Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1452: Xingzun fell!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!



"I am out!"

"I realized Dao Xuan, and finally came out!"

An extremely mad laugh broke out in the void.

Everywhere I went was deafening sound waves, and even some with low combat effectiveness, directly exploded and died. Even Ning Tianlin, who was about to leave, was shocked and his ears roared.

"Wu Dao Xuan?"

"What the hell?"

Not to mention Ning Tianlin, it is the five stars, and they have not heard of such a name, but they are surrounded by a great deal of coercion, which makes them all tremble. They even saw with their own eyes the gray sky, and instantly knew what was happening.

Break the seal!

This realization of Tao Xuan is to break the seal!

In addition to the yin and yang, the yin and yang were born, and it is a seal that seals a peerless horror!

"I don't know if the patriarch knows?"

The five star lords look at me, I look at you, you can see the doubts in their eyes.


The patriarchs used this wooden ancient abyss as a test field for their clan, and even to cover people's eyes and eyes, they arranged countless arrays and curses to cover the breath of Yinyangtan.

But the patriarch, do you know that there is a peerless power under this yin-yang pond?

I don't know how many years have been suppressed. As soon as he came out, there was still such a horrible atmosphere. If he was restored to the original and reached its peak, don't you turn the whole sky over?

"Wu Dao Xuan?"

"This name ...

"I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

And in this wooden ancient abyss, there is a person suspended in the void, not others, but the old man of the Star Palace, a star king who is waiting for his own wave of rope to return.

He also felt the horror, especially the constant gathering, and even the pressure was a bit breathless.

It was just that he was puzzled by the three words "Wu Dao Xuan", where he seemed to have heard it, or had seen it, but could not remember it for a while.

At his level, if you have really seen it, you should never forget it, unless it is a very long time ago.

"I must have heard it."

"Nothing wrong!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't feel that way."

This old man is a master of alchemy, and the things that alchemists do most often are alchemy, knowing herbs, and reading classics. This name may be seen in a classic he has read.

"Go back to the palace first!"

"This Wu Daoxuan, I'm afraid he is a peerless master!"

This Tamar doesn't know how many years have been sealed.

As soon as it came out, it felt worse than Xingzun gave him. Even Xingsheng couldn't stop it. It might be even higher!

If this really returns him to its original peak, I am afraid that there are not many people who can do anything about him in the universe.

You must first return to Shimen Baobao to see if the palace master knows this person.


Her body flickered, and she no longer waited for Ning Tianlin, the wave of rope that had not returned.

If you do n’t leave again, you may not even have the chance to go!



Five star-level treants also want to leave at this moment.

This is no longer the wooden ancient abyss they know. After so many accidents, they must return to the patriarch, and ask him to decide!

Especially the matter of Yin Yang Tan, must let him know.



But just when they were about to leave, a giant hand protruded from the gray mist of the sky and directly caught the bodies of five people.

Even they have entered the void for more than half of their bodies, but they are still torn apart!




With no resistance at all, they were all squeezed alive!

No matter how big they are, they are not as big as this giant!

"Let you eat and drink Lazarus on me all day!"

"Really treat my body as a garbage shelter!"

This giant hand crushed the bodies of five stars, as if doing something dispensable.

He has been imprisoned under the Yinyang Lake, but these five wooden stars come here from time to time to take a look, even using the idea of ​​Yinyang Lake, but never let him out.

How can he not hate!

Even two of them **** and **** here a few times.

In the end he was absorbed by the suppression in the ground, and he could not hate it.


"These five stars are dead!"

Although Ning Tianlin left the place with a random teleporter, he still heard the voice that spread throughout the void. The direction came from the position of Yinyangtan!

Unable to, the mind flashed and rushed forward.

He has an undead body, a super stealth, and an invincible close-up, which should be fine.

He really wanted to see, what is the origin of this Dao Xuan?

And, is it really related to Yin Yang Tan?

He always felt that it was because he had made Yin Yang Tan useless, and then he released this Wu Dao Xuan.

But when he rushed to Yinyangtan, what he saw was a huge palm that crushed all five stars to the horror scene.

how can that be!

Star respect!

Better than Star King!

The old men who took away the zombie Bowen's puppet clan that day were just this level. But now, it was crushed by a giant hand!

This. . . . . .

What is the master of this giant hand?

Star Saint?

I am afraid that Star Saint may not be so neat and clear!

Inevitable, Ning Tianlin felt scalp numb, and was ready to leave here immediately. But looking at the pinched bodies of the five Shuren, he hesitated.

This is Xingzun!

Still five!

If they had swallowed their bodies, they would grow to such an extent.

Ning Tianlin knows, however, that the greater the difference, the more combat power that will grow after being swallowed up, and even more likely to evolve again!

Wealth in wealth insurance!

I don't even know if Wu Daoxuan was intentional. When crushing the bodies of these five stars, they did not hurt the space ring they carried.

Now, in a pile of branches, the void floats.

This is another reason why Ning Tianlin does not want to leave.

Space ring!

Five stars of space ring!

If you get it, the resources inside will probably let him break through the star core directly and become a star cave martial artist!

"Can't go!"


"Maybe this Dao Xuan will leave soon!"

"He just killed the unknown star, and should not care too much about their body and space ring!"

Ning Tianlin forcibly resisted the urge to carry the invincible Jin now and take the space ring.

One disadvantage of Invincible is that if you want to use it, the Invincible Golden Light will wrap him all up. At that time, the super stealth will automatically break and let people discover his body.

At that time, it's really hard to say.

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