already been around the world long ago.

So regardless of strength, Xiang Yu's big brother Bai was not wrong.

"it is good."

"I'm white, not a stingy person."

Bai Qi laughed loudly, the hatred of the country, in this huge galaxy and long years, it should have been erased long ago, besides, this feather is just a knife, not the originator.

As for Ning Tianlin, he can forgive Xiang Yu. Now that everything is open, there is nothing to forgive.

"it is good!"

"That being the case, then in my opinion, how about the three of us if we worship as the three brothers of the opposite sex!"

"From now on, there will be difficulties and happiness, and happiness and sharing!"

"Don't ask for the same month and the same day, only for the same month and the same day to die!"


Xiang Yu suddenly proposed. After speaking, some looked at Ning Tianlin with anticipation.

He has always been a good person, and when he makes a decision, he will not regret it. Even if Liu Bang was released that year. Today, Ning Tianlin really fits his appetite.

During a recent conversation, he has been in the temple for over two thousand years, and he has never been so happy.

It's better to be a brother. Xiang Yu will not be alone in the galaxy in the future!

"it is good!"

"Since Brother Xiang is so, I'm in vain, and I won't twiddle!"

Bai Qi took a sip of wine from the side, took a big sip, and spoke loudly.

After speaking, both of them looked directly at Ning Tianlin, waiting for his statement.

"it is good."

"That being the case, from now on, the three of us will be brothers of the opposite sex!"

Looking at the fiery eyes of the two around them, Ning Tianlin also nodded heavily.



At that time, the three kingdoms Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei only met for the first time, and they became brothers of the first generation. They had nothing to do. Regarding the identity of these two people, they don't know how much longer than the three of Liu Guanzhang.

The world is so amazing, I want to be brothers with two old antiques!

And one is the Western Chu tyrant Xiang Yu, the world leader of the Liba Mountain, and the other is the Qin Kingdom God of War. Even before, he had some conflicts with himself, and when this was said, how could anyone believe.

It ’s just that Ning Tianlin is a bit funny, do you ancient people like to pull people to worship?

"it is good!"

"Since then, we are the three brothers of the opposite sex!"

Xiang Yu laughed when he saw his proposal accepted by the two. The end is even more Tao. "I think it's better to hit the sun than today, and today, we will burn the incense and sue the emperor!"


"Back to my house!"

Xiang Yu said just do it, and pulled Ning Tianlin away from the VIP room.

No matter how hasty, it is impossible to worship in a room.

Moreover, they are very serious about the emperor's soil.

"Oh? Master, how did they leave?"

The Suramans, who have been paying attention to the movement of the box outside, are watching the figures flying away and leaving, somewhat wondering, walking so quickly? She wanted to catch up and ask the master if she could help, but in a blink of an eye, a few people disappeared here.

And her messager soon heard a voice, "Wait back to the old place and wait for me, I'll come and go."

Ning Tianlin sent it to him.

She was also relieved in her heart, and her master was quite fond of her.

. . . . . .

On a wooden table, there are some food such as pig's head, sheep's head, and ox's head, which made Xiang Yu and Bai Qi see Ning Tianlin's method again. No matter how much space you have in this ring.

You will not be carrying a lot of animals when you leave the earth.

Why pretend everything.

Even the incense of the earth!

In any case, it also delighted the other two.

Since worshipping according to the customs of the earth, of course, it is better to offer sacrifices to the earth.


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