Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1480: I do not support him who supports

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Buy and sell?"

Everyone was stunned. Also, they didn't ask you to buy it, how could it be regarded as a black shop.

It's just that the price is so expensive.

It can also be regarded as a plain price.

"You didn't buy and sell strongly, but the price is so expensive. Isn't it obviously a killer? Besides, what effect does a fashionable dress have, even if it is affixed with universe coins, it is not so expensive!"

The sick woman coaxed.



"The price is so expensive, obviously it's a killer. I really buy it when I meet people who are stupid and have a lot of money."

Someone echoed.

For a while, the chat room, live broadcast room, and the audience in front of the TV all condemned the voice of this store.

And Mu Ziyi's head is getting bigger and bigger, this situation is really the first time he encountered, as if Qian Fu pointed out, really do not know what to do.

The boss beside him was lying there freely, drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

"You are a clerk, we don't embarrass you, call your boss out, otherwise, you will be drowned by the spit star on the Internet." The female reporter said.

"This doesn't need you to care." Muzi changed his path. "Our boss has handed over the store to me, and I take care of everything. I still say that, it's worth the money."

"Don't buy it because you are poor and your loss."

Muzi Yi knows how to take people's money and eliminate disasters with others.

Who would send her 10,000 universe coins a day, let alone a little grievance?

But she was a little weird. The boss was drinking tea and reading the newspaper on the chaise lounge beside him. Why keep calling him out? You have the ability to rush forward and ask?

Are you blind?

"Ha ha."

"It's our loss not to buy, so good breath."

In the face of Mu Zi's stubborn attitude, countless people have cheated. A black shop, who gave you such a bold courage to say such things, we are poor, but we can't afford to buy a dress.

A piece of shish kebab that will cost you a thousand you buy?

Unless silly X!

"There is a clothes shop."

"This is it."

At this time, there were two people outside, one man and one woman, twenty-four men and twenty-two women, but they were all dressed in ordinary clothes, and even some low-grade, poor feeling.

"Why so many people?"

The two were holding hands, some of them froze.

Why are there so many people around the shop entrance?

It's noisy, what's going on?

This honest man couldn't help but change his face, thinking of a possibility, and quickly pushed away the crowd and squeezed into it.

Nothing else, because his sister works inside!

Still the first day to work!

When he saw that he hadn't come back for so long, he came to see it. Just an hour or two ago, my sister said that she would be off work soon, but it's been so long that she can't get home. In particular, no video or message will be sent.

I brought my fiancee to see.



The man's name was Mu Ziping. At this time, he exerted his strength and squeezed inward.

He was afraid of something wrong with his sister.

In particular, the thought of his sister telling him that he could solve the wedding gift money tonight, he felt that very bad things might happen.

"Squeezed, what a death!"

The surrounding people cursed.

But I was still afraid of stepping on my feet or getting stinky sweat and leaned to the side.

Mu Ziping took his fiancee's hand and squeezed in.

"Brother, sister-in-law, why are you here?"

Mu Ziyi, who had a big head, asked his brother and his sister-in-law when they came. At the same time, pull them over and stand beside yourself, otherwise you will definitely be surrounded by them.

"Let me see why you haven't come home."

Mu Ziping was relieved in his heart, and his sister was fine.

I was really stumped by what was going on.

"what happened?"

"What are these people doing around here?"

Mu Ziping was a little aggressive, and this was the first time he had encountered this situation. There were still a few people, apparently in the costume of a TV station.

"Yeah, Ziyi, what are they all doing here?"

Xunzi asked wonderingly.

Isn't this a clothes store? She is a saleswoman here. What are you doing so much?

"What are you doing?"

At this time, the vicious woman standing in front of her spoke, "Of course it's condemning your sister to open a black shop!"

"Eighty-eighty-eight universe coins can be sold in one piece of clothing. When our planet is a fool!"

"Black shops, to make black money, of course, you must attack them!"

Black shop?

Eighty-eight Cosmic Coins?

Mu Ziping and his fiancée are both stunned. What's wrong?

She is not a part-time job, how did she become a black shop?

Still eighty eight?

It is impossible to have such a high price if they sell their entire family for another hundred years!

"I bet no one will buy it here!"

"That is, who is the fool who buys clothes here!"

"The black shop hastened to close. Let's wash and sleep."

Many people commented that the owner of this store must be crazy and dared to sell such an expensive price.

"Ziyi, are they telling the truth?"

"This is really a black shop?"

Mu Ziping was a little stunned in his heart. If this is the case, he must not let his sister do it here, and his reputation will be damaged.

"go home with me!"

With that said, he would pull Muziyi's hand out.

"The shop owner didn't show up at this time, he must be guilty, Ziyi, listen to my brother and go home with him!"

Mu Ziping will not let his sister be aggrieved here.

"Brother, haven't you bought new clothes for your sister-in-law?"

"Just pick one here."

Muzi easily broke free of Muziping, not only did not leave, but his heart moved.

OK, don't you say nobody buys clothes here?

Then I'll buy one myself!

He believes in his boss!

The boss said that this dress has special effects, then there must be! It is by no means an ordinary person who can give her ten thousand galaxies as salary! She can only hear that scammers cheat people, and have never seen scammers pay people out!

Moreover, the boss is lying there drinking tea and reading the newspaper, but you can't see it, which is more proof of the magic of the boss?

"Come with me!"

Mu Ziping froze, and Geng's family had to drag his sister out.

It wouldn't have been brainwashed by the owner of this store, it's already coming up with their own ideas.

"Brother, listen to me once!"

Mu Ziyi looked at Mu Ziping and said seriously, "Brother, I believe in the boss."

"He is a magical man!"

"Since it's here, buy this dress for Xunzi as a dowry."

"This is the only one I can afford.

"I'm an employee of the boss. I don't support him. Who supports him!"

"Trust me!"

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