Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1430: Jiayi Lin appeared

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"Where are you from?"

When all Lin Yuge's disciples backed away, Zi Yan said directly to the black-haired and black-eyed women.

His eyes were serious, even deeper, more eager.

"From a long distance."

The woman answered.

"Which planet?"

Ziyan was obviously not satisfied with this answer, and asked.

"Water blue star."

The woman answered.

"Water blue star?" Ziyu looked for a moment, shouldn't it be a holy place for humankind?

In her mind, Ning Tianlin always believed that it was from the holy land of human race.

Although if the earth is exposed, it can actually be called a holy place of human race.

"Can you give me its location?"

But soon, Zi Zhi knew that the other party had spoken falsely, and the other party's flickering mental fluctuations could not be avoided by the warriors of her level.


The other person shook his head directly.

Rejected very simply.

The woman is now in the starry sky for several years. Knowing her hometown is nothing at all in the starry sky. Even if she is a strong person, she may destroy her hometown.

Therefore, she can avoid exposing the coordinates of her hometown.


Zi Yan frowned, and was more convinced of his guess.

Of course it will not be exposed!

The holy place of the human race is not for anyone to know and go. The real coordinates are only circulated among those who are above the king of stars. But legends about it have been passed on throughout the universe.

"No reason."

The brunette woman refused very simply, "If you have nothing to ask, I think I can go."

The woman did not want to stay here, she did not expect that the other party did not ask about her own assessment, but for the coordinates of her hometown, she instantly became vigilant.

"Don't worry."

"No hurries."

Zi Zhi was surprised for a while, but she did not expect that the opponent's fighting ability was not high, and her temper was not small, but how could she know that the opponent's hometown was a deep secret in her heart. She was afraid that the longer she stayed here, the more she would be exposed.

In the past few years, she has seen aliens coming to her hometown, especially all kinds of turbulence.

Even the humans in the whole hometown almost died!

"Come on, you and I are the same as before, let's have a good chat."

Zi Yan did not wait for the other party to refuse, and waved his hand directly, took out a stone platform from the space ring, placed two chairs, at the same time served some top dishes, and invited the woman with a smile.

"At first sight?"

"I don't feel that way."

Seeing this, women are becoming more vigilant.

Her father was in business, and she taught her to be diligent and to steal.

"Ha ha."

"take it easy."

Zi Yan smiled softly, "I'm coming for you. I really just want to ask you a few questions. Because I saw you, I suddenly sounded a friend of mine."

"He also has black eyes and black hair. He has the same yellow skin as you, and he is almost tall, even in shape. The overall outline is almost the same as yours, and his accent is very similar."

"It's just that you're a woman, he's a man."

After speaking, she seemed to stare casually at the woman's reaction, but her heart was already extremely tense.

Is there any contact? It's up to you!

Even if she could read the other person's memory directly and brutally, she didn't want to do this, because if this woman really came from the same place as her, if she did this, she would probably cause big trouble!

Human holy land!

Will the weak come out from there?

This woman is most likely the descendant of a strong man in the holy land of the human race. Didn't you see that she is only in her twenties? How long was it born!

If the memory is forcibly read, her consciousness will also leave some marks in the other person's mind. The average warrior may not find it, but the legends in the holy place of the human race can definitely be felt!

If you let them know, she read the memory of their offspring, and it would make her worse than a minute.

Therefore, she just wanted to ask and didn't want to come hard!

Hard to come, no benefit to her!

Even if this woman really comes from the same place as the predecessor and has a good relationship with her, it is the most important thing.

And the response of the dark-haired woman did not disappoint her. She banged up from her seat with an astonishment on her face, her voice trembling, and her body was floating slightly.


"where is it!"

"Where have you seen him?"

"how does he look like?"

The sound was rapid, just like a machine gun.

The dark-haired woman has been out of her hometown for several years. She has also seen countless aliens, but none of them are in line with those in her hometown. Although they are similar, either the eyes are green or the tail is long.

No one is exactly the same!

But now, she heard the most incredible thing!

Heitong has black hair and a similar body, even with an accent.

Suddenly, the woman sounded a person!

She thought for a long time, and she was far away from her hometown, and she was looking for someone!

Because in her impression, in the real universe, there is only one earth person who is smashing!

And the other party is from the same city as her! The accent is somewhat similar! This is a habit and cannot be changed!

"He is like this!"

Zi Yan did not expect that the woman's response would be so great, she completely lost her caution and asked her directly.

But she didn't care.

Because of this, it is also important to her.

It also relates to her attitude towards the woman in front of her.


With a wave of his hands, a black-eyed, black-haired man with a straight waist appeared in front of the eyes of the two.

Who else is Ning Tianlin!


As soon as the figure appeared, the woman took a sip of cold air directly from her mouth, and even the corners of her eyes began to shed tears involuntarily. But she kept pouting, and even covered her hands to keep herself from crying.

She was really afraid of this cry, that was three days and three nights, out of control.

four years ago!

I have been away from the earth for four years!

I finally heard from you!

Finally there!

And this woman is not someone else, or shortly after Ning Tianlin left the earth, she left the earth alone and went to the starry sky to find Lin Jiayi of Ning Tianlin!


"They know!"

Seeing this scene, Zi Zhi understood everything in an instant. The two not only knew each other, they might even have a relationship.

Otherwise, this woman would never react like this!

This also made her relieved in her heart, lamenting that the decision she had just made was really wise and tight!

At first glance, the relationship between the two was unusual.

Maybe in the future, you can have a good relationship with that senior from this woman.

"Do you know my friend?"

Ziyan knows consultants.


Lin Jiayi nodded consciously.

It was just a look, never leaving Ning Tianlin's picture.

"You name him and I will believe you."

Zi Yan's eyes brightened, staring at Lin Jiayi's eyes.

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