Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1445: Old turtle

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"It started with ice and belonged to water."

"Then fire!"

"This time is gold!"

In the void.

Ning Tianlin thought about the three places he had crossed, suddenly his eyes were bright.


"This is definitely a formation of gold, wood, water and fire!"

"Everything in the world, all creatures in the universe, follow this golden wood, water, fire and soil, even the Zerg!"

"It must be a formation!"

"That is to say, there are two more places, one is wood and the other is soil!"

Although Ning Tianlin is also proficient in arrays, he is only the most basic array. Occasionally, he is just a fur. After all, he is full of calculations and only has ten years of practice.

In the past ten years, the vast majority have been used to find essence and exchange combat effectiveness.

Essence is rarely spent on formations.

Therefore, he still did not understand some of the deep formations, he had not even heard of them, and he could not see what kind of formation was this moment.

But everything has its roots, and it is by-pass. Ning Tianlin is sure that this big battle cannot be related to Jin Mu, Shui Huo Tuo.

Other cosmic people may not see it, but on earth, Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu is too famous, and it is the best interpretation of the universe by the ancient people on earth.

"Anyway, find this leftover soil and wood!"

Ning Tianlin made up his mind and shot violently, and began to look for soil and wood. At the same time, in the process, he reached out and grabbed two figures of the master level to detect the damage of soil and wood.



In this way, more than half a month later, Ning Tianlin saw a piece of earthy yellow gray in the depths of the abyss, such as mud like paddles, like mountains and stones. Ning Tianlin knew that this should be the soil in the formation.

Without delay, the two masters were sent in directly.



What made Ning Tianlin grit his teeth is that these two lords were squeezed and devoured as soon as they entered the soil, not to mention bones and dregs.

Ning Tianlin himself was a bit cold, and it seemed to him that under this tremendous pressure, he could not survive.

It is estimated that the warrior at the level of Star King is here. If you want to break into it, you may have to break it.

"It's useless to exchange anything now."

Ning Tianlin laughed at himself and could only use invincible golden body!

Three seconds and one trillion energy is one year, and he can survive it!

However, this invincible golden body also has a defect that it cannot be used with super stealth. In other words, if he uses stealth, he cannot use invincible gold!

With the invincible golden body, his super stealth will be useless.

But this time, it can only be so.


Ning Tianlin turned into an invincible golden body without delay, and rushed in.



Only momentarily, the boundless land pressure gathered towards his body, but the invincible golden body was the invincible golden body, blocking all the pressure out. Ning Tianlin spent ten days of work and finally saw A huge earth grey creature.

This creature has horns and a tail. The whole shape is like a tortoise, but it doesn't have a turtle's shell, khaki, open eyes, and looks at Ning Tianlin in shock.

For years, he has never seen any creatures here!

Remove the branches that are constantly sucking nutrients on it!


"This branch!"

Ning Tianlin froze, because this branch was exactly the same as the second one he encountered, like the third and the first willow.


"somebody is coming!"

"Young man, you look so chic, you're all golden, are you equipped?"

The talking is a turquoise creature.

Seeing Ning Tianlin for the first time, he asked quickly.

"There is so much nonsense."

Where would Ning Tianlin answer, he snorted coldly.


But also at this time, a very arrogant divine thought came out of this turtle's mind and went straight to Ning Tianlin's mind, but all were blocked by the invincible golden light, but it also stirred a layer of ripples outside.

It also made Ning Tianlin aware of this attack without reservation.


"It was blocked!"

The earth-colored turtle was so faint in color that it never occurred to him that Ning Tianlin had blocked his attack! And when he asked the other person's words on purpose, the other party answered!

The other party is just a star nuclear warrior!

You know, this is not just a mental attack!

It's mental transformation!

He wants to abandon his physical body and transfer his spirit to the sea!

Only then can he escape!

He has been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, and has been used as a nourishment. Although he is still okay and not dead, he has already seen his end.

Without looking for a chance to escape, you will eventually run out of energy and die.

"court death!"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly, his body shot violently, and ran directly to the position of the opponent's space ring. While the opponent's body could not move, he pulled it out stiffly.

He knew that this action would not stop him here.

They seem to care about energy and have nothing to do with space rings.

"Bring it!"

"Shit boy, give it back to me!"

This earthy yellow, mud-like tortoise scolded Ning Tianlin directly.

The space ring has the treasures of his life. Even though he has been trapped, he can still keep a thought by putting it around.

What if one day you get out of sleep?


It's just that Ning Tianlin would talk nonsense to him and put the space ring directly in the Wuji Ring. In a moment, a lot of resources appeared in the Wuji Ring.


At this time, the big turtle also lost contact with his space ring.

"How can it be!"

"How can I lose contact with the Space Ring and I am not dead 1"

The big turtle horrified.

It's just that Ning Tianlin has turned into golden light and wants to enter the body of the opponent, but in the past, he was invisible. Now he is full of golden light, like a big light bulb.

How can this tree-absorber let him enter easily.




For a moment, he was surrounded by branches.


Ning Tianlin had no choice but to use the supersonic wave that would be used later.

Forced vertigo for three seconds!


After breaking free, he entered the sea of ​​the old tortoise's spirit and crackled, and then broke his heart.


"Congratulations to the host, you have sixty yuan for Essence Points!"

Soon, the sound of the combat system sounded in his ears.

Even the body of the old tortoise began to crack, and instantly became a skin.

"court death!"

"You bastard!"

"You look for death!"

The treacherous man was angry.

Furiously rolled Ning Tianlin, then strangled, kill him!

Unfortunately, Ning Tianlin cannot die under the protection of the invincible golden body.

He is waiting!

Wait for the supersonic wave to work again!

This thing, wait three hours before you can use it again.

"Say, who asked you to come!"

"Who asked you to come!"

The Shuren asked Ning Tianlin madly, and even exhausted his life's best efforts to strangle Ning Tianlin.

It's just a pity that after three hours, Ning Tianlin's supersonic wave was launched again, and a random teleporter was used to flee the place.

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