Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1243: Zerg strikes!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Space teleport!"

"Someone forcibly broke the space!"

Ning Tianlin, the master of Tangling Mansion, had settled his eyes, and stared at the rumbling space above, his heart shaking.

Someone is doing the same teleportation as himself!

Second brother?

It shouldn't be.

He hasn't researched "Space Mystery" clearly, and he doesn't have this ability.

Who will it be?

And still in Tanglin.

Is there anyone behind this Lord of Tangling Mansion?

Is there revenge for him?

In the galaxy, in addition to themselves, can anyone carry space teleport?

However, Ning Tianlin was not worried because the open space was much smaller than the one he had just had. The larger the tearing space, the stronger the combat power of the caster.


Buzzing rumbling, about tens of seconds later.

A blood-red figure emerged from this space.

The first is the limbs.

It is not thick, but it looks slender. But at the bottom, accompanied by huge claws, sharp nails, shone like a knife light, extremely sharp.

The skin around was blood red, scaly, and shimmering with metallic luster. Knife and gun are difficult to enter.

Soon, the **** red tail behind it also slowly emerged, two inches thick and vigorous. From time to time, they struck in the void, as if struck on metal, with a harsh whip.

"this is......"

Ning Tianlin was confused for a moment.

The opponent's figure has not shown all, but he has shown his strength.

This body contains all explosive power.

The main point is that this person is not a human race!

"It's not a purple pupil."

Ning Tianlin once again thought of a possibility, is it because the Zitong clan sought him for revenge? In other words, the Zitong clan wanted to ask what happened to him at the time. In the end, did he find anything from Giza, any clues, and who controlled Giza?


And soon, the other's upper body and head were exposed.

However, what surprised everyone was that the other's upper body and head were similar to humans, with a human body, but densely covered with scales.

But Ning Tianlin noticed the magnificent pair on the chest of this creature.


Turns out to be a female creature!

Above its head, it has two long antennae, about two or three meters, like a whip,

As soon as he appeared, he began to look at the surrounding environment with scarlet eyes. When Ning Tianlin's figure was found, his eyes were bright, and deep in his eyes, there was a thick bloodthirsty color.

"This look ..."

Ning Tianlin was a little surprised, because he felt this look a little familiar, as if he had seen it before!


It was only momentarily that this sudden emerged creature had a big mouth and numerous small flying insects spewed out of its mouth, densely packed like a locust crossing, and scattered towards the Quartet at a fast speed.




It's just that these flying insects did not attack humans, but exploded immediately after reaching a certain position, and then the fragmented corpse was suspended without blood, flickering like a magnet.

"not good!"

"This is an electromagnetic bug!"

"My communicator won't work."

Soon, someone discovered the anomaly, and immediately thought of what kind of creature it was.

Electromagnetic worm.

Specially interfere with the signal, making the surrounding signal ineffective.


"They are Zerg!"

"Electromagnets are part of the Zerg!"

Many people yelled in panic.

This is the Milky Way. Although it is far from the battlefield of the human race and the zerg race, it has not yet been affected. However, as one of the major races in the universe, it is almost a natural enemy of human beings. Many people have studied them.

Even Galaxy's textbooks have records about them.

Because maybe at some point, the people in the galaxy will also face off with the Zerg!

This is the natural enemy of human beings.

A lot of common sense, people must understand!


Hearing Ning Tianli here, his eyes narrowed.

What the hell?


Why did the Zerg come here!

Although he has not stepped out of the Milky Way, he has heard the name of the Zerg, like Lei Guaner.

In this group, there are countless powerhouses, even the cosmic powerhouses. Otherwise, we cannot fight with humans in this cosmic space from the beginning.

Too many people die in the hands of this tribe every year, every moment.

"They're interfering with the signal!"

"This bug king, he wants us to lose contact with the outside world!"

Too many people are aware of this, their faces change and then change, because the next situation is likely to be massacre!

The Zerg are going to kill this place!

After isolation, let the outsiders not know what is going on here, they ca n’t support it, and kill!



It seems to be confirming this view. I saw that the upper body of the worm that came in the void was a human worm. Once again, there were countless black bodies that were as hard as iron and similar to the Beatles. Out.

Grow in the wind!

These worms were originally only a dozen centimeters, but when they flew out, they had become several meters in size.



Attacked the humans below.


I saw a beetle-like creature with a mouth and an energy ball like a light egg, and blasted the crowd below.



Only a few moments later, buildings collapsed and many people were in a sea of ​​blood.


Many human warriors also took out combat weapons in their hands and fought with them.


Ning Tianlin frowned.

The Zerg are actually killing themselves under their eyelids!

With a little hesitation, a big wave of his hand, the figure of Wanzuan flew out. Even from his own body, more than 3 million combat forces flew out of the man's foot, bringing it to 5 million.

Although not very high, it should be enough to deal with these bugs.

It was not his sympathy, but he really didn't want to see the Zerg slaughter humans like this, especially the Galactics.

In addition, the strongest fighting power of Dongling Mansion was destroyed by himself, and even the guards killed a lot of themselves. Without them, this Dongling Mansion is completely sheep-like and can be slaughtered by anyone.

All of this has its own reasons.

In addition, he also wanted to see if Manchurian Devouring Zerg could increase combat effectiveness. If it is possible, then there will be plenty of rations in the future.


"Unexpectedly, good brother, you are still a pet teacher, and you can drive the beast."

At this time, the Zerg who appeared in the void spoke and laughed, "I really made my sister like you more and more."

With just one sentence, Ning Tianlin frowned, who had originally guessed who the other party was, "It's you!"

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