Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1473: Open a fashion store

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"All are dead."

All the people in this shop were stunned when they saw this scene.

Five star kings, one domain master, just died!

Do not give the other party a chance to reform.

Erasing directly.

"It's hard enough."

Everyone said in his heart.

Don't dare to make trouble here, even give you no chance to warn, kill directly!

"However, this Pang Bosu, but the son of Xing Sheng Pang Juan, is it all right?"

Everyone was waiting to see a good show.

You know, this Pang Juan is very fond of this son. If he can kill, I don't know how many times he has died. It is the master of the capital city, and Kufi Xingsheng will give this Pang Juan face.

Pang Juan is not only Xingsheng, but also the vice chairman of the Beast Club.

You know, the beast is not a messy character. It is a very powerful human trafficking organization that enslaves all kinds of slaves. Everyone has it. The chairman even heard that it is a transcendence.

Can such people offend without revenge?

However, as soon as they saw the two ancient swords in the air, everyone was silent again.

If really as described by the array mage, this is something that can kill the Holy Star. Who can arrange these, and what kind of existence?

Pang Juan really dared to come to trouble.

But everything has nothing to do with them.

"Let's go."

"Fill out the guts you need to redeem, and get out of here."

Some Venerable hearts.

It won't be long before a war will happen here.

Stay here, maybe you will catch the pond fish.

"Master, that's the way it is, do you need to do it?"

From beginning to end, the White Axe, who did not shoot, also drew a spit in the throat. The five Star Kings couldn't die anymore because they all existed like him.

If he were to change it, it would end like this.

He felt that he must be crazy, why did he bother to find such a master that day.

The backing of the opponent can really kill himself by simply waving his hand.

This formation method was arranged by the owner with a middle-aged person.

At that time, the middle-aged man felt very scary, and his whole body was shrouded in yellow mist. He even felt that if he dared to get close to the yellow mist, he would be swallowed by that mist.

At this moment, White Axe told the Ning Tianlin who didn't know where through the information device, hoping he could give a suggestion.

After all, five star kings died, and there was also a son of star saint.

Behind is also the colossus.


Ning Tianlin was surprised. He had heard this name. He worshiped his second brother Xiang Yu's wife, Yu Ji, who was in charge of the Colossus in Yinhe, his apprentice, or he was rescued from the cage of the Colossus of.

Unexpectedly, now it will be related to this beast.

He is also the son of the vice chairman.

"Do not care."

"Just stay in the store."

"Xing Sheng is here for nothing."

Ning Tianlin said, "How are the statistics these days?"

Ning Tianlin would like to know how many people are exchanging treasures, after all, this is a major event related to the growth of his combat effectiveness.

"a lot of."

"And they are all treasures."

The White Axe said, "There are only 134 people who come to Xingzun, and they are buying very rare things. There are many, I have never heard of them."

The White Axe really didn't know why he was doing this. Buy Zhongbao, you can use Zhongbao to redeem it, but this master does not ask for these, but only needs resources.

Even this is a very low-level resource.

As long as there is energy.

Do not ask for quality, as long as the final energy resources add up enough.

He really didn't understand what his master wanted these things to do. In the original, he couldn't even look at those resources.


"Continue collecting."

Ning Tianlin nodded. "Everyone who comes will tell them that they will be available in one month and they will be able to bring enough resources. Don't wait until the treasure is available, but there are not enough things to exchange!"

"Also, don't put all your goals on these stars, star kings, astral circles, astral domains can be, even the Lord of the galaxy, as long as they want, they have enough resources!"

Ning Tianlin knows that Xingzun is a minority after all. Although the demand is for treasures and a lot of redemption resources, the combat effectiveness is not as good as their warriors, and the number is too huge.

They are the real main force.


White Axe nodded, and then hung up the information device.



Ning Tianlin whispered to himself, and then hummed, if they really dared to make trouble in the shop, the ancient battlefields would be enough for them, but he asked Wu Daoxuan to arrange it himself.

Three days ago, Wu Daoxuan returned from the earth.

Found myself.

After talking about some things in Yincao Difu, and meeting with King Yan Luo, the rest was feeling a little bit about the current situation of the earth.


It's really distressing!

Imagine how proud the earth was at that time, the resources are magnificent, there are countless small worlds of horror, the king of stars is like a dog, the stars are everywhere.

But today, the highest combat effectiveness is less than one million.

And this is only a situation in recent years.

Almost ordinary people have tens of thousands of combat capabilities.

It is really too far away from the ancient earth of that year.

In particular, Reiki was weak and pathetic. At that time, the Earth took a breath and it was like eating the fruit made of Reiki. Now, it takes a big breath, just like drinking the northwest wind.

Although the aura of the earth has changed a lot with the help of Ning Tianlin, in the eyes of Wu Daoxuan, it is still too bad.

Even in the end, Wu Dao Xuan sacrifice a spiritual treasure, floating in the void, and he himself arranged a large gathering of spirits to urge the earth's aura to grow rapidly.

Because of this, Ning Tianlin knew that Wu Daoxuan could arrange the array.

Therefore, I asked for his help, and in the League of Legends No. 1 store, a Qiankun ancient sword array capable of killing Xingsheng was arranged.

Unexpectedly, it will be available so soon.

Otherwise, Xingzun Xingsheng really makes trouble in their shop, and it won't be long before he closes the door.


Anyway, Liang Zi has already settled, it depends on how the vice chairman of the beastly club has made a move.

"That's it."

Ning Tianlin hovered over a planet that didn't seem to have a lot of aura. After thinking about it, it landed slowly.

Half a day later.

He became the owner of a fashion store.

Sixteen days later, he wanted to give them to the White Axe.

Taking this opportunity, he wanted to talk to people and relax.

The whole day's killing made him almost forget how ordinary people communicate, and his nerves were too tight.

There are all kinds of people who open this clothing store.

Using talk to relax your nerves is also a good choice.

However, he didn't want to sell clothes in person, he would hire someone, he smiled and listened.

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