Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1409: Little brother, what are my conditions?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


As soon as Ning Tianlin had done all this, the woman A Bing quickly drew a panacea from her space ring and put it in her mouth. At this time, her broken body was slowed down by the effect of the panax Slow recovery.

At the same time, the diarrhea in the mouth was very distressed.

This thing, she is going to the wooden ancient abyss in case of accident, there are only three. After all, at the level of her nucleus master, the energy needed to physically recover is just an astronomical figure.

Ordinary elixir was completely ineffective on her.

"Okay, you can say it."

"If there is no reasonable explanation, you will be dead in the next second!"

Ning Tianlin was cold.

He doesn't like people standing behind him, especially a stranger. The ability to let the other side down is entirely because he felt that the other party had something to say, and he didn't do it just now.

But it is hard to say whether it is malicious or not.

Moreover, although the other party is the master of the three cores, but his full strength broke out, he can definitely cut the other party to death!


Five or six seconds later, after the woman A Bing was physically demobilized, she exhaled a long breath in her heart.

At the same time there is a lingering fear.

What kind of poison was it just now?

Even her three-core lord had no resistance, and she was brought down face to face. Had it not been for the other party to leave her alive, she would definitely be dead now.



At this time, her four companions also appeared next to her in turn. The enchanting woman and Dahan looked at her ironically, although they did not speak, but the meaning was obvious.

Waste one.

Even a warrior at the astral level almost killed you, what else can you do!

The other two glanced at her lightly, saying nothing, but showing no concern.

This is a team without many emotional combinations, die the last one, and the other one.

"Here comes the helper."

In the face of the four people coming back, Ning Tianlin didn't say anything, but frowned and looked at them lightly.

Just a little surprised.

Are the Lord of the Star Core!

The middle-aged man standing in the middle had the highest combat effectiveness, even reaching the level of the Eight-Core Master.

But there was no fear at all.

With the super stealth and super sound wave of the first and second evolution of Wanzuyu, and his immortal body, they cannot kill them, but no one can stop them if they want to leave!


"It's all a misunderstanding."

Ning Tianlin hasn't spoken yet. The middle-aged man standing in the middle spoke quickly and smiled at Ning Tianlin. "Little brother, what's your name?"

"We're not malicious, we just want to discuss something with you."

There is no such thing as the arrogant attitude of the Lord of the Astral Core towards the Astral Warrior. If you have just asked Ning Tianlin to deal with it casually, many people have a lot of strength, maybe they can be sent to explore the adventure road, and at a critical moment, they can save themselves.

But now, this middle-aged person is eager to join Ning Tianlin.

"Master with poison!"

"This young man is a master of poison!"

This is his definition of Ning Tianlin.

Can be the master of a star core face to face poison, not a master of poison or something.

And to go to the wooden ancient abyss, the most needed is this kind of talent.

But with a smile on his back, the arrogance in his bones still left him far from the point of corporal virtuousness. I think that as long as I give the owner a smile, there will be no problem.

"Say it."

"I listen."

Ning Tianlin shrugged, saying it didn't matter. As for the title of the inquiry, Quan Dang did not hear it.

Maybe just passers-by, there is no need.

But I was curious why the Lord of the Five Star Cores found himself.

"We are going to Mugu Abyss."

The middle-aged man replaced the woman A Bing and began to say, "We are going to an area in the south to find a herb called Qixing Cao."

"I heard it appeared there."

Middle-aged people did not hide.

What is being said is the truth.

But to anyone, he didn't say that it was useful to find Qixingcao. However, he was born in the Starry Palace, and everyone guessed that he should be used for alchemy.

The Starry Palace is known around the world for its alchemy.

I just don't know what elixir he is going to use to make it.

"Seven Star Grass?"

Ning Tianlin repeated it, and immediately thought of something. Although he is not very proficient in the technique of alchemy, there are countless books on the combat system.

He also occasionally browsed.

Just in the past few days, I saw the method of the Lord of the Star Core ascending the Lord of the Star Cave.

In addition to forcibly breaking through with their own energy, there is another one, which is to swallow the elixir at the critical moment of breaking through the level.

This elixir is called Dongming Dan.

One of the most critical blind herbs is this Qixingcao.

Qixingcao is not just a kind of herbal medicine, but has seven plants like star fruit. The most important thing is these seven stars fruit. They are alive!

Is alive!

They even have powerful offensive power!

If it really matures, every star fruit has the same strength as the nuclear master!

And seven must be picked and swallowed together to be effective, and one less will not work! Because these seven fruits will form some kind of array during alchemy, and have stronger power!

This will help the nuclear realm and break through into the star cave master!

There is one more point, that is, this seven-star grass, although it has huge energy, is also very poisonous! It is the Lord of the Star Core, which has a combat effectiveness comparable to that, and rashly fights.


"Little brother heard?"

Seeing Ning Tianlin's response, the middle-aged man frowned. Does this young man know what Qixingcao does?

In this world, apart from their horoscope, does anyone know the efficacy of this thing?


I must have thought more about it.

This is the secret recipe of your own constellation of the stars, and it is also a relatively important secret method. You have worked hard and spent a lot of points in the door to redeem it.

But in any case, this thing has great use for him! Can help him from the realm of eight cores, directly break through the nine cores, and reach the star cave master in one fell swoop!

This thing cannot be lost!

This time he convened a team of three, and the remaining four were responsible for four!

However, for the sake of insurance, he also wanted to recruit another person to help him, whoever could not help.

And Ning Tianlin is the last one he valued this time.

"of course."

Ning Tianlin nodded, "How is this herb called Qixingcao so famous, but I don't know, but I don't know what effect it has."

"Hehe." The middle-aged man smiled and didn't think much. "The little brother, are you interested in helping me get this Qixingcao in Mugu Abyss?"

"Remuneration: a miracle!"


After that, he looked at Ning Tianlin with a confident look, believing that he would definitely agree!

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