Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1265: Maybe a pit

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"finally come."

Ning Tianlin sneered and said, "It's a day, it's going to be a while for you."

Although the heavens and the earth are different, Ning Tianlin still knows what his purpose of returning to the earth is, and he came for this Hao family. Moreover, the Hao family really came ahead. If we read the memory read from the Hao family's head, it should be more than half a month.

But now they have arrived on earth.

Had it not been for the ability to open the space for transmission, and rushed back in a short time, I am afraid that this time, it would really make the Hao family succeed. At that time, there would be no place to cry.

"Don't move you, try the power of these thirty-six days."

Ning Tianlin is not going to take the shot himself. Now that the formation is set, let it work. And he really wanted to see what it would be like for these people to break into the battle.

After all, for the first time to arrange such an array, the real result, although he is clear, but how it is specific, it is still difficult to say.

. . . . . .


"what happened?"

"Why is there no planet?"

"The coordinates of the earth are here. Why not?"

Outer space.

Mr. Hao San looked at the screen on the spacecraft and was extremely puzzled. Why not?

The coordinate position is clearly here, less than a hundred meters, but there is no planet. Not to mention a blue earth with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, even a meteorite cannot be seen.

"Uncle Lan, are you sure this is it?"

Son Hao asked the old man next to him with some uncertainty.

This old man, in a blue suit, with a slightly longer beard and lean body, was the servant of the Hao family who photographed Ning Tianlin as a flesh in one hand. These people are also the few remaining in the Hao family.

"Return to the third son, very sure."

Uncle Lan nodded. "The signal at that time came from here."

"We have made sure of this, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Uncle Lan frowned.

Because this can't be wrong, but let alone the planet in front of you, there is no one. There were a few planets a few light years away, but none of them contained life, nor was it the location of the earth in the record.

Involuntarily, this made him feel a little disturbed.

After thinking about this, for more than a month, I have lost contact with the family, and it is a coolness, rising from his back, causing countless goose bumps on his back.

Not in a trap, right?

You have to know that it is impossible to connect with the family. It has never happened before. No matter where it is, where the electromagnetic explosion is very powerful, the signal can also be transmitted.

And there is a signal on their spaceship that can be seen at a glance. Now, only one situation is explained, that is, there is no signal in the family!

But the family is the most central temple star in the galaxy. How can there be no signal?

There can be no signal anywhere in the galaxy, but there is no way there, because that is where the Lord of the Galaxy lives!

But in any case, the truth is before us!

Not to mention the owner, even some slaves, not even everyone he knew, could be contacted!

Instead, the three son Hao used his information device to contact him, and the same was true.

No one in the entire spaceship can be contacted!

This really made them feel panic in their bones, wouldn't something happen to the clan?

But how is this possible!

The patriarch is the 14th best player in the galaxy!

But with the genius martial arts meeting, they are really scared!

Because they already know that Ning Tianlin's fighting power is simply inexorable. His eighth-ranked superpower has been cut off by him, especially in the final peak battle, and the Zitong genius who has shown a fighting power of over ten million is killed!

They do n’t care if the other party is the Zitong clan, but the fighting power is tens of millions, but too many people are sure!

Even this kind of people can kill, that Ning Tianlin's fighting power is really strong horror!

If he is not good for his Hao family, it will be easy! Maybe he could n’t reach home, he really did it!

The entire Hao family. . . . . . Maybe already. . . . . .

"Three sons, I'm afraid we are enlightened ..."

Uncle Lan hesitated and came to a conclusion.

The signal they received at first was likely to be the wrong signal sent by the Earth people.

This possibility is very large!

After all, the earth can give birth to the genius of Ning Tianlin, with all the treasures of merit, how can it be cultivated by ordinary forces? Definitely a behemoth in hiding! With this existence, how can the network still be transferred through Cuttle Star?

Maybe it's a pit!

At this point, they actually thought about it when they came, but they also had another idea, which is this earth. If it is really just an ordinary planet, Ning Tianlin just got a strongman treasure from elsewhere.

Then this earth is really their favorite.

As long as this earth is used as a bargaining chip, don't worry that Ning Tianlin will not obey!

If none of the strong is in town, they don't mind you slaughtering the earth!

Especially now, the feeling is stronger!

Because this is their only way out!

Only this earth is an indigenous people, they will have the opportunity to make a comeback. Otherwise, even if the Hao family is really destroyed by Ning Tianlin, they can only watch it and have no chance of revenge.

Even this time, I'm afraid it's too fierce.

But anyway, they bet!

Just bet this earth is an indigenous!

Only by finding the earth and using it as a bargaining chip can Ning Tianlin regret what he did that day!

But where is this earth in Tamar now! When they have arrived, why can't they see this earth!

Did they lose the bet? Run for nothing?

Or has it fallen into the trap of Ning Tianlin or the earth?

"Three sons, I think, this is not a trap."

After all, Uncle Lan is rich in experience. At this time, there are still some judgments of his own. After thinking about it, "If it is a trap, then what is waiting for us must be Tianluodi. There are super masters waiting for us."

"But now, nothing."

Hearing here, Mr. Hao San's eyes are getting brighter and hurriedly, "Yes!"


"If it's a trap, we can't be alive now!"

"It must be that we haven't found it yet, or that the earth has hidden it in any way."


Mr. Hao San said, Uncle Lan's eyebrows had been raised. After a moment, he stared at the location of the earth, and said, "Since there is no error in the signal position, it must be hidden!"


"Let's make a tentative attack!"

"See if it's hidden, it's really a trap!"

Invisible, does not mean that it does not exist!

In the Galaxy Temple Star, there is high technology that can distort space and make people unable to detect the existence of some things, but if it is attacked, it can still be attacked! Maybe this earth is like this now!

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