Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1269: Exciting announcement!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ask this for what."

Ning Tianlin smiled, didn't care, and her sister was so curious.

"There are so many why."


Ning Tianxin coquettishly said, "You think, this is the lord of the galaxy! Who is not proud that we can get out of such a big man on earth, I guess that all people on the planet want to know who this lord of the galaxy is now!"

"Everyone believes those words you said!"

"You and Bai Qi both said he was a fellow, then he must be!"

Ning Tianlin smiled. "You can ask your brother this question."

He didn't answer this question positively, because if he continued like this, his younger sister would definitely be endless and kept asking.

"Second Brother?"

Of course, Ning Tianxin knows who is the second brother in his brother's mouth, which is Xiang Yu who came back together. Now the whole Ningfu people know that he and Xiang Yu, Bai Qi and the two became brothers.


"Go ask him. He knows the answer, and he knows it better than me. He will tell you how the other party became the lord of the galaxy."

Ning Tianlin laughed.


Ning Tianxin nodded and turned to leave.

At the same time, as the Internet reconnected to the Galaxy, too many people began to know how fierce Ning Tianlin was in the Galaxy! Not only has it become the strongest genius of the Genius Martial Arts Association, but even the total combat effectiveness is ranked in the top three of the galaxy!

Someone has even compared him to the Lord of the Galaxy, which ranks first in combat effectiveness!

so amazing!


How long has it been? It has grown to this point! Dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lord of the Galaxy!

But more people are looking at what is happening to this earth through the Internet. In the galaxy, are there any planets that have the same thing as the earth today. After all, the changes in the earth today are really too great.

Almost too big!

And this matter is closely related to all human beings.

But to their disappointment, no other planet has ever had such a thing! Some changes have taken place in a short period of time, but the earth is not so outrageous. Various creatures have changed wildly, and even the earth itself has become larger.

Today's three mountains and five mountains, rivers and lakes, have changed greatly, and even some thousand-year-old trees have spoken.

Too many pessimists are thinking that the earth will be ruled by fierce beasts. These days, there have been reports that heroes have died in the hands of these fierce beasts. Even the heroes can't resist it. Is it necessary to bomb nuclear heat again?

Just three days later.

The League of Legends, the Huaxia Government and Ningfu jointly issued an announcement explaining the change with the heavens and the earth, and the world shook.

"This is a bad time, but it is also an excellent time."

"It's bad because at this moment, for our planet, it's at the crossroads of its own life, it's also stepping into the galaxy, and it's facing the endless danger of the unknown.

"Walking right, the sea is wide, the sky is wide, and our planet will smoothly join the Milky Way, join the turbulent torrent of the universe, and start the pace of truly entering the great age of the universe. In the galaxy. "

"It is said that this era is good, because the pace of opening up the great age of the universe is not only facing crisis, but also endless opportunities! One of the opportunities is the great change of our planet today!"


After reading this, everyone's face has changed.

This earth change is an opportunity?

How long has it been? With so many people dead, almost all of the suburbs will be occupied by insects and beasts. How can this be an opportunity?

This is horrible!

However, too many people were quickly shocked by the next sentence.

Nothing more to add!

"The great changes of the earth today are man-made, a layout of our League of Legends and Huaxia forces! It is to start the resurgence of heaven and earth! It is for all of us to become heroes through cultivation! Become warriors with combat power prepare!"


This world change is artificial!

It ’s your own arrangement!

Oh my God!

What's the matter!

Your handwriting is too big, how did you do it!

Countless people were shocked by this news. They thought about all kinds of possibilities and wondered whether the earth's nuclear radiation or something could make the creatures mutate, but they never thought that this earth-shaking change would be man-made!

Forces such as League of Legends are specially arranged on the earth!

"This is a drill!"

"A training experience with warriors."

"Heaven and earth rejuvenated. It turned out that he cannot be a warrior or a hero. In the future, there will be a 99% chance to become a warrior.

"Because under the richness of the rich heaven and earth aura, even if you do n’t practice very much, you will also be aura and slowly become a warrior! We can guarantee that after March, everyone who is not a warrior can have a hundred combat power! "

"It's a warrior. Your own combat power will also increase several times!"

This was what Ning Tianlin told them.

Although it is exaggerated, it does not have much water, because Ning Tianlin himself does not know what level of revival of this earth's aura will reach in a short time.

After all, this is the escape and restoration of ancient aura!

The matrix method only plays a supporting role. The real dominance is the aura of the earth itself! You know, the earth was a holy place in the eyes of all peoples!

How horrible the richness of that aura can be for countless strong people to practice here!


"I can also be a warrior?"

"Do nothing, just soak in the air, and the combat effectiveness will reach 300?"

Countless people were shaken by the news.

Immediately after, it was crazy joy!

Because for most people, they cannot become warriors. One is that their qualifications are limited, and the other is that too many people have already passed the optimal period of cultivation.

Able to fly soaring, to rise in clouds and fog, to cross the sea!

Especially the combat force will have a long life!

Don't envy that it is fake!

But now that everyone can have this combat power, how can they not be excited?

For a while, the world was boiling!

"Although worms and beasts are getting stronger, the basis of this arrangement is our Chinese humans!"

"Every change will inevitably be sacrificed, but without sacrifices, we will not progress, and we will always be in the galaxy, at the bottom of the universe!"

"Only this great change and this fierce medicine will make us the earth, and we will make great strides in China. One day, we will enter the ranks of the peak race of the universe! Our earth will also evolve to a high level in a very short time Planet Wu! All the warriors will only get stronger! "

"Someday, all of us will also enter the galaxy, compete for the universe, and start a magnificent era of tens of thousands of people fighting for glory!"

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