Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1299: Giant Spirit Master

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Senior, I'm from the French galaxy, our lord will come here soon, you can't kill me!"

"Yes! Senior, I am from the Huali Galaxy, and our lord will be here soon. If you kill me, he will not let you go!"

"Senior, I did nothing and said nothing, just come and see."

For a moment.

The onlookers were eloquent.

Although they were all terrified in their hearts, when they saw Ning Tian Lin Sen's cold eyes, they still held back and asked for mercy. Some even used to be self-proclaimed and self-identified. At the moment, they use a threatening tone.

But there are only one or two of these stupid people.

"I said, since you are here, don't even want to leave."

Ning Tianlin was cold and radiant, and his body was full of gas.




Hundreds of figures were all turned into sky and blood.

However, Ning Tianlin also came to some conclusions at the moment. There should be many people thinking about this place, and it seems to be no matter what the place is. Otherwise, it would not be possible to come to so many departments at once the Lord.

Everywhere, how can the rest of the masters come in and out at will.


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin punched out, smashed the void above his head, then jumped into shape and sank into it. The next moment, it appeared in the galaxy's temple star.

Then, when no one was alarmed, he came over the earth through the teleportation array.

Subsequently, more than 30 billion qi points were consumed, and the toxicity in the body of the black jade beast was changed to yin and yang. In this way, the place where the Black Jade Beast is located will not only have no toxicity, but the speed of releasing Aura will only get faster and faster.

In the end, he buried this huge body into the small island in his home. However, he also spent a lot of effort in secret and arbitrarily arranged the space array method.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to bury it in the earth with the shape of a black jade beast.

As for why the small island in the lower part of his home, it is the fat people that do not flow outsiders' fields. However, the huge spirituality of the black jade beast will spread to all parts of the earth, even the starry sky.

It's just that the island is richer.


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin quietly left the earth again, and not long after reaching the galaxy temple star, he physically crossed the void, and then smashed the void again and jumped in.

The next moment, it appeared again where the red star was.

When he left, he marked the void here.

However, although a whole day has passed, there are still a few people standing here, and they seem to be extremely powerful.

"It's a pity that the other party left when we came. If not, we must leave him and forcibly ask why the mask disappeared! What happened inside!"

A middle-aged man frowned slightly, disappointed.

"ask clearly?"

At this time, a woman on the side laughed. "You, the Blue Mountain Master, are so funny, you are too boneless. The other person killed you, but you just want to ask."

"Don't want to take revenge for your men!"

"You have a master like you under your hands, it's really **** mold in eight lives!"

After speaking, the woman caressed her sleeves as if to say something that didn't matter. It's just that the eyebrows are countdown, the tips are thin, and they look too mean.

"Liu Hongye, don't put more gold on your face."

The owner of the Blue Mountains was angry, and no one would have a good expression on such a satirical face, "It seems like you can. Now that the other party has left, you can find it? It seems that you died here without your own." "

"In your opinion, can you revenge?"

"You're going to give your men some help, hurry up, find someone, what are you still doing here, crooked, really a girl!"

The master of the Blue Mountains is also arrogant, ironically.

"Lanshan, I'm a pussy, but you are a big man, and you are crooked. Why are you more **** than me?" Liu Hong also seemed to have expected that the other party would fight back. Slowly sarcastically.

Especially with her upturned eyes, a mind is absolutely indescribable.

"court death!"

Lan Shan's eyes were fierce, and his clenched fists seemed to be about to start.

"Come on, my mother is afraid you won't succeed?" Liu Hongye's wrists trembled, and a long sword came out.

"Well, will you two stop?" At this time, a little giant with a height of four or five meters beside him started. "Our focus now is who this person is! How did he get out of the mask? "

"This place, we have paid attention to it for tens of thousands of years, and now it seems to have results but nothing, you have not been noisy here, there is no end to it!"

The giant's voice was like Hong Zhong.

And apparently they were very important. As soon as they finished speaking, both Lan Shan and Liu Hongye closed their mouths. Although they both wanted to talk, they both held back and hummed in their hearts.

"Three days!"

"Give another three days. If there is no clue, let's leave here!"

"We all took the time to come here. The battlefield with Zerg is about to start in five days. I don't know if it will be life or death in the future.

The giant hummed and stopped talking.

"Master of the giant spirit, do you say that this man's fighting power is high?"

"Although we have his appearance, it is difficult to judge his combat effectiveness from the video just now."

A thin man with four ears on the side asked solemnly.


The giant spirit master shook his head. "But I'm sure the other party is also at least one master, and judging from the remaining breath now, the other party is also at least a second department master!"

"Even higher!"

Having said that, looking around for a week, he said, "Come down and let the galaxy in which you are located pay close attention to the appearance of this person, and inform us as soon as there is news!"

"At that time, everyone will go together for the sake of safety, and they must ask him to explain!"




Seven or eight people on the side responded in unison.

With that said, the master of the giant spirit waved his hand, "Look around and see what clues there are, maybe be more careful, and there are places we haven't found."


It was another unanimous answer.


It was just when everyone was moving, a vortex suddenly appeared above their heads, spinning rapidly, and a large area of ​​space was swallowed up in a moment.

"Space teleport!"

Everyone was shocked.

Although they are masters, none of them can use this secret technique. Because of the mysteries of space, in the hands of any force, they are extremely rare treasures.

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