Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1468: Midtown Opens

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Attribute set!"

"It's all attribute sets!"

After receiving the baby, all the star kings are big thieves with open eyes, and can't believe what they can feel.

Property Set!

Combat power attribute set!

Allows you to equip combat effectiveness with 100% suit attributes!

For example, the original combat effectiveness has increased by one hundred trillion, and the combat effectiveness of the suit attribute has doubled, and it can be increased to two hundred trillion.

"If I don it, don't ... I don't have the power of Xingzun!"

"I can fight a period of Star Master!"

When White Axe felt the energy contained in this equipment, he couldn't add excitement.

It was Chang Wang Dan just now, and now it is the combat power attribute set. If this is improved, his combat power will be able to break through the star statue!

Although it is not Xingzun, it has the strength of Xingzun!


"Can not believe it......"

The White Axe suddenly felt like he was a slave, and it was not a bad thing. The star-level power, although it seemed only two steps away, could not be reached without tens of thousands of years of effort.

It's never even possible.

But now, a few simple treasures can make him reborn.

This. . . . . . This is too incredible.

In particular, the things that this master brought out were not only him, but a total of seven star kings!

Looks like it was taken out at will.

This. . . . . . This treasure is too much.

"All right."

"This is an appetizer for you, waiting for you to complete the assigned tasks, and rewards."

Ning Tianlin is not a shy person, especially his treasures, which are much easier to obtain than others.


The seven star kings are all stunned, so there is a mission so soon?

"White axe, obey!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin gave a cold drink, making Bai Axe's whole body tremble, and he was busy, "Master, please tell me!"

"I ordered you to be the leader of the seven, and the remaining six obeyed your orders."

"Yes! Master!" The other six nodded quickly.

"From this moment on, seven of you will head to Zhongdu City and open a shop called League of Legends. The larger the area, the better. The White Axe is the shopkeeper, and the remaining six are the shop's second!" Ning Tianlin continued.

Shop second?

The treasurer?

The white axe's faces turned black for a while.

Is there anything wrong.

Before, they were all star kings in various star domains. They were also the shopkeepers. The shop junior, this is going to be spread out. I don't know how many acquaintances would laugh them to death.

But nothing.

Now I am a slave, and I have to be brazen.

However, when I think of working for the League of Legends, and this League of Legends is likely to be one of the forces in the holy place of the human race, they are relieved.

Human holy land, they do n’t know how many people want to enter and not enter.

That is the real holy place to truly maintain the peace of the human race!

"Your mission in Midtown is to collect things that others need to redeem, set the price, then get together and report to me!"

"No matter what the other party wants to redeem, take it!"

"The rarer the better!"

"I can get it all!"

Ning Tianlin said, "But there is one thing. We only accept bartering, and are treasures of resources. We do not accept money transactions."


Don't accept money?

Everyone froze.

This method of trading is the worst way to judge value, but when you think of your master, you have done it before, and you are relieved.

Moreover, this method of bartering, although the oldest and the worst to judge value, is the best way for them. They came to them, but they all wanted things, didn't they let them set value?


This trick is really high!

But can you really get anything?

You know, the universe is too big and there are so many treasures, but no one can dare to say that he can get everything in this world, even the master of the universe may not dare to say so.

But they dare not speak out about this question.

After all, this is the master, not the little magpie they call.

"and also."

Ning Tianlin said, "Since you are expensive kings, you must also rule the endless territory, and you have a lot of confidants under your hands."

This is why Ning Tianlin values ​​them.

There is a star hole under the star king, a star core under the star hole, and astral stars under the star core. Each of them is a slave here, but in the eyes of countless people, it also exists as a supreme king.

Ning Tianlin can mobilize seven of them, and wants to be able to mobilize countless people who work for him.

This is much more cost-effective than exchanging puppets from the combat system.


"There are many useful people under our hands."

The seven star kings said at the same time.

"Well, from today onwards, give your self-confidence a magnificent sum of money, and let them travel to all parts of the universe to buy a lot of resources!"

"Whether it is expensive or similar, buy it for me!"

"Remember, as long as there is good energy in it!"

Ning Tianlin is ready to go shopping.

He used to be alone.

The range and time that can be moved is limited, but now he will become one hundred, one thousand, or even more!

In the end, all you need to do is bring these resources together.

At that time, he will also earn endless energy.

Opening a shop is for people to come and deliver! Let people buy it by themselves!

Grab both hands and be hard!

Although going out to buy resources will definitely be a bit of a loss, being targeted and robbed, but these are all things that ca n’t be done. It ’s difficult to start with everything, just step by step.


Although the seven star kings did not know why this was done, the master ordered it and did just that.

"January is limited."

"Every month, you will hand over the things you need to exchange and the resources you bought to the White Axe, and let him bring them to me."

Ning Tianlin Road, "After you have selected your shop in Midtown, I will also go there in person to set up an enchantment."

Open shop anti-theft.

Ning Tianlin certainly did the same.

There will be a lot of resources in the store, and of course he needs to make some preparations.

Otherwise, his cost will be a lot of money.


The seven star kings nodded.

"White axe, this is yours."

Subsequently, Ning Tianlin waved and gave White Axe a ring.

Space ring.

But the space inside can be calculated in galaxies.

Until White Axe put on the activation, his eyes were straight, and I couldn't believe that there would be such a large space ring in this world.

You know, he thinks his space ring is big enough, but he can only fit one city.

In the face of this space ring, not even dregs.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

In the envy of the other six star kings, White Axe thanked Ning Tianlin extremely.

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