Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1256: Silence is better than sound here!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Thank you."

"Ning Tianlin said thank you to me!"

The tour guide was a little aggressive.

She did not expect that this time she led the team to see the legendary Ning Tianlin, and heard him say thank you, especially now that she was holding the elixir handed to her by the other party, feeling everything was untrue.

"Guide, take a look. What kind of elixir is this?"

After Ning Tianlin left, a group of tourists immediately surrounded the tour guide. All looked at the elixir in her hands with jealousy and envy, and really hated why they hadn't rushed to explain this.

One word thing.

The things Ning Tianlin sent were absolutely huge.

"Look what."

"Nothing to see."

"this is mine."

The tour guide changed the good attitude of serving tourists, watching the greedy eyes in the eyes of everyone, and immediately put the elixir into his pocket, and after he went back, he studied it carefully and asked someone to identify the level of elixir.

Maybe this elixir can let you set foot on the martial arts all the way!

In particular, when I saw the hot eyes of tourists around, I was worried about being stolen in my pocket. No matter what, I gritted my teeth and took off my pants in public to expose the **** painted with yellow Pikachu.

Put the elixir directly into a small pocket on top of the panties.


After all this, he lifted his pants and snorted around.

She didn't believe that anyone could steal the panacea in her underwear!

What a face at this time, maybe with this elixir, she can go to heaven one step!

"Dad, mom, Yishan!"

When Ning Tianlin's figure turned into light and shadow and appeared directly in front of Ning Rong's staff, he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and said instantly.

No matter how tough his heart is, at this moment, he is just a child, just a husband.

Thousands of words, only in the middle of this sentence!



The Ning Rong couple and Shu Yishan saw the appearance of Ning Tianlin standing in front of them. They also screamed with excitement. Ning Tianlin's mother, Chen Xi, opened her arms without thinking and brought a Greatly hug.

Suddenly, tears burst into tears and wet his eyes.

Five years.

Wanderer returns, how can parents cry without excitement!

Even Ning Tianlin himself had a moist and misty corner of his eyes, but still managed not to drop tears.

Who said that the boy did not cry easily, but he did not reach the sad place.

He was not an unfilial son. He had flesh and blood. He had not been with his parents and family for five years. He had only endless guilt in his heart.

Especially seeing Shu Yishan, who was crying behind her mother and laughing at herself, he just felt that after going through all kinds of dangers, it was worth returning to the earth!

Isn't he fighting for them all his life!

"Just come back."

"Just come back."

Father Ning Rong, who has always had a lot of words, nodded with relief at this time. Although his eyes were wet, but like Ning Tianlin, he could not bear dripping. It was even after you cried for a while that Chen Xi said, Don't cry, so many people are not afraid of being laughed at. "

"The second son came back once, did you just let him see you cry?"

As soon as this was said, Chen Xi swallowed a few times and separated from Ning Tianlin from the hug, but still said, "What's wrong with me?"

"I'm happy to see my son."

"Why don't you cry, something with no conscience!"

For her son, she can do everything she can, but for her husband, Chen Xi has no such good temper, proudly.

"I have no conscience."

"How could I have no conscience, and I am very happy."

If it were at home, he wouldn't talk back, but all the people around him looked at it all at once, and he refused to answer.

"Hey turned you back!"

In response to his words, Chen Xi hesitated, ready to reach out and drag his ears to screw him.

Ning Tianlin looked at Douyi's parents with a smile and did not stop, thinking that when his family hadn't made any progress, their parents looked like this. Now, how many years have passed, they still do.

"Thank you."

"All these years, you have worked hard."

At this time, Ning Tianlin stepped forward and said to Shu, who had been standing there, smirking at himself.

"Not hard."

Shu Yishan's eyes were filled with tears, she shook her head, and smiled, "You're better back."

"It's worth doing for you."

She has no complaints. In her mind, Ning Tianlin is her heaven and her land, and his business is his business. After that, I just stared at Ning Tianlin so endlessly.

How much I hope this world can stay here forever, forever.


"I am!"

"Why is there no picture?"

"No more live!"


At this moment, countless Chinese people who watched the live broadcast of the electronic screen lost light and shadow, and there was no trace of Ning Tianlin's staff. They know that this is not a webcast anymore. But this also means that the storm has ended with a happy ending.

It's not aliens coming!

It's Ning Tianlin's return!

The scene of family reunion, these outsiders do not have to watch.

However, the return of Ning Tianlin, but really on the Internet and China, caused a big wave of rendering.

They are talking about guessing why he came back, how much fighting power he has now, who those people around him are, and this time he can't leave. After almost tea, it was all about Ning Tianlin.


"Smelly brother, bad brother! I knew you didn't have me in your heart!"

"You can't see such a big person!"

At this time, the younger sister Ning Tianxin stood beside, cheering with a cheeky gangster.

She had been standing like this for two minutes, and her brother hadn't said a word to herself yet.


Ning Tianlin laughed, and from her eyes with Shu Yishan, she turned her eyes to Ning Tianxin and laughed, "How could it be."

"I can't ignore you if my brother ignores me."

Then, with open arms, he gave Ning Tianxin a big hug.

"A few years have passed, it has grown so big!"

Ning Tianlin smiled on the shoulder of his sister.

And Ning Tianxin's forehead was sweating directly. What's the matter, what made me grow so big, I've been so big for a long time, OK? However, she still enjoyed Ning Tianlin's embrace happily.

After all these years, I finally saw my brother again.

"Tianlin, you are back."

"Tianlin, just come back."

After meeting with my family, I was a relative who lived in Ningfu all year round. At this moment, they are respectful and say hello to Tianlin like a knot. They know who the true pillars of Ningfu are.

They can have such a good life today, thanks to whoever gives it.

"Well. Third Uncle."


Ning Tianlin also responded with a smile.

Some relatives who are not very close, Ning Tianlin also says hello. Ning Tianlin only hopes that the Ning family can really last forever!

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