Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1482: Deep purification

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Killed! "


Seven or eight people ran out of the store, yelling madly, because a crowd of people watching the bustling outside the house, when they escaped crazy, they stepped on a lot.

They were frightened and ran towards the outside.

Just selling clothes just now, why is it now killing!

They are a society ruled by law, a planet of science and technology, and the thesis states that they are one hundred and eighty years ahead of the earth and killed people, but they are subject to trial.

"Warning! Warning!"

"Please come out of the house, please come out of the house!"

"Head squat on the ground with both headshots, squatting on the ground with both heads!"

Within three minutes, a guardian warning came from outside.

All of them squatted on the ground with laser guns, and even air motor boats, covering them.

"I ... I killed."

Muzi Yi Xunzi couldn't believe the fact in front of her, she. . . . . . She actually killed someone, and just drank it, just like saying a word, she yelled at someone!

This. . . . . . This is too incredible.

Especially when she thought of the punishment she would face after the killing, she almost burst into tears.

This means that her life's fate has changed!

Now, the voice of arresting him came from outside, what should I do?

"Go elsewhere!"

"Do not go out!"

"Otherwise you're gone for life."

Mu Ziping's eyes were red. This was his fiancee. How could they get married if this happened?

Including Mu Ziyi is also aggressive, she never expected that things would develop to this point.

"The people inside came out quickly and raised their hands to surrender!"

"The people inside came out quickly and raised their hands to surrender!"

"You have ten minutes to think about it. After ten minutes, we will attack aggressively!"

A warning came from the outside guards.

"Boss, why?"

"How did this happen?"

Mu Ziyi was also anxious. If it really became a global wanted object, what would they do in the future.


Where's the boss?

Where is the boss?

My brother and sister-in-law are confused. Who does my sister talk to?

There are only three of them left. Where can I find a boss?

"Isn't it good to be like this?"

"Your sister-in-law, is already an eight-star powerhouse. As long as she works hard, she will soon become a warrior. It is better to walk out of the planet and travel the universe?"

Ning Tianlin smiled and didn't care.

The law on a planet is okay, and it is okay to deal with ordinary people. For the true strong, it can be wiped out.

Even he has perceived through his mind that on this planet, the most powerful warrior, the master of this planet, is just a nine-star warrior, not even the master.

It won't be long before this Muzi Yi's sister-in-law can sit on an equal footing with the planet's master.

After all, these clothes are not as simple as improving combat effectiveness.

It can further stimulate a person's physical fitness in the deeper layer, increase his potential, and make a cricket that can be turned into a horse!

"Eight Star Strong!"

"You said my sister-in-law, became an eight-star powerhouse!"

Muzi Yi was taken aback. Although their planet is a very low-level technology planet, they have already connected to the universe, knowing the division of warriors, and even better know what the eight-star warriors represent.

What can't help it is my heart pounding!

Because as far as she knows, the one with the highest combat effectiveness, that is, the master of the city, is just a samurai warrior, but even so, in their eyes, it is already a mythical existence.

It can fly, and it can be stunned. In this city, it has unparalleled deterrence.

I even heard that the master of the planet is only the Jiuxing warrior!

And his sister-in-law, wearing only one piece of clothing, became an eight-star warrior?

This. . . . . . This is too incredible.

"Eight Star Strong!"

"Xunzi, the boss said, you are already an eight-star powerhouse, so you don't have to be afraid of the guards outside!"

Mu Zi swallowed her mouth easily, and expressed her thoughts. She didn't want to hurt Xunzi because of this incident.

"The Eight Star Powerhouse."

"I ... I'm an eight-star powerhouse ..."

Mu Zi Yi Xunzi was also a little aggressive, how can I not believe this situation.

"Sister-in-law, let me check what the eight-star warriors have."

Muzi quickly said.

This level, for her in the past, was completely a gap and a natural sound. She had no access at all, and did not know what the strength of the Eight Star Warrior was, so she quickly investigated the information through the information device.

For a moment, he stalemate with the city guards outside.


Just five or six minutes later, there was a brake sound in the sky, and I saw a cool-looking sky sports car, blue smoke below, stopped in the sky, and then a stylishly dressed woman directly from the three-meter-high Jumped down in the air.

"Step aside."

"I'm going in!"

"I'm going into this shop!"

As soon as the woman arrived below, she was stopped by the guards.

It was just that she didn't care, and rushed in. Because the time to change destiny is likely to come!

That's the legendary Lingjin Huayi.

Not only can it make a person's combat power soar in an instant, but it can also change a person's physique from a deep level and make one's potential infinite.

Waste can become genius!

This is a legendary thing that is hard to find in the universe!

According to legend, when it appeared last time, it was tens of thousands of years ago. In the capital city, one of the top 100 human race cities, a highly tailored tailor made it. Because it does not use silk.

But heaven and earth reiki!

It is even a special heaven and earth aura.

I thought it was just a legend, but now I have seen it on the Internet with my own eyes!

She must get it, because if it is really Lingjinhuayi, she is no longer just a fashion blogger, she only pays attention to some clothes, and is likely to become a legendary warrior!

And it is an extremely powerful warrior!

In that case, she can fulfill a long-cherished wish!


Find a powerful character to get revenge!

"It's blocked here, no one is allowed to enter!"

It's a pity that the city guards can ignore her and prevent her from entering directly. They don't know you as a fashionista, and city managers come here to say it.

"I am the supplier of this shop owner."

"I know the shop owner. I know the women inside. I have a way to get her out and surrender."

"Trust me."

This fashionista instantly thought of a reason, very seriously.


The guards were a little puzzled.

But I think you can try it.

After all, it will be ten minutes soon. Is it really impossible to storm?

At any time, the opponent's surrender is better than hard.

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