Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1513: Lord of the capital city died

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"It's dead!"

The master of the capital city thought about this possibility, but he did not expect that Hunfeng would die so quickly, that he would not even be given the chance to struggle, and it would turn into flesh and blood, leaving no dead body.


At this time, the creature he had just seen was summoned by Ning Tianlin again, and began to devour the cloaked flesh.

The main scalp in the capital city of the city is tingling.

This young man is really cruel.

The other party is dead, not even the bones!

It ’s just that this creature, what is the origin, so many legs, and the teeth are so good, even Xingsheng ’s body can be swallowed. Not to mention whether the horrible energy can explode it. The hardness alone, if replaced by ordinary creatures, can burst all your teeth.


"Tianlin actually raised a puppet."

Just now Wanzuo's speed was too fast. Lin Jiayi did not see how Ning Tianlin saved her master. Now that Wanzui started eating, she noticed that Ning Tianlin even raised a cricket.

Although weird, it's nothing.

She has seen so many years in the sky, except for life and death, the rest are trivial matters.

There are just too many crippled legs.

She was so dense that she couldn't even count for a moment.

Moreover, at this time, she had a new understanding of her boyfriend's combat effectiveness.

It's too scary.

Even Xingsheng can be killed!

She is no longer the little earth girl who knows nothing, and knows what Xingsheng represents, a horrible astronomical figure of combat power! The real master of Terran!

Now, he fell under Ning Tianlin's sword.

You know, it has only been a decade since his boyfriend left the earth. This speed, let alone others, she couldn't believe it.

For more than a decade, she was still a low-level martial artist who was not even a master.


"It is said to be false!"

"He must be in the Mugu Abyss, he really killed five Muxing stars!"

The masters of the capital city were breathing a little quickly.

Now he's sure it's all true. This Ning Tianlin really killed the five star saints in the Mugu Abyss, not for nothing!

He is really a super master!

If you want to kill yourself, maybe it's just a matter of moving your fingers!

No wonder they don't care about that kind of red blood ginseng, they just take it out, because Star Saint, if you kill, you kill!


Inevitably, the owner of the capital city took a deep breath and was glad that he had made the right decision.

If he stands on this side, or if they don't help each other, he may be dead now!

Because he had seen it, in the eyes of this young man, there were only two kinds of people, a friend and an enemy!

"All right."

"Your father died, it's your turn!"

Ning Tianlin said, one finger stretched out, and two black and white lights alternated, rushing to the third son Hunchuer, and in the flash of light, he shattered the body of his star king.

Even the misery sent by the other party was shattered in the void.


After Ning Tianlin did all this, he whispered a cool word!

Although there is no strength of Xingsheng, but with the ancient sword of Qiankun, he killed Xingsheng. The king of the stars even said that killing kills. Compared with his own strength, it is too sour!

"It was originally impossible, but with the combat system, everything is possible."

"Besides that, I really thank that senior."

Ning Tianlin knows that he can do this, half of the credit is due to the combat system, and the other half is due to the predecessor of the earth.

Qiankun ancient swords are exchanged from the combat system. How many are they? For others, a pair is already a treasure among babies, but how much do you want?

At this point, even the Earth senior was shocked.

This predecessor arranged a total of three Qiankun ancient sword arrays last time, one at the League of Legends store, because there will be his Ning Tianlin's energy boost, as long as it is there, his energy can Growing.

Another place, on earth.

The Earth's predecessors made a special trip back to Earth, and arranged such an array in outer space of the earth to protect the safety of the earth.

The last place is in Ning Tianlin's body.

And this was the request of Ning Tianlin, the other party agreed to arrange!

Because this predecessor, even the masters of formation, did not arrange the Qiankun ancient sword array in the human body, because this was a matter of life-threatening at any time, with a mistake, the Qiankun ancient sword array could Your flesh is smashed up.

This senior did not have this confidence.

But when he saw Ning Tianlin exploding his body and being safe and sound, he decided to give it a try.

Finally, after Ning Tianlin's physical fragmentation thousands of times, he finally arranged such a large array of ancient swords in Ning Tianlin's brows.

If Ning Tianlin really encounters a dangerous situation, he can activate the large array and kill any existence below Xingsheng!

But it is also only below Star Saint.

A star Olympian came, even if it was only Xingao section, Ning Tianlin couldn't help it.

Just now, he Ning Tianlin used this ancient sword array to kill and kill Hunfeng Xingsheng and King Hunchur! Although it takes a lot of energy, for him Ning Tianlin, as long as the energy is there, how much is it?

"Master Ning is terrific!"

"Ninggong's shot is extraordinary!"

At this time, the master of the capital city grunted, spit in his throat, and complimented Ning Tianlin. And he no longer dare to call Ning Tianlin as a friend, replacing him with a son.

How can a person stronger than himself use a friend?

Adults can't be overstated!

"You're welcome."

Ning Tianlin smiled, and with one stroke, he drew two space rings lying on the ground into his hand.

A rude glance was a joy.

There are a lot of things in this star-studded space ring, which are almost the same as the five star stupids in the ancient wooden abyss.

After all, this is an elder of the ethnic tribe, not a wooden tribe with a lack of resources.

"Thank you for your maintenance."

At this time, Ziyu also thanked him.

Bet right!

She really made a super strong!

The girlfriend of the other party is her apprentice. If you want to say it, you won't be envied!


But also at this moment, a large grass-like hand descended into the void.

Photographed directly from above the city's main mansion.

The speed is like thunder.


The house is torn.

Immediately afterwards, the capital of the capital city, Zijing, Lin Jiayi, including Ning Tianlin's body, burst into pieces, and directly turned into dregs in the presence of an unbeatable force.

Fast, Ning Tianlin didn't even have time to activate the invincible golden body.

A pool of blood covered the room.

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