Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1289: Is there something below?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"So that's it, kill it!"

"It's just slaughter, and it's a wicked city."

Now that Ning Tianlin has made a decision, her body is violent, and she is heading in a certain direction.

To kill, start with the main city!



Just as Ning Tianlin was about to start, he noticed that in the city's main government house, these people said they were themselves. Can't help but stop and see what they say first.

"Sir, the information is absolutely accurate."

"The two guards guarding the gate said."

"And a lot of people were present at the time, many people saw it, and I asked several more, and the situation was exactly the same, and there was nothing wrong with it."

A warrior in full body.

"If that's the case, this person must stare!"

The city owner was wearing luxurious clothes, his eyes were a little dark, and there was no facial expression, as if it had not been effective for a long time. "Send a few beautiful women in the evening to see if you can ask where they came from."

"How come to the desert continent!"

"For many years, the desert continent has never entered an outsider, and no one has ever been able to get out of here! And this person dared to leave the beast outside the city, either a fool or a real ability."

"Be sure to see tomorrow, these hundreds of meters of beast are still alive"!

The owner of the city was also shocked.

If this is the case, this beast, this alien, is really of great research value, at least to solve the reason why they can only stay in the city at night, but not in the desert!

As long as his beast can escape, that is the news of the sky.

"Yes! Lord!" The warrior nodded and obeyed, and asked, "If the Lord, that person does not eat the beauty? Do you need money or status?"

"No." The city owner waved his hand directly. "This kind of person is of no use to him because of his status. He is not our own, and it is probably not rare. As for money ..."

"This kind of thing, we should keep it for ourselves, why give it to others."

The Lord of the City directly denied the proposal of the warrior and snorted coldly. He is a man who loves money very much, not to mention that he wants to take money out of his pocket, just to let him spend a penny, he will have pain.

"Adult's meaning ..." Wu Zhe thought about it, but was not sure.

"I mean, of course, forcing a question!" The city owner snorted directly. "Give him the beauty he doesn't want, that is toasting, not eating, drinking, and punishing. Then, find a chance and tie him up."

"Criminal interrogation."

"I believe that few people can survive several rounds in your hands."

The warrior heard this and smiled, "Good lord, I know how to do it."

"If this person is really hard-spoken, in the end, he can figure it out." The city owner thought about it, waved his hand, and made a decision. "He didn't say, then I'm not interested in knowing, stay in this desert continent, what else not good."

"An additional message is fine, but without it, it doesn't matter."

"It's going to be cheap and dying, and we'll all fulfill him, won't we?"

The city owner's eyes were scattered, he was always a thug, not a very patient Lord.

Being able to thunder and snap is straightforward, he will never cope with it slowly, even if it threatens with the life of the other party.


"Yes, sir."

The warrior smiled. "Sir, I'll go and try some prostitutes."

Looking for good women, he felt a little wasteful.

"A good discussion."

But at this time, Ning Tianlin's voice sounded, which surprised the two people in the house. Both of them changed their faces and drank in their mouths, "Who?"

He stared nervously at the room.

After a while, a figure slowly emerged from the hidden space, and the void was suspended in front of the two.

"Did you just say that I was very happy?" Ning Tianlin sneered, while not waiting for the other party to answer anything, directly stretched out his arms, one left and one right, holding the other's neck directly.

Fortunately, I came here this time.

Otherwise, you will face a few prostitutes yourself, and you will be confused.

"you you!"

Their necks shrunk in price and their faces turned red, but they only said the word "you", and then in a loud noise, their heads burst like watermelons.

The space ring in the hands of the two also fell into Ning Tianlin's hands.

"Now the killing begins!"

Ning Tianlin completely lost his compassion.

The body exploded and flew to the sky, suspended above the Fangtian City.


Fang Tian took the halberd, and a bright knife shattered the whole Fang Tiancheng in half. The huge gully began to spread, like a dragon, and ran straight to some distance along somewhere.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

The huge imagination shocked everyone in Fang Tiancheng, but the dazzling light of the sky also rose at this time, densely covered with the whole void, and at the end it fell like a spider web.





The house collapsed and flesh flew across.

In less than a minute, the entire Fangtian City was in a pile of ruins, and countless dusts rose up, permeating the entire sky.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully completing the task‘ slaying the city ’, rewarding 100 million points for spirit energy, has been issued, please check.” Also at this time, the voice of the combat system sounded in Ning Tian's ear.

Let Ning Tianlin know that the task he has to do is complete.

He this time, but the indiscriminate all-round attack, the knife light entered the net, shrouded down, not to mention people, even ants could not escape the knife light's smashing. And such an outrageous attack prevented him from hearing the terrible howling sound.


However, what surprised him was that in this Fangtian City, when the earth was almost split into two blades, the sinking blades stopped the trend abruptly.




Throughout the sky, thunderous metal bumps erupted.

"what happened?"

"Is there anything wrong with the city?"

You know, Ning Tianlin is confident of this kind of sword, let alone the underground of the city, that is, the entire planet can be split. Now to his fighting power, a planet can already be crushed at will.

But what is going on here?

His sword only went down for a hundred or two hundred meters, why didn't he move?

Life stopped the trend.

"Not once, then twice!"

"Not twice, then three times!"

Ning Tianlin Fangtian painted the halberd waving, and it was countless more fierce times than before, sent from the halberd, and severely chopped to the ground. Just like before, this knife light stopped falling where it was 156 below the ground.

As if something really hard was encountered.

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