Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1233: All things

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"So, the two strongest breaths in and out of the universe are on me?"

Ning Tianlin was a little dazed.

These two things are now on him?

Just like that, they are extremely scary things. If this information is leaked out, I am afraid that it will cause countless masters to crush his body into dregs to snatch! After all, everything is the treasure of the treasure!

Although they are still small and can't see anything, these two strongest energies have already penetrated into their bodies, taking root and sprouting, and will one day grow into towering trees!

By that time, under the nourishment of these two strongest qi, my body will grow to an extremely terrifying state!

"Thank you."

Inevitable, Ning Tianlin thanked the combat system deeply.

I haven't seen it in three years, it was to prepare such a huge gift for myself.

However, there is always a doubt in his mind, that is, I am afraid that the exercises he has practiced today, "Ancient Stars and Magic", have been changed, and they are no longer the original "Ancient Stars and Magic".

The three colors of the cells are by no means the products of the original "Ancient Stars".

Purple, gray, that's unique!

After thinking about it, I still asked the combat system, "Is the" Ancient Stars "I have cultivated now changed? Has its original function been good?"


As soon as the words fell, the combat system nodded.

"The ancient ancient star formula has changed, not the original."

"Chaos ancient atmosphere, Hongmeng purple atmosphere, is the root of the universe. Although the creators of the original" Ancient Stars "are not strong enough, they are not strong enough to possess these two kinds of Xeonqi."

"Originally, when the" Old Wild Stars "reached your point, the cells would only change from the original red to gold, and only one color of gold! But now, you include three colors."

"So, the" Ancient Stars "you practiced in the future is no longer the original version, but a stronger evolutionary version!"

"The further you go, the stronger it will be!"

"It's stronger than the creator of the ancient ancient star tactics!"

The combat power system directly gave Ning Tianlin an unforeseen future, but this future is a thoroughfare, exuding an endless future.


Hearing this, Ning Tianlin also took a deep breath.




Although he didn't know how terrible the creator of "Ancient Stars" was, from the purpose of turning the body into the universe and the cell into the planet, we can see the erudition and power of the creator.

Not many people in the universe can have this courage.

Refine yourself!

But now, the combat system tells him that he will only be stronger than the creator, not even on a level, how can he not be excited!

The strong is his ultimate desire!

He has an extremely bright future today!

"Ancient Stars" will also give you even greater power.

"The cell is the planet, so the thirty or more cells I have today can also be called the planet?"

This is also a big question for Ning Tianlin today.

The thirty-two cells in three colors are obviously very different from the others, and only they are three-color, and the rest are still red.

He explored the thirty-two cells at the beginning, but he could only feel the energy contained in it, and didn't find much.


Ning Tianlin shook his head. "They are just star cores now, not planets! They are just the prototype of the planets."


Ning Tianlin was stunned and disappointed.

He thought it was the real planet.

He really wanted to see what it was like to form a planet in his body.

"Although it is not a planet, it is coming soon."

The combat system continued to explain, "The final mystery of" Ancient Stars "is actually two things in one lifetime, two in three, and three in three.

Lifetime two?

Second life and third life?

Everything in three lives?

Isn't this a famous sentence in the Tao Te Ching?

Ning Tianlin wondered, how did this come out?

Is this the original Lao Tzu who created "Ancient Stars"?


Inevitably, he took a breath of air.

"What do you think!"

But his thoughts just started, he was stopped by the combat system, "Don't think about it!"

"Nothing strange!"

Explained, "Life is two, life is two, life is three things, this is the rule of the origin of the universe, and the strong one who reaches that point will know it. These three sentences are just a summary of the road. of."

"The creator of the wild ancient star tactics just used these three words on himself."


Ning Tianlin nodded.

These three sentences, if it is the Cosmic avenue, the truly powerful man must know. However, the creator is really fierce, and actually used these three words on himself, practicing his own cell as a planet!

In the case of this mistake, it is absolutely impossible.

"After the cell changes from blood red to extremely pure gold, it will slowly change under the impetus of time and energy, and eventually it will evolve into two kinds of energy inside, which is two in one life."

At this time, the combat effectiveness system continued to explain, "Then two types changed to three, two in three!"

"Slowly, under the impetus of this" three, "everything is derived and slowly expands from the core of the star into a real planet."

such. . . . . .

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin nodded.

Also, how could a planet be formed so easily.

From your own cultivation to now, it is only five or six years, and it is only three or four years of real contact with this "Ancient Stars".

The original creators, I'm afraid the time needed is billions!

I was too anxious.

I grew up to this day, maybe the other person hasn't farted and slept a long time.

"But at the end of the day, everything in the second, second, third, and third life is changed by the original golden energy. Although the species are different, they are the same source and root! There is no big change like heaven and earth."

"It's all the same kind."

The words of the combat system did not end, but continued, "But today, you are a very different host!"

"In the first place, your body has three kinds of energy. When these three kinds of energy have me, you have me. When you really blend together, you will have the" three "word, and you will directly cross the long life two. Second life and third life, direct evolution of everything, greatly reducing time! "

"This shortened time may even be billions!"


Hearing here, Ning Tianlin took a sip of air-conditioning directly, and was even more pleased.

Shorten billions of years.

What a horrible figure!

These times are enough for him to do too much!

And really, as he thought, the original cultivation time of "Ancient Stars" was an extremely exaggerated figure!

Note: It was really embarrassing that I did n’t update yesterday, because I was on a business trip in Guizhou, and I was too busy reading an activity, I was too busy, sorry. I really don't want to be interrupted by more than 400 days of continuous updates. . . . . . I'm really sorry.

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