Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1427: Lin Yuge opened a court to accept students!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"The League of Legends was born, and the League of Legends was discovered near the Cangming Star Domain! This person is the spokesperson for the League of Legends!"

"League of Legends is all-inclusive, everything, as long as you find him, you can redeem anything you want!"

"What is Hun Hsin Dan? Why is this faceless star king in black looking for this young man to exchange this thing? He is even willing to be humiliated!"

"League of Legends can really exchange anything? Where is it? How can I find it? Why did you choose a contemporary speaker?"

"This man has an immortal body! Why the star kings do nothing!"

. . . . . .

When Zijing put a photo of Ning Tianlin on the universe and searched it, a lot of information came out, and each one was related to "redeem" and "League of Legends".

It is said that the young man's hands, backed by the League of Legends, hold incredible resources.

Just find him and you can get anything you want!

And this information was released a few days ago!

There is even a video about this young man and a star king.

In the video.

The young man asked the star king to fan a hundred ears, and even said some extremely humiliating words, but the star king did so, dare to be angry and dare not speak! Even in the end, he had to agree to let him give up 10,000 times the resources!

Especially when an insider explained what "Returning Soul Dan" was, but it was something to be used in the holy place of the human race, the purple lotus was stunned.

Human holy land!

Countless places that humans yearn for!

Legend has it that the people living there are all above the King of Stars!

People there say that immortality will never die!

Even the elders of their martial arts, when they heard that they had broken their heads, they would enter there!

Therefore, some people speculate that this young man can get back the soul, most likely because he is from the holy land of the human race! In other words, the League of Legends behind him is in the Holy Land!

"I didn't expect to meet him ...... so amazing."

Zi Yan swallowed a spit, how could she never have thought that she had met him by chance in Mugu Abyss, and she could be regarded as her life-saving benefactor!

As for some information, it is said that this youngster star sector, the purple lotus is completely sniffing, how can this be!

If it was the Lord of the Realm, how could it be so easy to kill the three Lords of the Abyss in the Mugu Abyss, which definitely surpassed the Lord of the Realm, even the Lord of the Cave, Star King, and even higher!

She even guessed that the humiliated Star King was not because of what he had returned, but because he was afraid of the opponent's fighting power!

This is very likely!

But until now, no one knew the young man's name.

"Maybe I'm really misunderstood. He's not bragging, it's that he might have hundreds of thousands of poisonous tobacco."

Zi Yan smiled bitterly, because this is really possible.

I can get so many resources to exchange, even from the holy place of the human race, maybe there is!

"Unfortunately, the intersection between him and me is probably just the same."

"Even when entering the wooden ancient abyss, you may not be able to touch him."

Ziyu regrets a bit. If she knew what the young man was, she would definitely use her resources to exchange for something she wanted.

She also needs it!

"All right."

"It's time to return to the door."

Looking back at the Mugu Abyss, his breath burst out, breaking through the void, and it didn't take long before he got into it.

Three days later.

She appeared in Shimenlin Yuge.

In the grand hall.

Inside the hall.

"it is good!"


"After completing the division door mission, you are the master of the world and you can be promoted to the inner door!"

When it was determined that the poisonous tobacco returned by Ziyu was real, and indeed came from the Mugu Abyss, an old man in front of him nodded with relief, showing a happy smile.

She is the leader of Ziyu, and she brought Ziyu back to Linyu Pavilion.

Now she is prosperous, and she has glory on her face.

"Elder Xie!"

Zi Yan bowed respectfully and bowed with a look of excitement.

"Well, now that you have become one of the top ten disciples and are promoted, then you are responsible for this ceremony of apprenticeship."

This old lady has a very high status in Lin Yuge, and most people must obey what she says.

Moreover, it is only one apprenticeship every 100 years.

It is extremely solemn to say it out, but every time, it ’s not that anyone who is young can fight with high combat effectiveness, and there are few accidents.

Excellent talents and excellent roots, aren't they all reflected in the combat effectiveness!

Moreover, she can become the master of the realm, and she can also see the roots and bones of others, and whether there is plasticity.

Each evaluation of the inner door will be arranged before the apprenticeship of the apprenticeship. After completing the apprenticeship of the apprenticeship, promotion of the apprentices of the apprenticeship and apprenticeship of the apprenticeship can be regarded as another assessment of their ability.

It is also a test of their use of power.

In Lin Yuge, inner disciples, outer gates, and miscellaneous disciples all have absolute power to kill and kill! Even if she wants to be a escort, anyone will become a escort!



Zi Yan nodded respectfully, excited.

Now, it can be counted as her greatest power!

And power is the most fascinating.

Five days later.

The apprenticeship ceremony began.

And she, as the representative of Lin Yuge, will speak and face the appraisal crowd.

Only after passing the real assessment will these new disciples see the elders in charge.

She will be their first pass!

"See Sister Ziyu!"

"See Sister Ziyu!"

When Ziyan appeared in front of the mountain gate, there was a large group of disciples who respected him.

The combat effectiveness of these out-of-door disciples is almost between the master and the cloud master.

Moreover, all women are unified.

Lin Yuge is a martial art of all women.

From top to bottom, no man!

Moreover, the door stipulates that a woman cannot fall in love with a man unless you destroy your fighting power and leave the Linyu Pavilion!


Ziyan nodded and asked, "How is your preparation?"

"Can we start?"

She enjoyed this respectful power, which gave her a kind of joy from the heart.


One of them nodded.

"A total of more than 8,600 Jing people participated in the assessment this time."

"The amount is huge, and it is estimated that it will take half a year to get results."

This person also reported the specific figures.

One Beijing is 10 trillion, and 86 thousand Beijing is 86 million trillion!

Not a terrifying number in human numbers!

But the main thing is that these people are all women, and the age must be between ten and one hundred!

Because at this age, it is the most plastic!

So many women at this age are a bit scary.

"Well, let's talk about the door rule!" Zi Yan nodded. "If you don't have the door rule, just leave if you want to leave. Don't delay here."

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