Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1450: More yin and yang energy!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"come out!"

"Hurry out for me!"

"Just come out and we let you go!"

The five members of the Mu clan yelled at Yinyangtan. I hope Ning Tianlin can come out quickly, even if the previous things are not investigated.

But unfortunately, even if Ning Tianlin heard it, he would not ignore them.

Because he was almost stunned by infinite happiness.

"Yinyangtan, producing yin and yang gas."

"Yin and Yang's Qi meets the five elements, which can transform everything!"

This is the explanation given by Ning Tianlin when he first entered Yinyang Lake.

"What do you mean, the light **** outside are all yin and yang?"

"Their Mu clan, here to build a golden wood, water, fire and soil formation, is to converge with the yin and yang air here, and become a living being?"

Ning Tianlin immediately thought of the light ball floating outside the yin and yang pond, the golden wood, water, fire, and soil, and the local life that was originally beheaded but did not have any increase in energy.

All this is connected!


"The yin and yang atmosphere, combined with the elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, can transform everything!"

"And the creatures formed have extremely powerful talents, and they can continue to break through and break through in a short period of time. Others can only achieve the goal with 10,000 years. They may be able to complete it in 10 years or 100 years.

"Even if they are dead, their spirits will be transformed into golden wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and no vitality will remain."

"That's why you killed them and your energy didn't increase."

The combat system began to explain to Ning Tianlin what he had encountered these days.

"Do you mean, Mu Yi tribe, tell the outsiders that this is a place of seal curse, is it actually to cultivate the talent of Mu Yi tribe here?"

Ning Tianlin asked.

"It's just one aspect."

The combat system states, "The ambition of their clan is actually greater!"

"They are trying, can they really live forever!"

"Like the holy land of the human race, the reincarnation of Yincaodifu, can it truly live forever!"

"Using the atmosphere of yin and yang, the continuous transformation of the elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, see if it can condense out the soul, just like the nine-revolving tower, it is constantly reborn and reborn! It is dead, and it is only the end of one stage of life.

The combat system directly broke the news.

Let Ning Tianlin listen for a moment.

"eternal life?"

"True eternal life?"


"They are trying this!"

Ning Tianlin was a bit shocked. If the combat power system said that the yin and yang of the yin yang tan was everything, then maybe they would really have a soul.

"They can't succeed!"

It was only very soon that the combat system directly denied the Tao.

"I said that yin and yang can transform everything, but not everything!"

"Everything, not everything!"

"There is one thing in this universe that is immutable, the soul!"

"No matter how much they try, there will be no results. What the soul needs is Jiuzhuanqi! And Jiuzhuanqi can only be provided by the Jiuzhuan Reincarnation Tower! Yinyangtan, it doesn't have such a big function."


He has heard of the nine-round rebirth tower, but this is the first time that the nine-round rebirth is in the air.


Although I don't know why, Ning Tianlin nodded.

"But the energy of yin and yang can transform everything, but it is not a joke."

At this time, the combat effectiveness system suddenly became serious, and Ning Tianlin was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"Host, now you have three breaths in your body." The combat system did not answer, but spoke in a foreign language. "One is the essence of life, which is golden in practice."

"The other is the ancient chaos, which is provided by Wanzuan, it is the origin of the universe!"

"The third way is Hongmeng Ziqi, which comes from outside the region, which is a breath I have retained."

"These three breaths constitute the way you grow your combat effectiveness today."

"But you need to know that they are not immutable, not that they cannot grow! They can also combine other flavors to make you stronger!"

"This yin and yang energy can transform everything, and it is one of them!"


Ning Tianlin's eyes flashed sharply. "What do you mean, this yin and yang atmosphere, can I merge?"

Even the heart was beating involuntarily.

This is not to blame him for being so excited, because the first three breaths have given him too much benefit, and even his main contribution to the current combat effectiveness. Nowadays, one can add another yin and yang qi. I am afraid that it will not grow even a little bit!


"Refine this yin and yang pool to yourself, and you will be able to fuse the yin and yang qi!"

"By then, each of your cells will mature and increase combat power, not three times the original, but five times!"

The combat system nodded.

Five times?

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed sharply, five times!

It's twice as hard as before!

The original three times is crazy enough, but now it is five times!


"Five times!"

"Yin Qi is Yin Qi, Yang Qi is Yang Qi, although they share the same name, they are independent of each other!"

"Yang Qi doubled, Yin Qi doubled, that's five times!"

The combat system is also explained.

"it is good!"

"Then I will start refining now!"

Ning Tianlin made a decision without thinking about it.

Five times!

Once he succeeds, his combat power will almost double again!


Ning Tianlin didn't delay, she opened her mouth and began to **** up the surrounding water.

To others, the yin and yang energy can make people invisible, leaving nothing, and the dead can't die anymore, but for Ning Tianlin, there is no such worry.

The invincible golden body not only makes the body invincible, but also inside the body!


A large amount of spring water poured directly into his interior.

For his sake, he entered the Yinquan, and at the moment he swallowed the water of the Yinquan.

Later, the spring water was refined into Yin inside his body, and began to surge towards the position of Dan Tian. This is also the center of all his exercises. Here, there is a Samsung cloud, the size of a fist, spinning all the time.

This is the center of his body.

In the future, all mature body cells will rely on the regular force of the three-color nebula to move in a specific order.

It's like the countless stars in the universe, all moving in their own orbits. In the underworld, there is a force of rules that keeps them from colliding with each other. Otherwise, the planets of the entire universe would have been chaotic.




As soon as this yin entered Dantian, it collided with the tricolor nebula.

But this collision was silent.

It's like melting snow and ice, there is not much shock at all.


The black gloom melted into it for a moment.

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