Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1466: Forcibly possess

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Immediately after entering the blood-red eyes, Ning Tianlin began to refine. A lot of strange energy began to fly towards Ning Tianlin's right eye.

Eye of Medusa.

Originally, Ning Tianlin had one, fused on the left eye. But now, he spent ten ditches and exchanged for another.

Under the combined effect of the two, the opponent's combat effectiveness can be forcibly reduced by 10%!

Those with low combat effectiveness are even directly petrochemical.

In the past, Ning Tianlin had the spirit, but did n’t have much opportunity to use it in this regard. At this moment, he felt that it would be better to redeem this Medusa eye.


As soon as the right eye merged, the forest rushed towards the White Axe, and when the other party set their eyes on themselves, they suddenly launched the eyes of Medusa.

Two monsters with snakes on their heads rushed out of his eyes and directly fell into the mind of White Axe.


Just a moment, a mysterious energy covered the whole body of White Axe, imprisoned his essence and blood, and reduced his physical combat power by ten percent!

In this way, at this moment, the combat effectiveness of the White Axe has dropped by 30%!

"Eye of Medusa!"

"It turned out to be the eye of Medusa!"

This thing is familiar to several star kings.

Because they have all seen this thing.

But never owned it!

Eyes of Medusa, the eyes of the tribe of Medusa. On the black market, but the price is very high, and there is no market price!

Not to mention Star King, even Star Master may not be able to get it!

Especially if you get it, you can use it secretly. You can use it generously and be known by the Medusa family. It will absolutely kill you and kill you!

After all, this is the eyes of their people.

Moreover, as a rare race, there are few people in their own race, and some people dare to dig into the eyes of their people, that is, they are all against the Medusa family!

Meet Lin and their vows!

They did not expect that Ning Tianlin had this kind of thing on his body.

"Today, the combat effectiveness of this White Axe has been reduced by 30%!"

"But that's not enough!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were extinct.


A big mouth.

Countless gray, blue, black, and white energies attacked the white axe.


"The Zerg Curse!"

"You have all this!"

The White Axe's face has completely changed. These curses that slow down, freeze, slow, and weaken combat are not unique to the Zerg, how can you have it!

Also spit out of your mouth.


"What about it, these curses, what do you want me to do?"

The White Axe did not evade, but swallowed an elixir in his mouth, specifically to resolve the curse. The master of alchemy of mankind, specially developed to deal with the curse of the zerg.

After swallowing him, these curses would be completely useless.

Although the elixir is regular, it can't be saved at this time.

But what greatly changed the face of White Axe was that he did not evade the curse. As soon as it fell on him, he felt that his movement was slower, and even a layer of frost appeared on his forehead and clothes.

Especially when the gray gas came to his body, he felt the essence and blood condensed, and his combat effectiveness decreased a bit.

"How can it be!"

"I obviously swallowed the elixir."

White Axe's face was a little gloomy.

How could it be useless if he swallowed the elixir?

Is that **** sold to himself a fake?

He was still under the pressure of a few people around him, but now he is passive, and there is even a tendency to lose!

"Nothing is Impossible."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

Because he just used it, it was a super curse!

A feature that has just evolved!


Even the Lord of the Universe cannot be immune!


In addition to freezing, sluggishness, deceleration, weakness and other aspects that are not conducive to White Axe, White Axe's combat power has dropped by 10% again!

Originally, the auxiliary Zerg's combat power weakened, at most only one percent, but Ning Tianlin, this is a super curse, which has increased the power tenfold! Reached ten percent of itself!

"That is to say, the fighting power of this White Axe has dropped by 40%!"

Ning Tianlin's mind flickered, and he didn't start immediately, but calculated various attributes.

"The White Axe, the original combat power of the Star King eight segments, that is, more than 800 trillion points of combat power, even if it fell by 40%, there are still more than 400 trillion points of combat power."

"And I'm not even 100 trillion!"

"It's too far away!"

The trees are a little disappointed, and the gap is still so large.

But I also know that this can't be helped.

The gap between the two of them is too great.

Under normal circumstances, the other party kills their existence!

One or two paragraphs of the star king, he can cope, but this is almost eight paragraphs, and further, maybe he can become a star. Even if you forcibly reduce it by forty percent, it will still be the four kings of stars!

He is hardly an opponent.

"It seems that if you want to fight across a wide range, you must force your combat effectiveness to drop by 60 to 70%, or even more!"

Ning Tianlin had an idea in her heart.

But I don't think this is an unfinished business.

From his practice to the present, it is only ten years' time, and this range can be increased to 40%. After another ten years, he may really reduce the opponent's combat effectiveness by 80% or 90%.

You can only play 10% against yourself!


But Ning Tianlin wasn't discouraged, but he smiled, his body was covered with golden light, he put his wings on, and passed the white axe's side at a very fast speed, and the super toxin started.

A cut was made directly on the slow-moving White Axe.


"The effect of super toxins is paralysis!"

"Now your strength is 40% lower than it was at the beginning. This paralyzed toxin is enough for you to eat a pot!"

Ning Tianlin was making a judgment in his heart.

But it takes time for this toxin to play.

Especially the other party is the Star King.


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin did not give up, but chose to blow himself up.

The whole body has become flesh and blood.

But not all flesh and blood was transformed into clouds and smoke in the void, but there were six flesh and blood, accompanied by the divine thought, and without the White Axe's attention at all, they entered the side of the six Star Kings silently. In the body.

A piece of flesh in each person's body!

With a God!


"My fighting power is restored!"

"Not suppressed!"

A star king's eyes brightened, but he had incredible.

Just now, their six star kings received secret rumors from Ning Tianlin, saying that they should be attached to their bodies. In this way, Ning Tianlin's mind was there, and the arrangement was to reduce the combat effectiveness by 20% It has no effect on them.

In this case, their fighting power will not change, and the fighting power of the eight-stage star king will drop to more than four!

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