Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1435: Enemies everywhere

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"It's just the desert sand, how can it be so easily obtained?"

The old man was suffering.

The desert sand is from the desert sand.

Cang Mo, a great desert!

Compared to this, the desert on the earth is not even a grain of sand.

In addition, the desert was originally water-free, but in this desert, not only there is water, but also a sea of ​​sand containing sea sand, covering an extremely large area.

It's just that this desert is a forbidden area not only among the human race, but also among all the cosmic races such as the Zerg and the Stone Terra.

The dust there, not to mention the star field, is the astral world, and the star hole will blink without any trace.

The wind that swept away not only wiped out all things, but also swallowed up space. The black hole was overshadowed by it.

Don't even think about entering without Starstrength or above!

Even if Xingzun enters, it may be destroyed at any time!

It's really a forbidden universe!

And this old man is just a star king. How can I get this kind of sea sand. Over the years, he has also inquired about it, there are some, but it is not something he can get a star king.


"Morning Information?"

When the old man sighed and regained his heart, he noticed that his information device had been ringing many times, but he had just been practicing alchemy and did not notice it.

After opening, it was from his apprentice Chen Feng.

This morning peak has good talents, especially in the area of ​​alchemy. And now is an eight-star nuclear-level warrior, and if you go further, you can be promoted to the master of the cave!

Just one level behind me!

A few days ago, he asked him to go to Mugu Abyss to collect Qixingcao. With this herb, he can make Dongmingdan and break through!

Is Qixingcao in hand?

But when he opened the information device and saw the above picture, his face changed greatly, and he was full of anger, and threw all the refining elixir directly to the ground.

"So brave!"

"Dare to kill my apprentice Xumo!"

His face was gloomy and full of murderous intentions.

How many years!

For many years no one dared to oppose him!

Although he is only the star king, he is also an alchemy master of star king level! He can make countless elixir, and even break through the star king's elixir, he can make it himself!

Because of this, I don't know how many strong men are begging him for alchemy every day!

It is the star that has higher combat effectiveness than him, and sometimes he will seek him.

After all, you are Xingzun, but your descendants are not. For the sake of future generations, many people have put their ideas on this false ink.

"Come here!"

Soon, as soon as Xu Mo swept the dust, two boys stood beside him.

To say it ’s a boy, it ’s just the appearance. The real age, I do n’t know how many years old the old monster is, there are no hundreds of millions and millions.

A man and a woman, respectfully stood beside Xu Mo.

"What does the master say!"

The realm of the two boys has reached the level of a star cave, and their fighting power is higher than that of the dead Chen Feng. However, in this partial palace, the status of the two boys is not as good as Chen Feng.

Because they are servants, and Chen Feng is this Xu Mo's disciple!

He is the successor to refining elixir!

"Find out this person's information!" Xu Mo said, "He killed Chen Feng, and I want him to die!"

His eyes were fierce.

He will take revenge for Chen Feng!

After all, it took him countless resources to cultivate Chen Feng!

This resource, he can't spend nothing!

"Yes!" The two boys bowed back and went out.

"Chenfeng, rest assured! Let's have a fight between our apprentices. I will report this revenge!" The young man in Xu Mo's confident picture will not be his opponent.

Because Chen Feng showed him all the pictures.

He concluded that the murderer was also the master of the star core! Even the combat effectiveness is not as good as his apprentice!

Can kill Chen Feng because of poison!

This is a master of poison!

. . . . . .

at the same time.

Somewhere in the distant starry sky.

In a mountain gate.

This mountain gate is very large, almost equivalent to hundreds of territories under the control of the astral world together, and in the center of the mountain gate, a huge black sword is suspended.

Weiwei, exuding endless pressure.

"Hidden sword gate!"

Is the name of this mountain gate.


In a side hall in the mountain gate, a man in black was sitting with his legs bent, a red dagger in the middle of his eyebrows, and he was constantly walking, sometimes in his mind, sometimes in his body.

However, each walking position is very particular, not to hurt the meridians, but in the meridians, there is always a heaven and earth aura in this red short sword.

At this time, a loud voice outside the door interrupted his cultivation.

I saw a disciple in brown clothes staying outside the door.


The man in black spoke gently, but the red dagger inside his body continued to swim.

"I found some information about the man who killed Brother Chen."

The disciple in brown clothes said, bowing.

"Bring it in."

The man in black opened his eyes sharply and ordered.

Do you really think they are bullying?

Anyone dare to come up and bite that bite?

Although it ranks only in the thirtieth place in the ranks of the cosmic human race, there are more than thirty people in this place who can do it!

Human sects are calculated with Jingzhao!

They can be ranked in the thirtieth place, and they are also killed with one shot!


The disciple in brown clothes opened the door and walked in.

Then with a wave of his hand, a message appeared in the house.

The middle figure above is not who else Ning Tianlin can have.

This Tibetan sword gate was the last time Ning Tianlin was in the Mugu Abyss, who happened to meet and killed them casually, when they were besieging a girl named Ziyu in Linyuge.

Because of disrespect for Ning Tianlin, he was killed by him.

"This person's name is unknown, but his origin is unknown, but he has countless secrets!"

"When it last appeared, it appeared as the League of Legends spokesperson in the world."

The disciple in brown clothes bowed.

"League of legends?"

"What messy organization is this?"

The man in black frowned. In his impression, he had never heard of this organization. He could not help but kneel down in a messy organization with little ability.

It was just the brown disciple's next words that made him frown, only to listen to the disciple said, "League of Legends, ominous origins, we have no information about him in our organization and network."

"According to legend, he comes from the holy land of humankind!"


As soon as the words of the disciple in brown fell, the man in black suddenly stood up, with an incredible color in his eyes, and even the little red sword in his body almost went off the road.

"Human holy land?"

"you sure?"

The man in black stared at such a disciple, asking sharply.

If that's the case, then things will happen!

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