Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1237: Soaring fighting power! !! !!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"The current level of the host is 7,600. Counting the addition of himself and the Yijinjing, it has a total of 384,400 combat power, which is almost 4 million."

The combat effectiveness system did not give Ning Tianlin an answer directly, but analyzed sentence by sentence, "the equipment is almost two-star equipment, five pieces, a total of one million points of combat power."

"Millions of combatants have now reached 2.2 million."

"Danling, after the mutation, added 30 million to the combat effectiveness of the host!"


How many?

Hearing this number, Ning Tianlin stunned.

thirty million!

Dan Ling, there are countless fine-grained Dan Lings in Dan Tian's position, which have provided himself with 30 million points of combat power!


Involuntarily, Ning Tianlin took a breath of air directly.

This own imagination is too wide!

He felt that the energy was surging there, exuding endless energy, but he did not dare to think about the figure of 30 million. It will cost 10 million to die. Now it has reached 30 million!

You know, it turned out to be only a million or so, and now with the help of hundreds of billions of essences, it has soared to 30 million!

Almost thirty times higher!

This is a bit too exaggerated!

It was too much beyond his expectations.

In other words, Dan Ling alone makes himself a three-day powerhouse!

Three-day strong.

Cyclonus became a three-day powerhouse directly by an August martial artist! It only took a day!

This. . . . . . This is too outrageous.

However, the combat system didn't bother his surprise, but continued, "That is to say, it's not a formation, it's not a martial art, it's not a special effect. The host's combat power today is 37 million!"

"If you go all out, you can fight the four-day strong!"


Ning Tianlin's head was buzzing.

He thought too much. I also thought of all kinds of possibilities, but I didn't think that my combat effectiveness had soared to this point! Nearly reaching the level of the four-day strong! Compared to the original, it is completely upside down!


Is this Dan Ling so powerful!

Too ridiculous!

You know, the other day, he was still distressed about how to get to the earth. Now that he has mastered certain skills, he can definitely return to earth in a short time! Waiting for the arrival of the Hao family there!

However, he also faintly felt that all of this was absolutely related to the strongest air in the universe, the chaotic ancient air, and the strongest air outside the universe, Hongmengqi. My crazy progress makes it impossible to get rid of them.

"Yes, I can't get in touch with them."

The combat power system explained at this time, "The original Dan spirit can only add up to 10 million, but the chaos ancient spirit and the Hongmeng purple gas each provide you with 10 million points of combat power."

"They are the basis of your combat power rage."

"And, with the birth and development of the two strongest qi, they will only make you stronger!"



Listening to the words of the combat system, Ning Tianlin only felt his head buzzing.

It's too fierce!

It's too fierce!

He directly contributed 20 million points of combat power to himself.

It can even be said that the 400 million points of energy consumed are almost all spent on the 10 million points of combat power, and the remaining 20 million points are completely given by this chaotic ancient spirit and Hongmeng Ziqi .

"Now the three make up your elixir. From now on, they will advance and retreat together. As long as the golden energy is increased, the gray energy and the purple energy will automatically conceive."

"The three have become one and are in common."


With the combat effectiveness system, Ning Tianlin was overjoyed. This does not mean that his Dan Ling can continue to improve in the future! This is not the final form.

"of course."

"This is just the beginning."

The combat system affirmed, "It is only the initial form now, and the second form will be a funnel."

"Star Wars."

"When your cell becomes a planet, it will follow this funnel and follow a certain orbit."

"It is fundamental and responsible for maintaining the order of the planet so as not to collide."

The second form. . . . . .

Ning Tianlin has understood something, and he doesn't want to listen anymore, because the funnel of this second form is not yet the final form, and it will change.

Moreover, this second form is too far away for itself, and it is not a matter of current consideration at all.

The first form spent hundreds of billions of his energy. The second form, I am afraid, would be terrifying. I really don't know how long it will take to collect so much energy.

"These three-colored cells, that is, the planets with only star cores, have not increased my combat effectiveness?"

According to the meaning of the combat system, it seems that it is not when they were born. After they become real stars, they will be of great help to themselves.


The combat system nodded, "Mo Ji, when the nucleus absorbs energy and turns into a real star, you will know how lucky you are."

"The planet originally born of" Ancient Stars "is just golden energy, but you have three kinds of energy converging. When it really takes shape, you will know how powerful he is!

"The creators of" Ancient Stars "are compared to you in the realm, they are all scum!"


Ning Tianlin was speechless.

The big man who created the "Fast Ancient Stars" came to the same realm and knelt down?

Is it invincible?

However, thinking of the existence of two kinds of bully, Chaos Ancient Qi and Hongmeng Ziqi, Ning Tianlin thought it should be so!

This is the existence of two legends. The Lord of the Universe knows that he will rob it and be invincible in the realm.

"Also, warm reminder, the host's equipment should be changed now."

The combat system gave Ning Tianlin a word at this time.


Ning Tianlin froze, then immediately agreed without hesitation.

At that time, five or six million physical combat capabilities were equipped with two-star equipment, and now their physical combat effectiveness has soared to 37 million, and it is time to change.

Moreover, he still has some energy points.

When the mission was completed, the combat system rewarded him with 100 billion points of energy.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. Successfully redeemed Samsung in January to equip Dragonscale Silkworm King Armor, consuming 200 million essence points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. Successfully redeemed Samsung ’s Dragonscale Genius King Boots in January and consumed 200 million points of energy!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. Successfully redeemed Samsung in January equipped with the Dragonscale Genius King Halberd, which consumed 200 million points of energy!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. Successfully redeemed Samsung ’s Dragonscale Genius King necklace in January and consumed 200 million points of energy!"

Soon, the sound of the combat system sounded continuously, reminding him that the exchange was successful.

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