Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1423: Physical two cores!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!




As soon as Ning Tianlin's words fell, the inside of his body began to shine with three-color light, and the ordinary dark red ordinary cells began to mature under the action of Dan Ling and energy!

Gold, purple, and gray.

Three colors shine alternately.

As beautiful as the planet glows.

At the same time, due to the energy replaced by the original level, these three-color cells are continuously connected in series to form a long flow like a meridian. These meridians will be transformed into countless paths in the future, connecting galaxies, star fields, nebulae, star maps, astral circles, star cores, and so on.

Keep them connected!

Can be grouped together.

For a moment, Ning Tianlin just felt that his body was full of strength.


One hundred.

Two hundred.

A thousand.

Two thousand.

In less than ten minutes, the number of mature cells of Ning Tianlin has surpassed the original 1,300. You know, every cell now can provide Ning Tianlin with 100 million fighting power!

Moreover, due to the three colors, it is three times directly, but it is 300 million fighting power!

Two thousand pieces, his physical combat power alone exceeded 600 billion yuan directly!

And this cell is still maturing!

Two thousand five hundred!

Three thousand!

Three thousand five hundred!

Four thousand!

Five thousand!

Six thousand!

Seven thousand!

Until all the light stops shining, Ning Tianlin's number of mature cells has exceeded 7,000! Reached 7,200 horrible!

"It seems that the energy required for each cell to mature is the same. The last time I was full of essence, it made me thirteen thousand, but now it is four times, or four times. ! "

"In addition to the original 1,300, which is 6,500, and other fractions, reaching 7,000, it is not impossible!"

Ning Tianlin made a judgment, "In this way, my physical combat strength has exceeded 21 trillion trillion, which is two trillion! It has reached the master of the second core!"

"That is to say, I have broken through the lord of the world and become the lord of the star core! And I am still the second core!"

Ning Tianlin was a little excited, and it took him only a long time before he broke through to the Star Core Warrior.

ten years!

He could definitely reach the Star King!

There is only a star cave level in the middle!

"That said, my suit is useless."

Ning Tianlin was a little annoyed. If he knew that he had grown so fast, he wouldn't have to change the suit now, and it wasn't much use.

"That said, I am now the master of the three cores, not the second core!"

"Because of the first" Giant Hand Lingtian "of Gongfa, the power will also increase accordingly! The increased combat power is no longer 100 billion, but 1 trillion, 1 trillion!"

"This is the power of the Universe Super Gongfa!"

Ning Tianlin is a little bit pleased. You know, this is only the first type. Wait until the second and third types, which will provide him with higher combat power!

"Unfortunately, there aren't many corpses this time, and the combat effectiveness of Manchuria has not increased much."

Ning Tianlin regarded Wanzu as a part of her body. It grew rapidly, and she would gain more benefits.


With all this done, Ning Tianlin flickered and left the area directly. At the same time, a message was sent to the man in black, "There are so many resources in your space ring. I have used the floating dust thing."

"Everything is sold!"


Ning Tianlin just wants to anger this black man, but now he can't beat you, he can't be mad at you, and when he has a chance, he will definitely kill you!

The reason why the floating dust is mentioned is because this thing is very rare. It has the highest value in the combat system. Otherwise, how could the man in black believe that he has opened the opponent's space ring!

After all, this is a violation of the rules of the universe!


"how can that be!"

And this man in black received the message from Ning Tianlin and his eyes were bigger than the donkey. How could that be!

How could he open his space ring!

He is still alive, how could he open it!

But the other person directly said something like floating dust, and also said some treasures inside. He even took some photos and sent them over. It would never be fake!

He really opened the space ring!

he. . . . . . Who is he? How can this be done!

. . . . . .

After sending the picture, Ning Tianlin let the combat system reject the news of the opponent, and he ignored his reaction. His body flickered. Three days later, he appeared on the edge of Mugu Abyss.

According to the combat effectiveness system, this place is where the combat effectiveness grows fastest.

"What a strong dark atmosphere!"

Ning Tianlin probed into the consciousness. The first thing she felt was the endless darkness.

Gloomy and depressed.

It's easy to feel a little uneasy.

"But there is still a lot of aura in it."

However, after experiencing it carefully, Ning Tianlin also found that the endless dark air was mixed with a huge heaven and earth aura. If you take a breath, you can revive your heart and lungs and be full of vitality.

And ninety-nine percent of the aura is the wood aura!

A spirit that is already alive!

"It's completely heaven for dark creatures."

Ning Tianlin wrinkled.

Ordinary creatures will feel uneasy here, their ability will be slightly suppressed, and bright creatures will be greatly suppressed, and their own strength may not be able to exert 20-30% of their original strength.

But dark attributes creatures can play 100% of their strength here!

Even in an outbreak, 200% is possible!

The breath here is a natural bonus to them!

"And it has a great impact on my consciousness. The scope of the investigation is not even one percent of the original."

When Ning Tianlin's consciousness entered, he was greatly hindered, and there was a faint kind of strange energy blocking his investigation. But he knew that this was the commonality of everyone coming here, not just him!

"It seems that only physical investigation is possible."


Body flickering, Ning Tianlin jumped down and jumped in.



His speed is very fast, almost reaching 70% of the main body speed, but after two hours, he did not see where the land is. It can only be said that the depth of the abyss is completely beyond his imagination.

Two hours, enough for him to cross a star field!

But now even the bottom of this abyss has not been detected!

Two days!

It took him two days to reach half of the abyss!

"The femininity is scrambling, countless masters!"

In the process, Ning Tianlin also saw a lot of creatures of the yin nature, and some even had no entity, just like the ghosts in the Yincao Difu, but Ning Tianlin knew that they were not ghosts!

Just a spirit!

Such spirit bodies are not uncommon in the universe.

And there are countless trees soaring into the clouds.

This is really soaring into the clouds, and the thickness is almost equal to the diameter of the earth!

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