Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1254: I am back!

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"Not yet?"

"Am I guessing wrong?"

Unlike many earth people who are crazy, Shu Yishan, who has been watching the vortex of the stars, smiled bitterly. So many people have come out. Why has n’t her husband Ning Tianlin yet?

Is your feeling wrong, thinking more about yourself?

The involuntary throbbing in my heart was the result of my own excessive thoughts.

In the end, I sighed, yeah, maybe I really thought about it myself. Although my husband is excellent, how can he come in this way? This horrible way is definitely a big man.

Ordinary martial arts, how can this ability.


"he is?"

But when the next figure appeared, her eyes narrowed suddenly, and she burst into an incredible color.

Why did he come out!

How could it be him!

Wasn't Fu Jun forbidden to return to earth that day!

why did he come here!


"Who is this man? How familiar is he? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

A slightly older middle-aged man was a little confused as he watched the figure coming out of the space vortex next. This figure is really familiar, seems to have been seen somewhere, but really can't remember it for a while.

And there are not a few Chinese people who think about him.

"I am!"

"No, nothing!"

"It's him, for nothing!"

There are those with bad memory, of course there are good memories, and there are more unforgettable, and soon, someone recognized the appearance of this appearance in shock, it was nothing!

When Xu Fu was blocked, it was Bai Qi who killed Xu Fu!

How did he appear!

Where has he been since so long?

Because not many people know the holiday between him and Ning Tianlin, let alone what happened that day, so many people don't know where Bai Qi went, let alone he has gone to the universe!

Not many people know about Ning Tianlin's ban on him.

Even in these years, there have been constant reports in the media where Bai Qi went. How he disappeared, but he killed Xu Fu and blocked the hero of the Black Dragon.

But at this moment, countless people are boiling.

Bai Qi appeared!

Bai Qi is an authentic earthman! Moreover, in the past few years, he had killed Xu Fu and resisted the black dragon hero. Although he is not an opponent of the Black Dragon, he did his best!


Countless people even breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Just come out for nothing.

It is very likely that these people will not be bad for the planet.

Bai Qi has appeared. If someone hits the Chinese people, he will definitely block it. These people may be friends of Bai Qi.

Moreover, many Chinese people soon discovered a phenomenon.

"Bai Qi's identity is unusual!"

Because after the appearance of Bai Qi, he began to talk to the first man who appeared with noble identity, much like the ancient Chinese people. There was no bow, no flattering, just equal talk!

Even the people on the side bowed hello to him!

Just the same, we can see that Bai Qi is the same as this person. At least they are talking on an equal footing!

"It's over."

"There will never be Tianlin!"

And unlike the crazy excitement of Chinese people, Shu Yishan's face at this moment is even disappointed, even despairing!

Bai Qi appeared, there must be no Tianlin.

Because she knew the holiday between Bai Qi and her husband, Tian Lin forced Bai Qi away that year! Although he did not kill him, this hatred has ended. How many people are willing to leave their homes and go to other places.

Especially forced to leave home!

How could his husband come out of the vortex of space with him!

If Tianlin is here, maybe he has shot and killed Bai Qi! How can he make him appear!

And unlike Shu Yishan's despair, Ning Tianlin's parents, Ning Rong, knew that Ning Tianlin and Bai Qi had a holiday, Ning Rong, Shi Xiaojun, deputy leader of the League of Legends, Hua Hua in the Forbidden City, and some knew Ning Tianlin The people who have played with the white festival, they all feel bad, think more!

Baek is here, isn't he going to get revenge?

In particular, the couple of Ning Rong changed their faces. This white one will never let them and the entire Ning family, they will definitely hate them to death, who made them Ning Tianlin's parents!

Maybe, they will even start with them!

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

In vain, he dared to return to the earth under the agreement with Ning Tianlin at first, and he would definitely rely on it. He must already have the means to deal with Tianlin!

This is troublesome

The Ning Rong couple, even at this limited time, are ready to order the means to hide back.

In these years, Ningfu was not blind and did nothing.

Some rich people have dug the cave nearly ten thousand meters underground. How can his Ning family have no emergency measures to deal with the unstoppable things. After all, maybe at some point, a group of mighty aliens will come out.

For the blood of the Ning family, he Ning Rong, as the head of the family, must make some follow-up arrangements.

When his son returns, maybe he can make a comeback.

Where there is life, there is hope!

However, he really hesitated to make an order, because the Chiyan Golden Dragon with a pan on his head might be able to stop these people. Bai Qi was not his opponent then, maybe this time it is still not!

After all, it was his son who left them to see the nursing home.

Maybe he can handle all disasters!

For a while, Ning Rong, who had always been somewhat decisive, couldn't decide.

However, while his face was changing and he didn't know what to do, countless Chinese people heard an exclaim! Even throughout Ningfu, there were countless excitement shouts.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It's Ning Tianlin!"

"It's Ning Meng returned!"

Countless people screamed, excited, and cheered excitedly.

Because no one had thought that their patron saint, Ning Tianlin, the greatest hero of the earth, had returned!

He returned from the galaxy outside!

Back to Earth!

Even some children who have never seen Ning Tianlin face cheered with excitement, because they can feel the joy of adults around them, and the more they look at the screen, the more familiar they become.

Because in their textbooks and classroom stickers, they all look like this person!



The Ning Rong couple and Shu Yishan were also shocked by the sudden joy and change, and the least likely son appeared!

He is back!

Inevitably, the eyes of the three were sour and a little fuzzy.

Five years.

My son and husband are finally back!


There are too many heroes in the League of Legends.

In this vortex of space, even out of the leader!

"You're back!"

The old man in the Forbidden City took a long breath.

Just come back!

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