Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1463: Cut to half, and the rest are slaves!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"court death!"

"You are looking for death!"

Lin Mu can feel the pain of Wan Zuyu. Although he has been fused with the opponent, and the invincible Jinguang has blocked the lightning strike for himself, the thunder power still splits on Wan Zuyu.

This is heaven.

Invincible Jinguang can only protect himself, but not enough!

The purple thunder, still passed through his body, and banged on Wanzu.

Lamenting, turning over in pain.

Although Du Erdan protected his life, no one could bear the pain.


Ning Tianlin flickered and flew towards the star kings ahead!

And directly gave out the acceleration run!

Let his flying ability be greatly improved in a short period of time, not much different from a star king, even higher than some!


And as he flew, the thunder in the sky began to follow.

Wherever he goes, this thunder will split!

"not good!"

"He's motivating the Thunder, and he wants the Thunder to hack us!"

All the star kings are dumbfounded, but also instantly understand what is going on.

This young man is going to chop them to death with Thunder!

He couldn't beat himself, so he borrowed the power of the Thunder!

"Come on!"

Everyone was exclaimed, and they quickly flew and wanted to be far away from Ning Tianlin.


It just shocked them that before they took a few steps, they encountered an invisible barrier and stopped them.


"Enchanted here!"

Exclaimed a star king.

Because his body was blocked, he could no longer fly forward.

But how can the enchantment arranged by the master of a star cave block a star king, how is this possible?

"Boom me!"

The white-headed people drank.

Because his body was also blocked, he couldn't get out of this realm! Before even walking a few steps, I encountered another one.

Could not help but began to forcibly attack the surrounding enchantment.

But to his horror, he couldn't!

As the Lord of the Eight Stars, he couldn't even dispel an enchantment arranged by a star cave warrior!


"You all have to die!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were fierce, and he vowed to leave all the star kings here today.

This time, he exchanged a very arrogant enchantment, which cost a lot more than the one that was hidden at the beginning, and I don't know how many times it was arrogant!

Not to mention the Star King, it is not possible to break even when the Star King is here!

And this purple thunder is floating above his head, that is, in this enchantment, he will not blast towards the enchantment.

Even Ning Tianlin was mixed with a maze in this enchantment.

Keep these people from going out!


The body flew towards a star king, and hugged him directly before he had stepped out of the maze ahead.

"let me go!"

"Let me go!"

"You lunatic!"

The huged star king was so anxious and even suffocated that he would shake Ning Tianlin outside.

It's just a pity that he and Ning Tianlin have not much difference in combat effectiveness. Ning Tianlin not only arranged the combat effectiveness reduction matrix in the air, but also used the eyes of Medusa.

After combining with Manchuria, even toxins were used.

It is the absorption of the auxiliary Zerg that slows down, fears, freezes, and other secondary attributes, and is also used at this time.

For a time, a star king, He did not open the embrace of Ning Tianlin.


The purple thunder fell directly on Ning Tianlin's body and was hugged with each other. Of course, this star king could not be spared and was killed by the purple thunder.

A star king died.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get five hundred ditch!"

At this time, the sound of the combat system also reminded Ning Tianlin.

Earn energy?

He thought that this killing method was not spirited. After all, it was not his own hands, but the use of the power of Thunder.

But now it seems that holding him and killing him is counted on him.

After all, he made great efforts.


Ning Tianlin was not idle, and took a big sip, swallowed all the minced meat into his belly, and turned it into a gluttonous food. At the same time, there is an extra space ring in the palm of the hand.

"Then, next!"

With so much energy to earn, Ning Tianlin was not so angry at this moment, but turned and pursued another star king.

The same formation, the same eye of Medusa, the same Zerg-assisted slowing, freezing, etc. After tens of seconds, he directly put another star king in his arms. Even though the other person's suffocation broke out, he still resisted vigorously and chose to "go to the same end" with the other person.


The Purple Thunder directly blasted the star king into dregs.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get five hundred ditch!" Said the combat system.

Ning Tianlin also opened her mouth again, swallowing the flesh and blood of the sky, and turning it into food for a million feet.




The action was repeated continuously. Five minutes later, eight star kings had already died in the hands of Ning Tianlin in this way.

It's not that they can't escape, but Ning Tianlin's speed, under the acceleration of the accelerator, is faster than them!

Wherever Ning Tianlin is, where is the thunder in the sky!

"do not come!"

"Don't come over!"

The staring stares almost burst into tears.

"You let me go!"

"I didn't mean it!"

"I'll just come and see. I never thought of going against you!"

"Don't come here, let me go!"

The King of Stars is also a human and is also afraid of death, so after seeing Ning Tianlin rushing towards himself, he knelt directly on the ground and kept scratching his head.

Although this is thrown into the face of Star King, which is more important than living.

"Swallow it!"

Ning Tianlin's rushing figure was also approaching the star king, he stopped his body stiffly, and at the same time, exchanged a golden elixir, "This is the **** of control!"

"Swallow it, your consciousness, and your spirit will be controlled by me!"

"From now on, you must obey me!"

"Otherwise, die!"

Ning Tianlin thought of one thing.

That is, the name of the League of Legends has come out, then it will start to work, make profits for itself, collect cosmic resources for itself, and earn energy for itself.

And League of Legends, it is impossible to sit on their own.

I don't have that much time, and I still have to fight.

In particular, there are no powerful martial arts sitting in the town, it is easy to mess up, not to mention anything else, it is easy to be robbed.

Just like the bank does not have a security system, within two days, a strongman came to rob.

These star kings are very suitable objects.

The combat effectiveness is high, and everything is worse than himself.

In addition, several star kings sit in the town all of a sudden, even when Xingzun comes over, they will consider it.

Because the ones who can drive the Star King, are n’t all the lowest stars?

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