Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1504: Any woman dares to move!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"what happened?"

The owner of the capital city also noticed the abnormality of Ning Tianlin in an instant, because this change is too obvious and can be described as undisguised. Based on the mental quality of the young people in front of it, it is estimated that only when they see extremely incredible things in this way.

After all, facing yourself is neither frightened nor jumpy.

Could not help but looked along Ning Tianlin's eyes, and saw not far away, a figure was running fast, and a figure was chasing behind.

In particular, the woman running ahead seemed to forcibly inspire a certain secret technique, and the body was almost unable to withstand this speed, and it was about to collapse.


Ning Tianlin did not answer him, but looked stupid as if stupid.

Extremely shocked.

How could it be her?

How could she come to Zhongdu City?

Shouldn't she still be on Earth?

How come here!

The distance between the capital and the earth can be described as thousands of miles away.

Did she come to find herself?

But he never told anyone, he would be here.

For a moment, Ning Tianlin thought of too much, there was 愣 God, there was 彷徨, but more of it was excitement, the kind of excitement from the bones, even infinite surprises, how could he never imagine that he would see Lin Jiayi here !!

She even forgot what kind of situation she was in now.

I forgot to help her.

Subconsciously in his soul, he already felt that breaking the body was not a big deal. As long as you are alive, nothing is a problem at all.

Ning Tianlin didn't move, and the master of the capital city in the side didn't take any action, but just followed Ning Tianlin's gaze and fell into the distance, but his heart was already tense, knowing that something must have happened.


"It's a guard!"

Lin Jiayi, who ran fast and moved the viscera, finally raised hope in her heart at this moment.

With the guard, the fat man behind should not dare to chase.

Maybe come forward, they will help themselves.

The fat man behind was also a bit anxious at this time, because he also saw these guards. In particular, he often confuses him in the capital city, but at a glance from the clothes of these guards, this is not an ordinary guard at all!

It's the Metropolis Guard!

Guarded around the capital city of Kufi Xingsheng all year round!

One hundred percent, Coffey Saint is ahead!

He must quickly cut off the woman's!

What annoyed him was that at this time, it wasn't what he wanted to catch up with, and the opponent ran wildly. Although it was not much faster than him, there was a touch of it!

You can only wait until the other party's potential is exhausted.

It was originally a cat-and-mouse mentality, but now it is really anxious.


"Do not enter ahead!"

"Forget about killing!"

Just when Lin Jiayi thought that the other party would help herself, she was scolded by the person in front of her, which directly made her heart fall like an ice cellar, and even the other party had drawn the sword in her hand and pointed her in the direction.

The same was true of the guards on the side.

But where can Lin Jiayi stop, in that case, wouldn't she be caught by the fat man behind?

Isn't her struggle in vain?

Gritted his teeth, no matter what the guard said, he rushed in.

It is only possible to be truly liberated when you come to it.

Now she was a little far from the guard.


"Don't stand still, I chopped you!"

The head-headed guard was furious, and took his words as wind.

Could not help but bully him, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Lin Jiayi, and even the sword in his hand was almost on Lin Jiayi's head. Just the next moment, but his face changed.

Take back the sword long and hard.

The whole body of breath was suddenly shrunk.

Because a voice sounded in his ear, "Don't do it, just be steady!"

"Remember, very polite!"

And this voice, he could not be more familiar, the owner is not others, it is his master, the master of the capital city!

Just gave him a secret message!

Although I don't know why, I still do it without objection.

"It's over."

"That's wasted."

"This girl is dead."

Seeing this scene behind, the fat man has stopped his figure, annoyed in his heart, just playing a fart, just grab it.

Okay now.

Lose the fragrance!

The duck in hand is flying!

Isn't it good for this fool to be caught by himself? He has to fall into the hands of this guard.

But they said the same thing, and said that if they cut you, they cut you!

They are guarding, but the master of the capital city!

Even if he didn't dare to face Fang Fengmang directly, he had to find a relationship at most.


What only made him look awkward was that the guard, the sword that he was going to cut down, was taken back at the last moment, just using a move to stop the woman.

Finally she asked very politely, "Girl, are you okay?"

"is there anything?"

This kind of contrast directly makes the fat man behind stump.

Is there anything wrong?

Why didn't the sword fall off?

Is it just like yourself, who is intrigued, because the other person's beauty can't help?

Even the escorts on the side were all stunned. I didn't expect this to happen.

"help me......"


As soon as she spoke, Lin Jiayi couldn't bear the viscera vibration anymore. She sprayed a lot of blood directly in her mouth, and then she wobbled, her mind became extremely blurred.

Deep in the soul, it seemed that she had no idea how long she had looked forward to, and how many times she had appeared in her dream before her eyes.

Looking at her anxiously.

Holding her.

Hug her.


Even if he died, he died in his arms.

Despite being a dream of myself.


No more consciousness, just passed out.

The original painful expression, and finally a smile appeared because of the appearance of a face.

Very sweet.

Very sweet.

"Bring me down and go to jail!"

"No one can approach without my permission!"

Seeing Ning Tianlin holding the woman in her arms, shouting "Jiayi", "Jiayi", anxious, how could the master of the capital city not know what happened, they must know each other!

And it's very likely that relationship!

Could not help but set his eyes on the fat man in the distance.

At the same time commanded a guard.


The guard also realized something, and flew towards the fat man.

Really looking for death!

Even the woman who moved Ning Tianlin!

"It's over."

"It looks like something is wrong."

The fat man behind was originally waiting for the progress of the matter, but when he saw a young man, he pushed the guard away, grabbed the woman from his hand, and held Lin Jiayi in his arms.

He realized something awful.

Not many people dare to guard the city guard like this!

Especially in front of the city owner.

And soon, his face changed drastically, because the guard rushed towards him, and was very aggressive.

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