Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1209: Next, Ning Tianlin!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Okay, here's fine."

After doing all of this, Ning Tianlin hidden the teleportation array in the silt, and even arranged some isolation arrays around the silt. There are no two or three million fighting forces, and it is difficult to find here.

"Go to the next!"

Ning Tianlin turned and flew away, taking Bai Qi to another place. Soon came a forest inaccessible. And until several kilometers underground. There, a teleportation array was arranged.

After more than half an hour, the two appeared again in a sea of ​​ocean. At the bottom of the sea, a teleportation array was arranged.

"Well, let's do that."

Suspended above the sea floor, Ning Tianlin spit out his breath.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

He will not place the teleportation array in one place.

If one of them is accidentally discovered or even destroyed, it will be difficult to teleport. Although the probability is low, it is not impossible.

And Ning Tianlin knows that in fact, the safest place in the galaxy is the residence of Xiang Yu, the main of the galaxy. But after careful consideration, he chose to give up.

Too much change!

It is not impossible that the former Lord of the Galaxy can be defeated and destroyed.

If a master comes from the outside, everything will change. And at that time, the master discovered the teleportation array. For the earth, I am afraid it is an endless disaster.

It's better to be in trouble.

at the same time.

Budokai square.


"Changed the rules of the game?"

Countless people looked at the floating text in shock, some shocked.

The rules of the martial arts association have even changed!

Originally a two-player match, the winner was promoted, but now it has become a platform mode, and the winner continues to stand on the top waiting for the challenge. And this challenge is not that you want to go up, you don't want to go up.

There are names and orders!

Who shouted!

Ten people!

Take a break if one person beats ten in a row!

Otherwise, it will be eliminated!

When the strength is equal, the fierce victory must also continue! I can only blame you for your back! But you can take medicine to recover halfway.

The top one hundred will then use the two-in-one elimination system.

"How did this happen?"

"How did it change?"

Many people are still waiting to distribute their opponents, but now, they have changed the system!

What happened?

This system is obviously a bit unfair. It would take a lot of effort to even play ten. However, everyone thinks that this is also beneficial. If they can win ten games in a row, they are usually the real strong.

Maybe you can defeat yourself in one fell swoop while the other is tired, but you can also create a chance for yourself to win by weakness and strength!

And doing so can save a lot of time.

After all, for viewing purposes, there are only a total of one hundred daisies, that is, at most two hundred people can compete at a time. In this way, the two hundred taiwans can have no rest throughout the day and there will always be games.

But there is also a big disadvantage in doing this, that is, everyone must stay at the martial arts meeting, waiting for random allocation! Because maybe the next one will be you! Waste a lot of people's energy.

But there is nothing to think about.

The combat effectiveness is so high that they can sleep without sleep for several months, let alone wait here.

"Rules come into effect from now on!"


After the rule was repeated ten times, it became effective immediately. And in these ten times, the flow of people in many places is rushing here, because it is likely that he will turn next!

"Changed the rules?"

At this time, a man at the martial arts venue had just defeated an opponent and was a bit stunned.

Originally, he could rest after the end of this game, and it took him three days to turn around.

But now it means that he must still stand here and not step down.

Can only continue the game.

But it just didn't take much effort for him to just beat that opponent, he just moved his fingers. Anyway, he is also one of the four provinces' top ten seed players.

"Brother, what are you afraid of changing the rules, continue!"

"Brother, you are the best, go ahead!"

"You will win! Few will be your opponents!"

"We really want to see which tragedy met you!"


Five young men are standing together, wearing uniforms. If they have some Galaxy experience, they will know that all five are from Xishan, one of the four provinces. At this moment, five people complimented the men on the stage.

This man is led by five of them and is also a seed player in Xishan Prefecture.


"Change, change, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"The strong are always the strong."

The man on the stage nodded and smiled confidently.

But it's just a matter of pressing the time, whoever comes will be able to lose a few seconds!

"You have 30 seconds to rest and recover. Take elixir. Will you recover?"

At this time, the intelligent robot referee asked him.

"No need to."


The man waved his hand directly. He was going to hit ten in a row, and he couldn't breathe. He was going to be the most durable man.


"Express the name of the next challenger!"

The audience at Xishan House and the audience who watched the show started to coax at this time. In particular, the audience is anxious to watch the next game. They come here, but they really appreciate the game.

The rules of each item change, there are beneficiaries, there must be beneficiaries, the audience, this is the winner!

"Ning Tianlin!"

"The next challenger, Ning Tianlin!"

It was only very soon that the voice of the intelligent robot made everyone's brief Yaque silent.


"Ning Tianlin?"

"I heard you right."

Many people look at me, I look at you, some doubt their own ears, so fast, you can see the players of the great **** level.

"Your sister!"

"Ning Tianlin!"

And the man on the stage, the original proud look, instantly turned to death. Ning Tianlin, his next opponent is Ning Tianlin, and he will fart!

How can this fight!

His fighting power is more than 800,000, and this Ning Tianlin looks like eight million!

This is recognized as the number one master!

All the players this time, no one can please him well.

Even the other players in Xishanfu who were just shouting for cheering at the side, were also ashamed at the moment, listening unbelievably to the broadcast of the robot.

What a bad luck, the second one met him!

This time, the title of the big brother seed player can only be a seed, no buds!

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It's Ning Tianlin!"

And thunderous cheers broke out in the auditorium.

Yes, it's fun!

So quickly you can see the first master shot!

Are extremely excited.


"Get to the master so soon!"

Su Luoman who came here was also shocked, and quickly dialed the master's information device and called the master.

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