Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1437: Endless underground!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Then try, these trees."

Ning Tianlin shifted his mind to these vines.

After all, it is only them.

Press your hands up and start to use the exercises to absorb the heaven and earth aura contained in these trees. Even countless vines began to surge towards him, wrapping his body and entangle him.

But soon, he was disappointed.

Although the aura contained in these trees is not bad, and the efficiency of sucking is also good, it may be ecstatic for such rapid progress, but it is really too slow and too slow for Ning Tianlin.

It's not much different from not practicing!

In ten years, he has completed the steps that others can do billions of years. This speed, I don't know how scary it is!

Already accustomed to this growth rate, he is really dissatisfied with the most basic and the most primitive method of sucking Reiki.

"It seems not."

"It has nothing to do with these trees!"

Ning Tianlin was a little disappointed. Where is the real treasure of this ancient wooden abyss?

He has been here for almost half a month, but he has found nothing but killing!

The main thing is a bunch of useless killings.


"A real treasure?"

Only soon, Ning Tianlin's eyes were bright.


He came here in search of the treasure of redemption.

And on earth, are not the legendary treasures buried in the ground or in the sea?

There is no sea in the wooden ancient abyss, does that mean it will be underground?


Ning Tianlin didn't delay at all. She shot directly into the ground!

Last time, he explored the underground with the knowledge of God, but he had found nothing except the endless roots, and the wooden ancient abyss was too large, and his knowledge could not be covered at all.

I guess it's not a tenth!

Last time, he felt that it was all roots and there was no need for investigation.

But now it seems that the treasure in the mouth of this combat system is likely to be underground!

And it is endless underground!




Ning Tianlin's body, like a drill, drilled towards the ground.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Four days.

After five full days, he still found nothing, except for the endless roots and branches, the endless dirt. And the dirt is gray-black, apparently endlessly cursed.

In particular, these curses became stronger and deeper.

They are almost turned into countless black gases and swim in the soil.

If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin being immortal and escorted by all means, it would be the curse in the dirt that would enable him to drink a pot.

From time to time, there are also dead human bodies, which are entangled in the root system and go crazy underground. However, Ning Tianlin didn't care, and thought that it should be.

Even ordinary trees will slowly absorb rotting corpses, not to mention the endless roots.



In this way, after five days again, Ning Tianlin still did not find anything. You must know that in ten days of rapid flight, with his current strength, he has been able to cross several star domains.

But now, it has not yet reached the end of these roots!

"How long are these roots!"

For the first time, Ning Tianlin showed a shocking look.

Because he has been flying for ten days now, he has not even reached the roots of countless trees on the ground!

This has greatly exceeded Ning Tianlin's imagination!

The roots of these trees have even surpassed several star fields!

Even he faintly had the illusion that these roots, the lower the distance, the narrower the distance, as if shrinking together. Only now I can't see anything, Ning Tianlin just has a feeling.

"Three days!"

"Five days!"

"eight days!"

In this way, after another ten days, Ning Tianlin's eyes were still a beard, but these beards began to gather in a certain direction. The distance that was originally separated by a long distance is now getting more and more. It's narrow.

There is even a tendency to come together.

"No, these roots are all on a tree, right?"

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin's mind came out of such a thought, which directly shocked him.

how can that be!

If so, the endless roots are all divided from one number, how big is the tree!

There are dozens of star fields as long as a single root.

Now, but countless star fields!

But the more you move down, Ning Tianlin's idea is getting stronger and stronger. These root whiskers are getting smaller and smaller. It seems that they really split from a rhizome!


It was only very quickly that his brow frowned.

Because he can no longer dive!

It was like hitting a barrier, just a moment ago, it hurt his head.

And his head, let alone a tree, is a rock, and it can be crushed into dregs in one fell swoop.

"There is a play!"

However, instead of being depressed, Ning Tianlin had bright eyes.

When you encounter something extremely hard, maybe you want to discover the existence of a secret!


With his right hand on display, Fang Tianhuaji was held in his hand.

Without much thought, he severed directly at the invisible barrier below.


The sound of metal symphony.

The next moment, Ning Tianlin's figure was flying upside down, and the hands holding Fang Tianhua's halberd were a little numb.

"How can it be!"

He couldn't believe the truth in front of him.

You know, if he goes down, the head of the star core can be cut off. What can be so hard that even if he doesn't fight back, he can block his full blow?




If he did not believe in evil, Ning Tianlin waved Fang Tianhua's halberd and chopped it dozens of times, but every time, he was shocked to fly, and his palms were faint.


Even the body flew laterally and continued to be cut from another location, but the results were the same!

This plane seems to have an invisible barrier, blocking all beings.

"Should be a ban on strong characters!"

Soon, Ning Tianlin realized something.

I have been solving it with violence just now, but didn't respond, and the layout of the prohibition is also clever and abnormal, so that he didn't notice anything.

"It's just that as long as it's banned, you can't stop me!"

Ning Tianlin took back Fang Tianhua's halberd and smiled. If he changed to another person, he might be really blocked here. He could not enter below anyway, but it was not the same for him.

He has a combat system.

You can exchange endless treasures.

And some treasures are specifically restrained!

No one can stop it.


With one stroke, a set of red worms without eyes appeared on his palm.

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