Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1403: Wooden ancient abyss

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Pavaro is dead!"

All the masters were frightened, and were instantly spiked!

How can it be!

He is the Lord of the Five Realms. Among them, only one person can kill him in a second, that is, the middle-aged man with the highest combat effectiveness, Lord of the Seven Realms! Even Su Mubiao, the owner of this area, is also the master of the second world!

But now, Pavaro is dead.

They lived to death in front of them.

None of them even saw how the huge beast just disappeared. It was completely under their eyelids that disappeared as if it had never appeared.

If they hadn't just seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it!

"So strong!"

Especially at this moment, most of Ning Tianlin's breath erupted, directly shocking the people around him.

What is the main domain owner, this young man is at least the owner!

Even higher!

Oh my God!

A man in his twenties!

how can that be!

When did their race, such a peerless genius appear!

"This dude, I think, is there some misunderstanding between us?"

"We are only here to find the treasures of the earth, and we do not want to be against you."

The head of the Seven Realms saw Ning Tianlin staring at them coldly, explaining daringly. All of Ning Tianlin's breath erupted, even though he couldn't bear it.

He couldn't believe it, a young man in his twenties was even better than him!



"We really just came here to look for treasures, and we didn't want to be against you."

The rest of the world leaders also quickly explained.


And Ning Tianlin didn't answer at all, and slammed directly into the body of the Lord of the Seven Realms, even violently suffocating, enveloping all the Realms around him.

Damn these people!

From the beginning to the end, they did not take their life and death to heart at all. If not, none of these people would be discouraged by the insult that just killed him.

It's totally a gesture of seeing the show.

Even when they died, the treasure was theirs.

But now, knowing that you are great, you start to say good things?



After Ning Tianlin merged with Manchuria, he was truly the Lord of the Eight Realms! Higher combat effectiveness than any of these people.

Wherever radon passes, six of the seven are directly broken up into flesh and blood.

Although the Lord of the Seven Realms did not die instantly, it was also directly grasped by Ling Tianlin's hand. No matter how you struggle, you can't escape.



His bones began to shatter under the squeeze of Ning Tianlin, and even struggling to beg for mercy, he was ejected back by the blood escaping from his mouth.

Three seconds later, his body was turned up and down, turning into a pool of meat.

More miserable than those warriors just now.


After doing all of this, Ning Tianlin reached out his hand and summoned the space rings on the masters of these circles into the hands, without seeing it, they were directly converted into elite points through the combat system.

A total of more than two trillion.

Later, he also released the figure of Wanzuan, with a big mouth and a gush of suction, he swallowed all the minced meat and bones into the abdomen, again adding dozens of pairs of barefoot.

"Right now, you're too barefoot."

Even Ning Tianlin has some scalp tingling. There are too many bare feet on this million-footed cricket, which is more than 15 million. If people with dense phobia are here, they will definitely be answered. Sound scared to death.

"Each combat power is allocated to 100 million!"

"The total publicity is more than 1,500!"

Ning Tianlin thought about it and made an allocation.

This situation, the last time he had experienced it, at that time, the combat effectiveness of Manchuria was about 10,000 each.

Soaring to 100 million now!



With Ning Tianlin's words falling, Wanzuyu's body began to change, the old barefoot was retracted, and the new barefoot continued to emerge from the side of the body. Each one was more tough and gloomy than the original.

This change did not end until about three minutes later.

At this time, the barefoot logarithm of Wanzuyu reached 798 pairs! That is one thousand five hundred and ninety-four! The combat effectiveness of the representative reached 159.5 billion!

"It looks more pleasing to the eye."

Ning Tianlin smiled.

After merging again, the body shot violently, and came outside the planet controlled by the dead Su Mubiao. At the same time, in the combat system, thousands of robots were exchanged, and each hand was swept away in different directions in the void.

These robots all share a lot of money and go to the mall to buy things.

Large shopping malls are indeed a great way for Ning Tianlin to earn his energy.

Ten-year covenant.

Like a mountain, he had to move forward with a heavy load.

Now that we have said it, we must do it.

"Star Wars, what is the best place for me to improve my combat power now?"

He had an idea and wanted to go to Zerg.

Although dangerous, it is a very fast way to earn energy.

Especially today, with the supersonic wave evolved by Manchuria, it can force any strong person to stun nearly three seconds. In these three seconds, he can absolutely escape, and his survivability has been greatly improved.

"Wooden Abyss."

It was only the response of the combat effectiveness system that made Ning Tianlin stunned.

Wooden ancient abyss?

The Mogu Abyss who went to the last time to save his daughter ’s life?


The combat system nodded. "The Mugu Abyss is a forbidden area where people can easily die because of the powerful poisonous insects there and the strange curses raging around."

"There is also a variant of the Shuren family, the existence of dark muten flowers."

"Ordinary people went there and lost 100% of their lives. The Lord of the Nine Realms, even the Lord of the Nine Stars, went to death easily."

"But you are different."

"For others, there is hell, but for you, there is heaven."

"Because in the abyss, there are dark wood rattan flowers in the realm of the realm of the Lord, and the masters of the star core are not few, even in the star caves. Even if you want to fight with one of the star kings, there are!

Lord of the Star Core?

Master of Star Cave?

Even the Lord of the Star King?

Ning Tianlin's scalp was a little numb directly, and the Lord of the Star Core would be fine. Maybe it wouldn't take long for him to fight with him, but when he met the Lord of the Star Caverns and the Lord of the Star King, he was completely complete. Only for hiding.

How can I earn energy if I have been hunted down?

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