Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1487: Living dead with a changed face?

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"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the owner of Lingjin Huayi."

The woman replied very respectfully, totally without that kind of murderous smell.

"Very smart."

Ning Tianlin nodded. "It's just not surprising to you, how did I call your name?"

"Not surprisingly," Bu Yunyan replied, "Is it possible for me to speculate arbitrarily about the predecessor's combat effectiveness?"

Bu Yunyan brought a high hat to Ning Tianlin, but the meaning was also obvious. You must have read my memory, otherwise how would you know? When she was in the store, she felt wrong.

"Ha ha."

Ning Tianlin smiled, "I think your kind of adaptability is very good."

"I don't know if my predecessor came to me, what's the order?" Bu Yunyan bowed again.

She really didn't know why the other party found herself.

Is it because I bought Lingjinhuayi?

It shouldn't be.

You sell it when you open a shop.

"Do you want revenge?"

"Do you want to return to the top of your strength?"

Ning Tianlin's seemingly casual greeting, but gave Yunyun a whole body tight, and even shivered, his mouth was a bit dry, "Senior willing to help me?"

"Hehe." Ning Tianlin smiled, without a positive answer.

He read the woman's memory and of course understood what was going on.

This woman was a five-stage warrior of the King of Stars.

It was just that the enemy was built, the family was destroyed, the combat effectiveness was abolished, and even the combat effectiveness would never be achieved. In despair, he hid in this planet where no one knew her.

Become an ordinary person.

I thought she would be a lifetime from now on. She never thought that she had nothing to do at home. She just saw this live broadcast and recognized the legendary things like Lingjinhuayi.

Since then, her heart has flared!


The desire for revenge instantly filled his heart.

Her biggest obstacle is that the meridians are abolished, and it is impossible to store combat power in her body, but Lingjinhuayi has given her hope because she knows that the biggest effect of Lingjinhuayi is not to improve combat effectiveness.

It will change a person's physical fitness in a deep level, and even repair her damaged meridians, allowing her to practice again!

Only with hope, she will persist!

The Lingjin Huayi did not disappoint her. In just a few minutes, she was given a new life, which not only greatly improved her combat effectiveness in a short period of time, but especially the damaged meridians also recovered as before!

You know, this was abandoned by a star cave-level warrior!

A Lingjinhuayi will make her return to the original!

Sure enough, it is a legend!

"Help can help."

"But there is a condition."

Ning Tianlin looked at each other and smiled.

"Senior, please."

"Whatever it is, I will promise."

Bu Yunyan nodded, very seriously.

She has made up her mind, and whatever she asks, she will agree!

Even if the other person wants her body!

Family revenge, she vowed to die!

There was no hope, but now it is possible!

"I hope I can take you as a disciple."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

He knew what the other party was thinking, thinking he would threaten her, but she didn't know what he would do.


"Senior are you taking me as a disciple?"

Bu Yunyan froze.

I thought of countless possibilities, but never thought it would be this.


"My current combat effectiveness, in the eyes of the predecessors, horror is optional. Why did the predecessors do this?"

Bu Yunyan was somewhat confused.

Why should the other party accept himself as an apprentice?

"You're not surprised, why didn't you die?"

"But is it just that combat effectiveness is impaired?"

"Can't practice combat anymore?"

Ning Tianlin asked.

"Why didn't you die?"

Bu Yunyan froze.


Why didn't you die at the beginning?

You know, all the family members were killed, that is, the patriarch, and her father was also killed. When she woke up, she was even in the blood of the corpse. At that time, she wondered why she had survived alone.

The rest were dead.

Is the other person deliberately letting go of himself?

You know, she clearly remembered that when she finally died, a huge palm smashed her and killed her! Her flesh is broken! Why are you not dead yet?

What scared her even more was that when she woke up, she was not in her body at all, but changed her face!

One of her girls!

She became what she looks like!

She looked like her own body and had no idea what it was like.

It is precisely because of this that she was blocked in her meridians, and she was unable to repair her combat power. Because her physical body is not her physical body at all, that maid, she has no talent for practicing combat power at all!

All this is the biggest secret in her heart.

I just didn't expect that the other party even read this out.

I'm afraid he knows when he will come to Auntie.


"Why is this?"

Bu Yunyan quickly asked Ning Tianlin.

She really wanted to know what the reason was. All the people were dead, and she was the only one living in this world.

Even she couldn't help but guess that the senior in front of her had to accept herself as an apprentice, and was it related to her death?

"Mo Yunhai in the Cangtian Mountains!"

"Do you remember these words?"

Ning Tianlin didn't mean to conceal, and he spoke these seven words directly!

"Cangtian Mountain!"

"Mo Yunhai!"

Bu Yunyan is covered for a while, is it related to this?

These seven words, of course, she remembered.

It was a mystery she stumbled upon.

Cangtian Mountain, a white snow mountain.

And this snow mountain has no roots, and the entire mountain body, like the rootless duckweed, floats in the void.

She came to this place by chance during her family experience.

There is nothing in this mountain, no souls, no air, only an invisible and transparent sea.

She had never seen such a sea like the white clouds floating in the sky.

Mo Yunhai in this vicissitudes of the mountains is still the seven words she said to describe the scene.

But what struck her most was that there was a palm-sized building in this Mo Yunhai. It is not boxy, but narrow and wide, just like an inverted ladder. The endless Mo Yunhai is sprayed from this building.

It's just a pity that she stayed here for 7 days and 7 nights and couldn't get it out.

She knew it was a treasure. Otherwise, there would not be such a vision around.

Could not help but be a little disappointed.

Decided to wait for my combat effectiveness to improve and see if there is any way.

It is a pity that when she returned to the clan, a great change took place. The entire clan was killed, and even she took herself, she could not die anymore.

When I woke up, I changed my body.

She didn't even know she was dead or alive.

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