Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1443: You ruined the plan of our family!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"No wonder Star Wars said that this is the place where my combat power gathers fastest. This star saint alone has contributed five hundred cents of energy to me!"

"Five hundred cents!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were full of excitement.

You know, this "涧" is a very large unit of measure!

Moreover, this is only the life of Ping Xingsheng, not even the stuff in his space ring!

Ning Tianlin guessed, that was not a minority, and it is now stored in his space ring fifteen to ten.



Even when the Jingqi points were successfully exchanged, the energy of Peng Xingsheng's huge body suddenly seemed to be drained by something! The big star-like body dried up directly into a skin bag!

What flesh, blood, and meridians disappeared in a flash.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

Willow watching all this, feeling all this, screaming wildly.

This is impossible!

Will not!

Will not!

How can it be so fast!

The saint-level warrior is all right, and his body can not be damaged for at least 10,000 years. At least she has 10,000 years, and it is possible to even prepare for the Mu family.

But now, how does this star star dry up so fast!

She couldn't believe it!

"come out!"

"You little bastard, come out for me!"

"You broke the plan of my family!"

Nothing was left, Liu Mu began to attack wildly around, countless branches spread out with her body, attacked the surroundings, and no matter how hidden Ning Tianlin was, he was attacked without reservation.

And when he felt Ning Tianlin's body, Liu Mu was extremely crazy attack!

Even the numerous corpses fragmented by Ning Tianlin were ground into powder.

She doesn't believe that you can live like this!


Ning Tianlin really didn't know how to describe the willow at the moment. Although she turned into an adult, she only had a skull, her body was a branch of a tree, her arms were countless branches, her root was tied in the void, and she was waving a branch wildly. Tianlin attacked.

"It's over!"

Ning Tianlin had died in the blink of an eye more than a hundred times. Although this would not hurt his life, his body burst would be painful!

Although he was already used to it, he was still reluctant to do so. The next time the opponent attacked his body, he directly sacrificed the ability that Manzu had acquired during another evolution.

Super Sonic!


Numerous sound waves roared from his mouth, spreading all over the space, striding across the space, and directly hitting the willow's trunk.

Originally, Willow was dismissive.

Because the other party is the master of the star core, how can she attack her with all her strength, so she withstood the attack without reservation.

But soon she became cyanotic.

And it's really faint, can't feel anything, can't think of anything, like unconscious dizziness.

Three seconds!

This situation lasted for three seconds.

When she opened her eyes and attacked again insanely indiscriminately, how could Ning Tianlin's figure escaped this place long ago with a random teleporter.


After doing all of this, Ning Tianlin was in a great mood.

He took a long breath against the void.


It's hard to overdo it!

He killed a star saint from a star guard carelessly!

However, the Mugu Abyss is really too large, and the random teleporter he used still allows him to stay in the Mugu Abyss, but it is a long way from the willow tree just now.

For a while and a half, you can never find yourself.

"Just, what are the plans of the Mu family?"

"What did I destroy?"

Ning Tianlin was also a little confused. What did Liu Mu mean by that and what did he destroy?

What plan does the Muyi tribe have?

But the combat system did not give him any explanation.

"I'm not sincere, I'm just for energy."

Ning Tianlin grinned, then pinpointed a position, and continued to fly towards the abyss below!

He guessed that it was not a tree at all! In other words, not only that willow! The wooden ancient abyss is so large that the willows are still incomplete!

And it's the plan of the Mu family, maybe there is more than one tree!


Unable to move, he was so excited that he flew directly down.

There are other trees, maybe there are other corpses too!

If what the combat system can say is realized, there may be a corpse like Peng Xingsheng below! After all, in the Star Wars, this is the place where you gain the most and fastest!

Maybe five hundred spirits are not the end!


One day, two days, three days of rapid flight.

at the same time.

Wooden ancient abyss.

In a mountain forest.


"what happened?"

"Creatures here, why don't they disappear? There are corpses too?"

Several combat fighters had just besieged a golden retriever lion to death, but they felt a little strange that the native ancient creatures of Mugu Abyss that would have disappeared as soon as they were killed, did not disappear at this moment!

Instead, it turns into a corpse like an ordinary creature and drops into the void.


"This is the third native Mugu Abyss that we killed. Why don't they disappear?"

The squad was a little confused.

You know, the scene of Mugu Abyss has been going on for tens of thousands of years.

As long as the creatures are killed, they will immediately become like a blister burst, disappearing without trace, but now they have killed several, but these creatures do not disappear!

It's like dead!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't disappear, we just happen to take their bodies and sell them!"

"This is a creature of the wooden ancient abyss. While many people don't know the news, make a fortune before talking!"

The leader thought for a while, maybe this is their chance.



"First make a fortune!"

The rest nodded.




And Ning Tianlin only cares about flying, and didn't waste time to kill the creature, so he didn't know a big doubt in his mind, and it had changed.

Originally, those lives were not dead in his heart!

But now, something seems to have happened!


Almost half a month.

Ning Tianlin's eyes lit up, because in front of him, there was another layer of obstruction.

It's just that this time it's not ice, but flames.

Endless, like the flame that burns everything!


Before coming directly, Ning Tianlin just took a sip of air-conditioning, because the temperature of the flame was too high, and he estimated that if he directly contacted it, he would be burned to ashes!

And if this is the case, his immortal body cannot save him!

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